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Best Short Story Collections Everyone Should Read

If you are on the lookout for great storytelling but don’t want to commit to a full-length novel, then short story collections are the answer. Here we have gathered four of the best short stories and collections, from all sorts of backgrounds and sources, to help you grow your“To Be Read”pile.

Runaway by Alice Munro

This award-winning collection features eight stories by the Canadian author Alice Munro. With straightforward and accessible prose(散文),Munro tells stories of women and their relationships——with strong themes of love, friendship, and motherhood, among others. The idea of running away is another theme found throughout these stories.

The Complete Stories by Flannel O’Connor

Published in 1972,The Complete Stories actually won the National Book Award that same year. This collection includes 31 stories, twelve of which had never been included in any of O’Connor’s previous collections. They are told from the perspective of characters from the American South, as they deal with social issues like racism, gender roles, and more.

The Refugees by Vied Thanh Nguyen

From Thanh Nguyen comes this Pulitzer Prize winning collection of eight short stories that are all about Vietnamese refugees(难民)who have moved to the US. However,instead of describing the hardships of their trips, Nguyen focuses on the lives they’ve established in their new country. Each story demonstrates a unique immigrant experience as characters move between cultures, countries, relationships, memories, and emotions.

Flowers for Alger-non by Daniel Keys

This classic short story is about the journals of Charlie Gordon, a cleaner with an IQ of 68. Charlie’s luck changes when he is selected for an experiment that purports to turn him into a genius——but everything that goes up must come down in the end.Flowers for Alger-non won the Hugo Award in 1960 for its groundbreaking presentation. Heartbreaking and rich with subtle poignancy,it is likely to remain a staple for centuries to come.

【小题1】Whose collection should you choose if you are interested in the topic on racial discrimination?
A.Alice Munro.B.Flannery O’Connor.
C.Daniel Keys.D.Vied Thanh Nguyen.
【小题2】What do we know about The Refugees?
A.Its eight stories share the same characters.
B.It focuses on women and their relationships.
C.It is about the Vietnamese immigrants’ lives in the US.
D.It mainly describes the hardships of Vietnamese refugees’ trips.
【小题3】What do these short stories and collections have in common?
A.They consist of eight stories.
B.They have won certain award.
C.They are told from an immigrant’s perspective.
D.They demonstrate the hardships of Canadian authors.
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Jose Alberto Gutierrez’s life would never be the same again after finding a copy of Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy in the trash 20 years ago. It happened while he was driving his garbage truck through wealthier neighbourhoods at night and seeing books that were thrown away. It lit his desire to start rescuing books from the trash. He used to take home between 50 and 60 books every morning after his nine-hour shift that ran from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.. Eventually, he turned his book collection into a community library for children from low income families.

Colombia’s capital city of Bogota has 13 million residents and 19 public libraries. However, these libraries tend to be far away from where rural and poorer communities live. The option of buying new books is non-existent for families struggling to make ends meet. Gutierrez’s library is true representation of how one man’s trash can be another’s treasure. Having access to a library of books and being taken away instantly to another world while absorbed in a book is a luxury for the kids. “I think we are simply a bridge between people who have books and those who don’t have anything,” he said humbly about his remarkable attempt.

Gutierrez grew up poor, and his family could not afford to educate him beyond primary school. Nevertheless, his mother was an eager reader and read stories to him every night. Her love for books left a deep impression on Gutierrez, who never let a lack of formal education stop him from reading classics. He once said, “There’s nothing more beautiful than having a book in your pocket, in your bag or inside your car.”

Today, his library, titled “The Strength of Words”, occupies most of his home, and is piled from floor to ceiling with fiction and non-fiction titles. He has also roped in his family to expand this mission. Mrs Gutierrez, for example, selects and repairs the books her husband finds.

As word began to spread about his amazing project, fifty-six-year-old Gutierrez earned himself the nickname “Lord of the Books”. In spite of all this, Gutierrez is not yet content to call it a day. He continues to search bins for reading material.

【小题1】What is Gutierrez by occupation?
A.A public librarian.B.A professional driver.
C.A trash collector.D.a shift worker in a plant.
【小题2】What is a luxury for the kids in Gutierrez’s community?
A.Enjoying pleasure from reading.
B.Having their own real library.
C.The distance from public libraries.
D.The choices of buying new books.
【小题3】What really motivated Gutierrez to start his library for underprivileged children?
A.An assignment to rescue rejected books.
B.A passion for reading since childhood.
C.A pity on the underprivileged.
D.A desire to make a difference.
【小题4】What is the best title of the passage?
A.Lord of the Books.
B.From Trash to Treasure.
C.The Strength of Words.
D.A Bridge between people.

