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To fully appreciate Australian cuisine, you have to consider the unique nature of its wildlife and geography. For one thing, there are the wide plains in the interior of the country, which are home to millions of grazing animals. For another, there is Australia’s long coastline, which is next to all the riches of the sea. It is no wonder then that much of Australian cuisine centres around red meat and seafood.

One of the most popular red meats in Australia is also unique to the continent: kangaroo. This may seem strange as the kangaroo is a national symbol of Australia. However, in recent years, kangaroos have increased in number to around 45 million. These kangaroos wander onto the roads and into cities, making trouble. Their increased numbers have also harmed plants and other wildlife. As a consequence, the government is encouraging people to use these animals as food, and kangaroo has become one of the most popular items on the Australian dinner table.

As for seafood, many of the first Europeans who came to Australia loved the sea. Perhaps this is one reason why so many Australians live near the coast. Since the coastline is so long, each region has its own dishes that are related to the seafood found in its waters. The list of seafood available at the local fish market is like a tour of the coast: salmon, prawns, oysters, tuna, shark, crab, and many more. However, if you want to really take in the full experience, you should go to the fish market in Sydney early in the morning and see the fish being prepared for sale. Better yet, you can sign up to go deep-sea fishing.

But then, how is all this food cooked? Perhaps the favourite way of cooking food in Australia is the barbecue, or “barbie”. Given the fine weather, Australians love to eat outside. Casual friendliness is the key to such meals. It is a time for friends and relatives to get together and have fun. Even strangers passing through will be offered a seat, a cold drink, and something off the grill. Often these barbecues feature a “mixed grill”, which means cooking all kinds of meat, seafood, and vegetables. So, at an Australian barbecue, you don’t have to eat kangaroo—or even eat meat at all—if you don’t want to.

Beyond this, what is Australian cooking? As Australia is a diverse country with people from many nations, Australian cooking now has flavors and cuisines from around the globe. No matter who you are and no matter what cuisine interests you, you are always sure to find a warm welcome and a full plate waiting for you in Australia.

【小题1】Why does Australian cuisine centre around red meat and seafood?
A.Most of the Australians like red meat and seafood.
B.Red meat and seafood do good to people’s health.
C.Australia is home to grazing animals and has a long coastline.
D.Australians have no other cuisine choices except meat and sea food.
【小题2】Why is the Australian government encouraging people to eat kangaroos?
A.The kangaroo is a national symbol of Australia.
B.The meat of kangaroos is delicious and full of nutrition.
C.The kangaroo has the largest number in the Australian animals.
D.Kangaroos have caused too much trouble to other plants and wildlife.
【小题3】If you want to truly learn about the seafood in Australia, the best choice is ________.
A.to sign up for deep-sea fishingB.to go to a barbecue get-together
C.to travel along the coastline in a carD.to pay a visit to a fish market in Sydney
【小题4】Which is the suitable topic of this passage?
A.What’s cooking in Australia?
B.Are kangaroos important to Australians?
C.Is nature of Australian wildlife and geography unique?
D.Why is barbecue the favourite way of cooking food in Australia?
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Named “America’s Finest City” due to its hospitality, beauty and ideal climate, San Diego is located on the border with Mexico. The residents are so active outdoors that it is called “Sportstown, the U.S.A.” San Diego’s 70 miles of beaches are a heaven for swimmers, surfers, divers, boaters and sunbathers. Another favourite outside activity is golf. With 100 courses (about 50 of them public), San Diego is a golfer’s paradise.

Many San Diego residents came here first as tourists who were attracted by San Diego’s sunny beaches, nearby mountains and deserts, plus the cultural delights of any big city. The world-famous San Diego Zoo, Sea World, Wild Animal Park, museums, conceits and other attractions bring visitors from around the world.

The zoo is home to some 4,000 animals, including the world’s largest collection of parrots. Animals are displayed in natural settings, and there is a petting zoo for children. By contrast, the Wild Animal Park is a wildlife preserve with an area of over 2,000 acres and more than 3,000 free-roaming (漫步) animals in natural habitats.

In addition to housing the zoo, Balboa Park is home to several museums and attractions, including an aerospace museum, an art and history museum, the Old Globe Theatre, science museums and even a railroad museum. Free concerts are offered frequently. Another popular attraction is Sea World, a 150-acre marine park.

San Diego’s varied attractions, as well as its business climate, offer many opportunities for students to explore the local culture, meet people from around the world, and gain business experience. At San Diego State University, for example, students in the American Language Institute’s study tour program learn English both in the classroom and while sightseeing.

