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It was a cold December, at the tail end of the Great Depression, and things were tough. Mum had a hard time raising us kids on her own in our small community. My father had died five years earlier, leaving us worse off; we relied on social assistance to keep us clothed, and although our clothes were secondhand, we thought they were beautiful.

Looking back, I realized what Mum went through sending us kids to school. Every morning she would tuck a new piece of cardboard in our shoes because our soles were worn out. When we got home, Mum would have French toast ready for us. Our rent was $25 a month, but Mum couldn’t pay it, and we knew we would move out right after Christmas on the first of January.

The holidays were fast approaching, and we were entitled to $25 for Christmas from social services. It was four days before Christmas. Mum said that instead of buying food, she was going to use the money to pay our back rent. That way we’d have a roof over our heads for a little while longer.

Then she told us that there would be no Christmas gifts.

What Mom didn’t know was that I had been selling Christmas trees, sweeping snow and doing part-time jobs to earn enough money to buy a new pair of boots —boots that weren’t patched; boots with no cardboard in it. I knew exactly which boots I wanted. They were ten-inch, Top-Genuine, Pierre Paris boots, and they cost $23.

The big day for getting my boots came on Christmas Eve afternoon. I was very excited as I hurried up the shopping center for it. On the way, I noticed a grocery store.

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The Christmas lights and decorations held me, and I slowed my pace.

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Once home, I piled the groceries on the porch (门廊) and knocked on the door.

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Charlie was a 9-year-old boy who had to endure the news of a devastating house fire that left his mom Annie in a coma. The young boy was in school, and his father was at work, leaving his mom alone at home when it happened.

Although Annie did not suffer major burns, she had breathed in too much dirty air, which led to the coma. Charlie was sorry to lose their home in the fire, but what scared him most was losing his mom.

“I want to be with Mom all the time, Dad. I need to take care of her and make sure that she wakes up!”he told his dad, Chris.

“I know that, Charlie, but you need to go to school,” Chris replied. “I’ll have the school bus send you to the hospital after school every day so you can be with your mom, alright? I’m sure she can feel your presence.”

Chris was sad to lose their home, too. He feared that he would lose his wife and somehow blamed himself for not being there when she needed him most. But despite all his feelings, he hid them from Charlie because he had to remain strong. If Charlie knew his real feelings the little boy would be more afraid.

“It will be your mom’s birthday soon. Why don’t we make her a card? I’m sure she’ll appreciate it when she wakes up,” Chris suggested, watching Charlie hold his mom’s hand.

Charlie nodded and suddenly remembered the gift he had kept for his mom “Can you take me back to our old house, Dad? I left a gift there for Mom a short time ago. I’d like to see if it’s still there,” he asked.

Chris could feel his heart ache because he knew Charlie wouldn’t find the gift. However, despite this, he said yes, and the two visited their old house before returning to the apartment they were renting.

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Charlie did not know where to start looking for the gift.

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A couple of days later, Charlie and Chris celebrated Annie’s birthday at the hospital.


Mary had always been a lover of tales. Her imagination was rich, and she often found herself making up stories in her head. Yet, she never dared to share them with anyone, confined (受限) by her shy nature and a fear of public speaking. Life passed her by in a routine that left little room for self-expression, and her stories remained locked within the walls of her mind.

One day, an old friend invited Mary to attend a local storytelling workshop. Hesitantly, she agreed, hoping to find a way to break free from her shell. As she entered the place, she felt a mix of expectation and fear. What if she stumbled(磕绊) over her words? What if people laughed at her? Despite her anxiety, Mary took her seat among the other participants, each there for their own reason—some seeking a new hobby, others looking for personal growth.

The workshop facilitator(主持人), a charming woman named Evelyn, greeted them warmly. She spoke of the power of stories and the beauty of sharing one’s voice. As the hours went by, Mary learned techniques to build suspense(悬念), create lifelike characters, and tell a fascinating story. The other participants listened carefully, offering ideas and encouragement. For the first time in a long while, Mary felt seen and heard.

As the day drew to a close, Evelyn announced an upcoming storytelling competition. It would be held in a few weeks at, a local bookstore. To Mary’s surprise, she found herself volunteering to participate. The thought of standing onstage frightened her, but something within her longed for the challenge.

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From that day on. Mary practiced day and night.

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The big day came.


One Thursday in April, I was awakened by the noise of my parents talking and making breakfast. My old brother and sister were running around, trying to put their things together for school.

I put on the new skirt I had bought over the weekend while thinking about how I was going to make my day perfect. Then my mom offered to walk me to school instead of my dad driving me. She said she wanted to walk for exercise, so I thought it would be fine. Although my dad said he wanted to drive me, my mom and I both agreed to walk.

As we were walking down the hill to my school, we chatted about interesting things in my wonderful school life, our family’s next vacation, and so on. We felt so relaxed and excited. Holding hands, we crossed the crosswalk to get to my school, and that was when a bad thing happened. A car lost control and came fast towards us. Just at that moment, my mom tried to save me using all of her strength. She made it. She pushed me out of the way.

But when I turned around, I saw my mom flying through the air. For me, everything was in slow motion. Finally , my mom hit her head , and it started to bleed. I shouted and cried uncontrollably while some people called my dad and the police. Soon, I saw my dad rushing down the street in his car with the most scared look on his face.

He and I followed the ambulance to the hospital. While we waited in the waiting room, I was clear that my happy family suddenly had a terrible change. I felt like this couldn’t be happening to me. I was shocked, frightened, hopeless and helpless. I was so worried about my mom. I just hoped she could survive the accident. When the nurse finally came to us, I was scared of what I was going to see.


But I ran and hugged my mom.


Several weeks later, the doctor said my mom could go home.

