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Coffee grown worldwide can date back to the ancient forests of Ethiopia. There, legend says the goat herder Kaldi first discovered coffee bean after he noticed that after eating the fruits from a certain tree, his goats became so energetic that they did not want to sleep at night. Coffee trade began on the Arabian Peninsula. By the 16th century it was known in Persia, Egypt, Syria, and Turkey.

Coffee was hardly known in Europe before the 17th century. The Venetians were the first people to bring coffee into Europe. The first European coffee houses started opening in Italy around 1645. In the following 100 years, at least 3000 coffee houses were operating in England. It was the coffee houses of England that started the custom of tipping waiters and waitresses. In a short time, coffee and coffee houses spread throughout Europe. In 1822, a Frenchman Louis Bernard Rabaut invented a machine which forced the hot water through the coffee grounds using steam instead of merely letting it drip through. The first espresso machine (咖啡机) had been born.

In the coffee industry, there are two important coffee species — Arabica and Robusta. Arabica originates from the coffee trees discovered in Ethiopia. It represents about 70% of the world’s coffee production. Arabica coffees bring the highest prices on the world market. Meanwhile, these coffee trees require additional care and attention. Robusta is primarily used for instant coffees. The Robusta bean itself tends to be slightly rounder and smaller than an Arabica bean. It can produce a coffee which has a distinctive taste and about 50-60% more caffeine. The Robusta tree is more resistant to disease, which makes it easier and cheaper to grow.

To preserve coffee beans’ fresh roasted flavor as long as possible, you can store them in an air-tight container (容器) at room temperature. Coffee beans can be beautiful, but avoid clear containers which will allow light to influence thee taste of your coffee. Exposure to air is bad for your beans. If you do freeze your beans, be sure to use a truly air-tight container.

【小题1】Where was the coffee bean first discovered?
A.In Egypt.B.In Turkey.C.In Ethiopia.D.In Saudi Arabia.
【小题2】What do we know from paragraph 2?
A.It was the British people who brought coffee to Europe.
B.The custom of tipping came from Italian coffee houses.
C.Drinking coffee became popular before the 17th century.
D.Louis Bernard Rabaut invented the first espresso machine.
【小题3】How is Arabica different from Robusta?
A.Arabica has a higher cost.
B.Arabica contains more caffeine.
C.Arabica beans appear smaller and rounder in size.
D.Arabica accounts for most of the world’s instant coffees.
【小题4】What does the author intend to tell us in the last paragraph?
A.Ways to store coffee beans.B.The process of making coffee.
C.The methods of choosing coffee beans.D.The difficulty of adjusting the taste of coffee.
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How colour psychology influences your dinner party guests

After spending hours cooking and preparing the table setting for your guests, you hope that everyone enjoys your recipes. But it’s not all about the quality of the ingredients and the skills of the cook. 【小题1】Whether it is a plate, a glass, a bowl or a cup, colour makes a significant impact on your guests.

【小题2】After that first impression, the brain integrates the visual information and affects perception(认知), making you think that the same food is excellent, good or average. Thus, the goal for dinner parties is to ensure that the food looks pleasing to the eye, so your guests will think it tastes as good as it looks.

Bowl colour influences the desirability of food for picky eaters, as well as the perception of saltiness. Picky eaters tend to perceive meals in red and blue bowls as saltier compared to white. And they are more unwilling to try new food in a red bowl. 【小题3】

You can never go wrong with a white plate. Just avoid it when the food served is pale. For desserts, white is ideal because it increases flavors and enhances sweetness. 【小题4】 Serving food in a black bowl can increase perceptions of its saltiness and portion size.

To bring extra aesthetic(审美的)appeal, creativity and to highlight foods lacking in colour, you can serve your meal on bright plates. But be careful! 【小题5】Similar ingredient colors to the tableware make everything integrate together and your guests think they have less food.