【小题1】The residents of San Diego probably like to _____.
A.have sports outdoors
B.travel to other places
C.stay at home
D.stay outdoors all day
【小题2】Many San Diego residents came to settle down in San Diego because _____.
A.it was more convenient to live there
B.they were attracted by its beauty and culture
C.they could make money from tourism there
D.it was a quiet place to enjoy themselves
【小题3】Which of the following most attracts children?
A.The parrots.
B.The art and history museum.
C.The petting zoo.
D.The Old Globe Theatre.
【小题4】We can infer from the last paragraph that _____.
A.San Diego is a good place for students to gain practical experience
B.San Diego State University is most famous for language studies
C.San Diego is not a good place to do business
D.students at San Diego State University don’t have to work hard

The Most Breathtaking Theaters in the World

Shakespeare's Globe TheaterLondon, UK

The original Globe Theater was built by Shakespeare's company in 1599, but was destroyed by fire in 1613. A replica was built in 1997 just meters from the original site. The new 857-seat structure has several modern features. It has the first and only straw roof permitted in London since the great fire of 1666.

Shakespeare's Globe, 21 New Globe Walk, Bankside, London; +44 20 7902 1400

Margravial Opera HouseBayreuth, Germany

Built in 1745, the UNESCO-listed Mareravial Opera House is regarded as the finest baroque theater in Europe. The stage has a depth of 27 meters and was the largest in Europe until 1871. Much of the original materials remain, along with original structures, such as the twin staircases.

Margravial Opera House, Opernstrasse 14. Bayreuth, Germany; +49 9 21 7 59 69 22

Teatro AmazonasManaus, Brazil

There can't be many theaters located in the middle of the Amazon rainforest, and the Teatro Amazonas is certainly the most breathtaking. The theater was built in 1895 and was designed by Italian architect Celestial Sacardim. Work took 15 years. largely thanks to the decision to source supplies from all over the world

Amazon Theater, Centro, Manaus, Brazil; +55 92 3622 1880

National Centre for the Performing ArtsBeijing, China

The National Centre for the Performing Arts(NCPA), built in 2007, is an arts centre in Beijing. Designed by French architect Paul Andreu, the NCPA is the largest theatre complex(建筑群)in Asia. The NCPA includes value in both ancient traditional Chinese architecture and modern architecture. It was specially designed to improve the red walls of ancient buildings and the Great Hall of the People in order to fit in with the surroundings.

NCPA, No. 2 West Chang'an Avenue, Xicheng District, Beijing; +86 010 6655 0989

【小题1】Where does the theatre with its longest survival time lie?
A.In London.B.In BayreuthC.In Manaus.D.In Beijing
【小题2】Which of the following was designed by an Italian architect?
A.Shakespeare's Globe.B.Margravial Opera House.
C.Teatro Amazonas.D.National Centre for the Performing Arts.
【小题3】How is National Centre for the Performing Arts special?
A.It features modern architecture.B.It receives worldwide supplies.
C.It is a multifunctional theatreD.It matches its surroundings.

The Taj Mahal (泰姬陵) is considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and the finest example of the late style of Indian architecture (建筑). It is at Agra in northern India. It lies beside the River Jumna in the middle of gardens with quiet pools.

The Taj Mahal was built by the Mogul emperor (皇帝) Shah Jehan, who ruled India in the seventeenth century. It is in memory of his favorite wife, Arjumand Banu Bagam, known as Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1631. The building, which was completed between 1632 and 1638, was designed by a local Muslim architect (建筑师), Ustad Ahmad Lahori. The whole building, with gardens and gateway structures, was completed in 1643. The Taj Mahal stands at one end of the garden tomb with marble (大理石) path. The room is softly lighted by the light that passes through double screens of carved marble set high in the walls. The building now is kept in good condition.

The Taj Mahal took 22 years to build. Shah Jehan planned a similar building, but in black instead of white, to lie on the other side of the river. But before it could be built, Shah Jehan was imprisoned (监禁) by his son and buried next to his wife in the Taj Mahal.

【小题1】Why do you think Shah Jehan was buried next to his wife?
A.His own tomb hadn't been built.B.He hoped to be buried there.
C.King and Queen should be buried together.D.He liked Mumtaz all his life.
【小题2】The passage mainly tells us____ .
A.why the Taj Mahal was builtB.the love story between Shah and Mumtaz
C.some information about the Taj MahalD.the Taj Mahal—the pride of Indians
【小题3】Form the passage we can learn that____ .
A.the Taj Mahal looks more beautiful than before.
B.the Taj Mahal doesn't exist now.
C.the Taj Mahal has completely changed.
D.the Taj Mahal has become a place of interest.
【小题4】Which of the statements is right according to the passage.
A.Shah Jehan's son built a similar building as the Taj Mahal.
B.Shah Jehan was killed by his son.
C.Shah Jehan's wife died before him.
D.After Shah Jehan died, the Taj Mahal was completed.