Today’s teenage generation has been brought up surrounded by one single stereotype (刻板印象): the so-called MTV generation. We’re all constantly glued to our phone and TV screens, the boys are addicted to video games and the girls prefer posting pictures of themselves on the Internet. Both could watch TV series all day and both could do without a book. How accurate is this stereotype?

It turns out that most of them could actually do without a book. “The Kids & Family Reading Report” found that only 24% of 12 to 14-year-olds read five to seven days a week. The percentage goes down to a mere 17% when it comes to 15 to 17-year-olds. And it may come as no surprise that 76% of the former visit social media websites on a daily basis.

Reading frequently has many great benefits: it develops your verbal abilities (especially for kids, it will greatly improve their vocabulary), it improves your focus and concentration, it enhances your imagination, it reduces stress and it’s entertaining! Not only that but research has shown that people who read for pleasure show a greater appetite to engage with stories, texts and learning.

The popular TV show “Game of Thrones” (《权利的游戏》) certainly seems to have motivated a lot of teens to buy George R.R. Martin’s best-selling book series. Sales skyrocketed after the show was first put on in 2011, selling 9 million copies in one year, with many teens and young adults believed to have contributed to this statistic. In contrast, the book series had “only” sold 5 million from the first book’s release till 2011.

With nowadays’ teenagers apparently constantly glued to their screens, TV series “Game of Thrones” seems to have inspired a lot of them to take a break and read a book. Maybe teenagers will end up being the ones solving the issue after all.

【小题1】Why does the author mention “The Kids & Family Reading Report” in paragraph 2?
A.To prove a fact about teenagers’ reading.
B.To stress the importance of daily reading.
C.To introduce some social media websites.
D.To encourage teenagers to read more each week.
【小题2】What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A.The importance of verbal abilities.B.The ways to read for pleasure.
C.The advantages of frequent reading.D.The appetite to engage with learning.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “skyrocketed” in paragraph 4 mean?
A.Dropped slightly.B.Increased quickly.
C.Changed frequently.D.Remained surprisingly.
【小题4】How does the author think of the TV series “Game of Thrones”?

In August 2020, Kate Wilson, a 16-year-old from Shrewsbury, posted on the social media video platform TikTok a series of sentences from books she had read. Set to a piece of soft music, the short video plays out as Wilson holds up copies of the books. “You have been the last dream of my soul.” from A Tale of Two Cities. “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same,” from Wuthering Heights. It has been viewed more than 1.2 million times.

These posts, called BookTok, can attract millions of views, and light an appreciation of books in young readers again. “I started reading again after six years when I came across BookTok for the first time last October,” says Mireille Lee, 15.

Adam Silvera’s 2017 novel They Both Die at the End is one of the books to have benefited from the BookTok effect. In March, it shot to the top of the teen fiction charts, selling more than 4, 000 copies a week. The book has sold more than 200, 000 copies in the UK after thousands of posts about it.

Publishers are watching with interest. Publisher Horrox says, “There’s something about the fact that it is under a minute. People who are consuming this content watch a 32-second video and someone’s like: ‘This book has romance, and it’s really heartbreaking. Thankfully, it’s only a fiction.’ And then the viewers think: ‘Oh, OK, those are all things that I’m interested in. I’ll go buy it.’” By December 2020, Wilson was being contacted regularly by publishers, who had realized that TikTok “really does sell books”.

Jenny is 22, and says, “I thought TikTok was ridiculous last year before the first lockdown. I really did think it was just for 14-year-olds, but BookTok is such a lovely community. There are people who like the same books as me, and I can talk about the books that I like. It just seems a little bit magical.”

【小题1】Why does the author mention the story of Kate Wilson?
A.To make a prediction.B.To clarify Tiktok.
C.To present some posts.D.To introduce BookTok.
【小题2】What do we know about the book They Both Die at the End?
A.It is fiction intended merely for children.
B.It has become the bestseller in the UK.
C.It has made profits from the posts on TikTok.
D.Over 200, 000 copies have been sold worldwide.
【小题3】What can be inferred from what Publisher Horrox said?
A.People like to advertise on TikTok.
B.TikTok is the best platform to sell books.
C.BookTok videos are short but very effective.
D.Publishers started to contact Wilson regularly.
【小题4】What is Jenny’s attitude towards BookTok?