A.It starts with your sight.
B.But the result of dark plates can vary a little.
C.However, the rules of colour may not apply to all.
D.Besides, colourful plates are preferred by choosy eaters.
E.Food should only look more vivid depending on the meal.
F.The tableware is also an essential element, especially the colour.
G.So, for demanding guests, choose the colour of the tableware first.

Researchers at Columbia University in New York have created a 3D printer that makes cheesecake.

In research published Tuesday in the journal npj Science of Food, the engineers describe how their 3D printer made a cheesecake from seven ingredients: graham cracker, peanut butter, Nutella, banana puree, strawberry jam, cherry drizzle, and frosting; a retrofitted (改装) 3D printer was used; the printing head could pick up any of the seven food “inks” to add to the slice. The final result tasted pretty sweet.

Blutinger, head of the researcher, said in a press release describing the research, “The cheesecake is the best thing we can showcase right now, but the printer can do a whole lot more.” 3D printed food could make foods more customizable — and possibly more nutritious. With more emphasis on food safety, food prepared with less human handling could lower the risk of foodborne illness and disease transmission.

Is 3D food printing healthy? “We have an enormous problem with the low-nutrient value of processed foods,” Cooper said. “3D food printing will still turn out processed foods, but perhaps the silver lining will be, for some people, better control and tailoring of nutrition — personalized nutrition.”

“On every scale, from food manufacturers to restaurants and homes, 3D printers might be the next step in automation, removing more people from the preparation process. You’ll likely pay more for your first 3D food printer than you did for your air fryer. When the first ones arrive, perhaps in five years or so, they will likely come in at less than $1,000,” Blutinger said.

【小题1】What is used to make cheesecake?
A.A 3D film.B.A newly-built 3D printer.
C.A new printing head.D.A modified 3D printer.
【小题2】What can Blutinger agree with?
A.The cheesecake is the best in the world.
B.3D printed food belongs to natural foods.
C.3D printed food could be everything but nutritious.
D.3D printed food could lower the risk of disease transmission.
【小题3】What can we learn about the 3D printer?
A.It can print salty cakes.
B.It is possible for massive production.
C.It will be too much expensive to buy.
D.It can be put into the market at once.
【小题4】Where can readers find the text?
A.In an entertainment website.
B.In an advertisement.
C.In a science magazine.
D.In a storybook.

The item of traditional tea processing techniques and social practices in China was added to the intangible cultural heritage list of UNESCO in November, 2022. 【小题1】 The item consists of knowledge, skills, and practices concerning the management of tea plantations, picking of tea leaves, manual processing, drinking, and sharing of tea.

China’s traditional tea processing techniques are mainly concentrated in four tea-growing areas, namely South and North of the Yangtze River, and Southwest and South China. 【小题2】 On average, each person consumes about 0.57 kg of tea leaves a year. Multiply that by its 1.4 billion population, and you can imagine that’s a lot of tea.

【小题3】 The gongfu tea in Chaozhou City in South China shows a complete form of Chinese tea ceremony with its procedure made up of 21 brewing (沏茶) techniques. The three-course tea of the Bai ethnic minority need to be personally served by the most prestigious (有威望的) elders in the family. When people of the Yao ethnic minority treat guests, local women make oil tea and sing folk songs by the fireplace.

【小题4】 Thousands of years ago, there were the Tea Horse Road and The Great Tea Road to serve the trade of tea. Nowadays, the villagers have developed a tea industry and sell related products overseas. They have also developed tea-based tourism, which also boosts rural development.

China is the hometown of tea, and the inclusion of the Chinese tea into the world cultural intangible heritage list will help build the cultural foundation for a community with a shared future for mankind. 【小题5】

A.Tea-drinking is considered to be an important part of Chinese culture.
B.Promoted by tea culture, China’s tea industry is also developing rapidly.
C.It has become the 43rd Chinese item on the intangible cultural heritage list.
D.China is not only the largest producer of tea, but also the largest consumer.
E.The practice of making friends through tea-related activities is very common in China.
F.It will also help the world deepen its understanding of the fine traditional Chinese culture.
G.There are over 2,000 kinds of tea for people to drink in China, thus forming different customs.
