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Processed foods like chips, soda and frozen pizzas are full of salt, sugar and fat. Now scientists are trying to understand if there is something else about such foods that may be bad for humans. Scientists have already linked low-cost, ________ foods to rising obesity rates around the world. Three recent studies offer more ________ into how our increasingly industrialized food supply may be affecting our health.

What does processed food mean?

The researchers created a system that ________ foods into four groups. The system says highly processed foods are made ________ of industrialized materials and additives. Sodas, packaged cookies, instant noodles and chicken nuggets are some examples of highly processed foods. But also included are products that can ________ healthy, such as morning cereals, energy bars and some kinds of yogurt.

What’s wrong with processed foods?

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health conducted a four-week study involving 20 people. They found that people eat about 500 more calories a day when ________ mostly processed foods. That is compared with when the   ________ subjects were given less processed foods. The researchers permitted the 20 participants to eat as much or as little as they wanted. They were taken to a medical center so their health and behavior could be ________.

In another study, researchers in France found people who ate more processed foods were more likely to have heart disease. ________, a similar study in Spain linked eating more processed foods to a higher risk of death in general.

What is it about processed foods?

When given less processed foods, people in the study ________ more of a hormone that controls hunger, and less of a hormone that causes hunger. The reason for the ________ is not clear. The scientists also found that people ate processed foods more quickly.

Kevin Hall is one of the researchers who led the study. He told the AP that processed foods are usually softer and easier to chew and swallow. Hall noted the source of nutrients might ________. For example, fiber from whole fruits and vegetables may be better for making people feel ________ than fiber added to packaged foods such as energy bars and yogurt.

What should you eat?

Avoiding processed foods can be hard, ________ for people with limited time and money. Processed foods can also take many forms. In addition, companies continually ________ products to make them seem healthier. The newest studies may provide more reasons to avoid processed foods. But, they also call attention to the difficulty of coming up with ways to do that.

A.strike a balanceB.run a riskC.pose a threatD.make a difference
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Everyone needs water and a diet _____ healthy foods.These foods should _____ some fat,some fiber,a little salt and so on.

People need energy to live.They eat all kinds of foods_____change into energy.Our bodies use different_____of energy.The energy is measured in calories(卡路里).The more_____we take,the more calories we burn.Even when you are_____,you are using energy-about 65 calories an hour.While you are at school,or walking home,your body is_____up 100 calories an hour.When playing football or basketball,you might be using 400 calories an hour.On_____ Day,during the relay race,you will use most of all,perhaps as_____as 650 calories an hour.

The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world.It contains a lot of fruit and green vegetables.It is______in fiber and low in sugar and fat.The Chinese eat less sugar than many______countries in the world.That is______lots of people in China have white teeth.

People in the Western world do not eat______ healthy foods.They eat too much fat and sugar and don’t take ______ exercise.Because of this,they ______very easily.In order to______with the quick pace(步伐) of their life and work,they eat a lot of fast food.They eat a lot of sweets,soft drinks,potato crisps,chocolates,butter,ice creams and so on,_______ are called______food by some epicureans(美食家).The result is that many of them become fat.In order to avoid______fat and______it is advisable(明智的) to eat a balanced diet and not eat too many foods that have a high calorie rate.

A.includeB.holdC.containD.make up
A.whyB.becauseC.because ofD.since
A.a number ofB.too muchC.masses ofD.enough
A.lose weightB.put on weightC.dieD.stay healthy
A.keep upB.carry onC.keep onD.go on
A.to getB.becomingC.to becomeD.get
A.keep thinB.keep fitC.stay calmD.fall ill

It’s long been known that sugary drinks help people pack on unwanted kilograms. But new research suggests that ______ drinks and even 100% fruit juice might raise your risk for some cancers. The study couldn’t prove cause and effect, but it found that drinking as little as 90-120ml of sugary drinks each day was ______ to an 18% rise in overall risk for cancer.

The new study was led by Mathilde Touvier, research director at the University of Paris. Her team collected data on more than 100,000 French men and women, average age 42, who took part in a national ______.

The participants answered questions about how much of 3,300 different foods and drinks they consumed each day, and were ______ for up to nine years.

The study uncovered links between the consumption of sugary drinks and the risk of cancer______, and for breast cancer specifically. The investigators found no association between sugary drinks and prostate or colon cancers (前列腺或结肠癌), but the authors stressed that too few people in the study developed these cancers to make this finding ______. The research ______ no links between diet sodas (无糖汽水) and cancer, although more study is needed to confirm that, the authors noted.

The connection between sugary drinks and cancer remained the same even after the team ______for age, sex, educational level, family history of cancer, smoking and physical activity, the researchers said.

So, why the ______? According to Touvier’s team, high-calorie drinks may raise cancer risk because sugar helps build body fat, in addition to raising blood sugar levels and inflammation (发炎) — all of which are risk ______ for cancer. It’s also possible that chemicals found in these drinks might play a part in ______ cancer risk, the researchers theorized.

A group representing the drinks industry said sugary drinks can still be a part of the ______ diet, however. In a statement, the American Beverage Association said: “It’s important for people to know that all drinks — either with sugar or without — are ______ to consume as part of a balanced diet. America’s leading drinks companies are working together to support consumers’ efforts to ______ the sugar they consume from our drinks by providing more choices with less sugar or zero sugar, smaller package sizes and clear calorie information right up front.”

Samantha Heller is a senior clinical nutritionist at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City. She said she wasn’t ______ by the findings. She noted that, for decades, these drinks have been linked with diseases such as heart disease. On the other hand, “most of us should be drinking more water than we do,” Heller said.

A.in generalB.without exceptionC.on the contraryD.by accident

What will you do when you are hungry? Of course, anyone would go and grab something to eat. And then, what determines the _______ of food you take in? You may not be right if your answer is the degree of hunger. The conventional concept that _________ is the key factor is open to challenge. In recent years, a growing body of research has shown that our appetite and food intake (摄入) are influenced by a large number of factors besides our _________ need for energy. Some of the factors include our eating _________ and our perception of the food in front of us.

Studies have shown that _________ eating, for instance, eating while watching TV, or a similar distraction, can increase both hunger and food consumption. Even simple _________ clues, like plate size and lighting, have been shown to affect consumption.

A new study suggested that our short-term _________ also may play a role in appetite. Several hours after a meal, people’s hunger levels were predicted not by how much they’d eaten but rather by how much food they’d seen in front of them — _________ , how much they remembered eating.

This difference suggests that the recall of our previous meal may have a bigger influence on our _______ than the actual size of the meal, says Jeffrey M. Brunstrom, a professor of experimental psychology at the University of Bristol.

These findings agree with the earlier research that suggests our perception of food can sometimes ____________   our body’s response to the food itself. In a 2011 study, for instance, people who drank the same 380-calorie milkshake on two ____________ occasions produced different levels of hunger-related hormones (荷尔蒙), depending on whether the shake’s ____________   said it contained 620 or 140 calories. Moreover, the participants reported feeling ____________ when they thought they’d consumed a higher-calories shake.

What does this mean to our eating habits? Although it hardly seems practical to cheat ourselves into eating less, the new findings do highlight the benefit of focusing on our food, avoiding TV and multitasking while eating. The so-called mindful-eating strategies can fight against ____________ while we are eating. By ____________ mindful eating techniques, you have the opportunity to change your current eating habits by becoming more self-aware and in tune to your body’s hunger cues.

A.in other wordsB.as a wholeC.by all meansD.all in all
