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Many people have realized that the whole world is being influenced by the change of the weather-making different places【小题1】(hot) than before. We【小题2】(experience) record-breaking high temperatures for more than a month so far. We are talking about temperatures above 40℃, which has a risk to life from heatstroke (中暑). We should pay attention【小题3】such a bad change to weather patterns.

With the whole world’s weather change likely to become more common in the future, we need to find【小题4】much better way to deal with possible unexpected events. Let’s start with【小题5】everyone can do to live in overheated places. We should all learn to walk on the shady part of the street. We’d better wear loose-fitting clothes made of cotton. At home, we need to keep the curtains, blinds or shutters (百叶窗)【小题6】(close). In this way, we can avoid【小题7】(have) sunlight warm the place【小题8】(direct). Of course, drinking enough cool water is also necessary during hot conditions. Larger social changes are also useful. People can choose to start【小题9】(they) work fairly early in the morning before the worst of the day’s heat really kicks in. Offices and shops can often close over these extra-hot【小题10】(hour). That is good for dealing with special high temperatures.

知识点:气候变化及影响 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
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The world’s oceans reached their hottest level in recorded history last year, supercharging (加剧) extreme weather events, scientists have reported. They found that the five hottest recorded years in the oceans 【小题1】(occur) since 2015, and that the rate of heating since 1986 was eight times higher than 【小题2】 from 1960-85. Oceans cover 71% of the planet and water can absorb thousands of times more heat than air, 【小题3】 is why 93% of global heating is taken up by seas.

Hotter oceans destroy rainfall patterns, which 【小题4】(lead) to floods, droughts and wildfires. Heat also causes seawater 【小题5】 (expand) and drives up sea levels. Scientists expect about one metre of sea level rise by the end of the century, 【小题6】(threaten) 150 million people. Higher temperatures in the seas are also harming marine (海洋的) life, with 【小题7】 number of ocean heatwaves increasing 【小题8】(sharp).

The study also finds that the sinking of surface waters and upwelling of deeper water is reducing as the seas heat up. This means the surface layers heats up even further and fewer nutrients for marine life are brought up from the 【小题9】(deep).

“The oceans reached yet another new record level of warmth in 2020,【小题10】 a record drop in global carbon emissions (排放). The planet will continue to warm up as long as we emit carbon into the atmosphere,” said Prof Michael Mann of Penn State University.
