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One night, a bear came into the city of Vancouver in Canada. It walked through the streets, passing houses, shops and offices until it found some food in the bins outside a restaurant and started eating. In the morning, someone saw the bear and called the police. They came with a vet(兽医) from the city zoo, put the bear in a truck and took it back to the mountains. Luckily, the bear was safe, but what happens in other countries when big animals come into cities?

In Cape Town, South Africa, baboons (狒狒) enter the city when they are famished. They go into gardens and eat fruit from trees, or into houses and take food from cupboards and fridges. Baboons are strong animals and they can frighten people. But the city can be dangerous for baboons too.

Sometimes, they are killed in traffic accidents. Human food is also not a good choice for their teeth because it has a lot of sugar. Now, there are baboon monitors working in Cape Town to return the animals to the countryside.

In Berlin, Germany, wild pigs sometimes come into the city to look for food. They eat plants from parks and gardens, and cause accidents in the streets. Some people like the wild pigs and give them food and water to drink. Other people, however, think the wild pigs are influencing their lives.

In some cities, you can see birds, insects, mice and squirrels every day. But sometimes, it is dangerous when big animals come into cities to find food. We need some good ideas to help them solve the food problem without hurting both them and us.

【小题1】What did the police do with the bear in Vancouver, Canada? (no more than 15 words)
【小题2】What does the underlined word “famished” in paragraph 2 probably mean? (no more than 2 words)
【小题3】What different attitudes do people in Berlin hold towards wild pigs entering the city? (no more than 20 words)
【小题4】What phenomenon(现象) is mainly discussed in the passage? (no more than 10 words)
【小题5】What do you think people can do to solve the problem raised in the passage? Give your reasons. (no more than 25 words)
知识点:人与动植物 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Celebrate Arbor Day (植树节)

People in many countries observe Arbor Day. If you want to make a contribution to our planet, you could start by reminding your family and neighbors of the importance of planting trees. 【小题1】 Following are some steps to help you choose and plant a tree.

1. Choose a tree that will grow well in your area. You should consider: how big the tree will grow, how long it will live, whether it produces fruit or flowers, and whether it attracts birds and other wildlife.

2. Decide where you will plant your tree. Remember that the tree’s root system and branches will need space to spread out and up, so you do not want to place it too close to your house or other buildings or other trees. 【小题2】

3. 【小题3】 Prepare a hole that is twice as wide as the root system of your tree, keeping in mind that it should not be too deep, as the tree needs to be level with or slightly taller than the ground around it. With a shovel, scrape the sides and bottom of the hole-this will help the roots work their way through the soil.

4. If your tree comes wrapped with burlap (粗麻布) around the roots, simply pull the cloth loose enough so that it falls around the root system in the hole.

5. Separate the roots slightly to encourage them to spread. Root tips die when exposed to light and air, so get the tree in the ground as quickly as possible. 【小题4】

6. Create a shallow depression (凹地) around the tree to collect water. Thoroughly water the tree and add mulch around its base to help keep the ground around the tree moist (潮湿的).

【小题5】 Because keeping your tree alive and thriving is an ongoing task.

A.It’s time to dig.
B.It’s time to water the tree.
C.Then organize your own tree-planting event!
D.If your tree comes in a container, be sure to move it.
E.Then fill in the space around it with soil and pat it down.
F.Keep in mind that you should water it regularly and take good care of it.
G.And if you want to plant in a public space, make sure to get permission first from the local town board.

Nowadays,human-polar bear conflict is on the rise. 【小题1】 Last year,there were 21 conflicts in the village of Ittoqqortoormiit,Greenland,alone. 【小题2】,as the changing climate reduces polar bears’ sea-ice habitat(栖息地),and as humans take advantage of that ice loss in pursuit of economic opportunity.

Governments and industry leaders in Arctic countries must take responsibility and support ways for their citizens and employees to live and work safely together with potentially dangerous animals like polar bears,whose population will decrease by more than 30%by 2050 due to sea-ice habitat loss.

People living and working in the region need education,training and the necessary tools to protect themselves when faced with a polar bear. 【小题3】Patrolmen help to safely scare away bears that may wander into their streets,using bright lights,loud noises,and etc.

【小题4】; it’s also important to keep wildlife safe.There’s more to be done on national level.The five states with polar bear populations should keep their promise to work together on a 10-year plan to manage all aspects of polar-bear protection.

【小题5】By actively supporting the shift to a low-carbon economy,and by reducing our own greenhouse gas missions,we common people are each helping protect the sea-ice habitat that polar bears and other marine mammals all depend on.

A.This will further increase
B.Ordinary people also have a role to play
C.But it’s not just about protecting human life
D.For example,polar bear patrols(巡逻队)have been set up in Greenland
E.Polar bears use the sea ice as a platform to hunt for seals,their main source of food
F.For example,9 human-polar bear conflicts were reported in all of Greenland in 2007
G.Governments need to make a more serious effort to assist Arctic communities with safe and clean waste disposal

Few sights fill you with nostalgia (怀旧) like the fireflies dancing at night. 【小题1】Their populations are declining around the world as the threats against them are increasing. Sara Lewis, an expert who studies the insects, offers tips on what you can do to ensure that fireflies will continue to light up your backyard.

Create a firefly habitat

【小题2】 With about 2, 000 different species of fireflies, there’s a wide variety of environments in which they thrive (繁衍) —including wetlands, forests, and even city parks—which is why some species are more threatened than others. “You can recreate those conditions in your own backyard simply by leaving some leaf litter around the edges of your property, “ Lewis says. ”That’s a good microhabitat for fireflies.”


Flashing lights are an important part in fireflies life. As the sun sets, male fireflies move around while flashing their lights to signal their interest. If a nearby female is interested, she flashes back from her position to the ground, and the males fly down to find her. “All of that has to happen for the next generation to survive,” says Lewis. “However, light pollution makes those scenes much harder to see. It’s like cutting a phone line. It really stops the romance. 【小题4】You can draw your curtains shut at night and turn off the lights completely when possible.”

Stop using pesticides (杀虫剂)

Using pesticides in your yard also poses an existential threat to fireflies, which are insects after all. 【小题5】. Scientists are researching alternatives to chemical pesticides that could target specific species, like mosquitoes, while leaving other insects unharmed.

A.Reduce light pollution
B.Make a fire in the open air
C.Luckily, there are some solutions
D.But these beloved insects are in trouble
E.The living conditions of fireflies are getting better
F.The biggest threat facing fireflies today is the loss of their habitats
G.Most of the pesticides will kill less-beloved insects as well as fireflies
