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How to stop glasses fogging up with a face mask

Wearing a mask keeps you safe during the pandemic, but it come with its own set of challenges. And, one of the biggest drawbacks of wearing a mask is how much your glasses fog up and affect your vision. Taking off your glasses to wipe them clean each time it fogs up is not only frustrating, but it can also increase the risk of infection. 【小题1】 Here are some tricks to stop it.

Twist your mask strings.

From the side, once you twist it, the strings will look like the figure eight. This is great for stopping fogging because it redirects your breath by putting slight downward pressure on the top part of the mask. 【小题2】 This may leave you infected by virus.


If you wash your glasses with soap, this creates a thin film on your lenses which limits fogging. Use a fragrance-free soap and mix it with warm water. Put your glasses in it and let it air dry. When you wear your glasses next, soap molecules on your lenses should block fogging.

Use tissues.

You can put a tissue under the top part of the mask. 【小题4】 To do this DIY trick properly, you should fold a tissue in half and place the straight edge along the bridge of your nose.

Change the position of your masks and glasses.

【小题5】 But if you do this there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, you need to make sure that your mask still covers your chin(下巴)after you pull it up. And, if your prescription is stronger, this trick could impact your vision and cause increased blurriness.

A.Put glasses in the water.
B.Wash your glasses with soap.
C.It will help catch air and damp, keeping your glasses free of fog.
D.So the key is to prevent or minimize fogging due to face masks.
E.Cover your chin with masks to prevent need for repositioning when talking.
F.Though, it’s worth noting that it does create a slight gap between the mask and your face.
G.Pull up your mask and draw your glasses down, blocking your breath from rising upwards.
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Connection is a basic human need, but being constantly connected to our technology can make us feel more imprisoned than nourished. If you’re feeling frazzled, a digital detox (脱瘾治疗) may help calm your mind and soothe your spirit. It is believed that consciously choosing to unplug can improve relationships and enhance a person’s overall well-being.

Plan in advance. While a 72-hour detox is best, a simple 24 hours of unplugging can still be helpful. People are more understanding about delayed responses to emails around the holidays. 【小题1】 Pick a couple days when you’ll be occupied with friends, family or other activities.

Spread the word. Get yourself psyched up and tell everyone. 【小题2】 Letting all of your colleagues, friends and loved ones know that you won’t be responding to texts or email for a couple of days makes room for you to focus on the people you’re seeing in person.

Add something fun into your life. When you remove your dependence upon digital devices, you may find you have a bit more free time on your hands. If you want to take this to another level, add in something you’re excited about like exercising, going for a walk, or starting a meditation practice. 【小题3】

Remove temptations. Compulsively (禁不住地) checking emails and iPhones has become second nature for most of us. Clean your bedroom and remove any technology from this part of your home. Make sure your computer or anything else that’s glowing is out of your bedroom and your remote controls are far away. If you’re going on a diet you don’t want a chocolate cake sitting in your kitchen. 【小题4】

【小题5】 Returning from your detox may be overwhelming. Use the perspective that you gained in your off time to prioritize thoughtfully all of the things that have backed up. “Before you jump back in, prioritize. You are no longer a slave to your devices - you have the power.”

A.It’s the same thing with this.
B.Get more energy in your off time.
C.Do it on or around Christmas Day.
D.This makes it the perfect time to get offline.
E.You can also use this time to stop a harmful habit.
F.Strategically re-enter the world of digital connection.
G.Post it on social media, make an email alert, change your voicemail.

We've all been there, staring at a blank screen, throwing endless drafts in the trash can, pulling out hair, looking through Facebook photos, re-ordering music libraries and even wiping the computer clean. We do anything to pass the time and avoid admitting the painfully obvious—we've hit mental blocks. They are usually a sign that we've taken our focus off what we want and placed it firmly on what we don't. 【小题1】. The following

tips are designed to help clear them away.

Hit the shower

Mental blocks of any nature are a result of one thing: not being firmly in the present. Taking a shower is a simple and effective way to bring your attention back to the present. 【小题2】. And it enables you to develop more

creative ideas to figure out your problems.


Mental blocks arise when you focus on what you don't want, instead of what you do want. A great trick for removing them is to change the channel or input for a few minutes. 【小题4】. For example, you could be writing a piece for a magazine only to be controlled by the hateful block. Now, stop writing and select a video to catch your attention. Twenty minutes later, the new you sits back feeling totally inspired.

Still stuck? Ask for help

【小题5】 . So turn to others if you are still stuck. By asking for help, you not only benefit from someone else's

objective view, but you are also able to offer someone else the chance to help work out a problem. Make sure that you ask preferably someone who has successfully dealt with a similar situation before.
A.Find your focus
B.Besides, it allows you to relax
C.Change the channel for a while
D.No one is truly successful alone
E.Turning to others is a great way to focus your attention
F.Sometimes, our mental blocks are stronger than usual, refusing to leave
G.One way is to do something unrelated to the problem you are working on
