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Born on her family’s farm in Ray, North Dakota, Mary Sherman Morgan had been helping her father with farm work before she could attend the small-town schoolhouse. Being a few years behind didn’t hold her back and she graduated from high school with honors. Aware of her intelligence, she ran away from Ray to attend Minot State University as a chemistry major, where her skill was evident.

The outbreak of World War II resulted in a national shortage of chemists and scientists. In spite of the fact that she was still a student and a woman, she was offered a job as a chemical analyst due to her talents, producing explosives(爆炸物)for the wartime effort. She put her degree on hold and moved to Ohio, taking on the dangerous job of analyzing unstable chemicals to produce weapons.

After the war ended there was a fall in demand for explosives, so she made a move to the field of aeronautics, moving to California to work for NAA(North American Aviation). The only woman out of 900 engineers, she was soon promoted to a role which involved calculating the performance of rocket propellants(推进剂)and designing speciality fuels to work with different engines. However, never having returned to complete her degree, she was not afforded the rank or higher pay of an engineer, even though she had all the skills and knowledge of one.

Her experience with propellants meant that when NAA was tasked to find a fuel capable of lifting the redesigned Redstone missiles into space, Mogan was appointed technical lead on the project. National pride was on the line, so Morgan set about investigating fuels. After countless trails, she finally designed her own mixture, which was named Hydyne.

Hydyne tested well with the Redstone missiles and subsequently other aircraft(飞行器), such as Jupiter-C rockets, proving to be a quick solution to getting to space without a total rocket redesign. The fuel made the first successful US satellite launch possible, even if Morgan silently slipped away from her success, retiring to focus on her family and leaving her chemistry career behind.

【小题1】What do we know about Mary?
A.She attended school while helping with farm work.
B.She was offered a job as a chemistry analyst after graduation.
C.She shifted her working focus as the domestic demand changed.
D.She launched the first US satellite before retiring from her career.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “aeronautics” probably mean?
A.Analyzing chemicals.B.Producing explosives.
C.Mixing and saving fuels.D.Designing and building aircraft.
【小题3】What made Mary the technical lead on the project of NAA?
A.Her discovery of Hydyne.B.Her rank as an engineer.
C.Her special knowledge in fuels.D.Her sense of national pride.
【小题4】Which of the following words can best describe Mary Sherman Morgan?
A.Caring and determined.B.Courageous and creative.
C.Intelligent but sensitive.D.Accomplished but proud.
知识点:记叙文航空航天科学家 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

When White met the pit bull puppy in 2018, Darby was young, playful, strong as an ox. Then, in the summer of 2019, came Darby’s date with destiny.

White was fishing in Northern Caledonia’s Bodega Bay. He left Darby, then a year old and 100 pounds, in the parked car with windows down, while he cast his line a few yards away. The fish weren’t biting, White recall, until, suddenly, they were.

At first, White thought he had hooked a stingray. But as he reeled (绕线) it in, he realized it was a sevengill shark, about 6 feet long. Not uncommon but still dangerous He brought it close and carefully unhooked it, expecting it to swim away. It didn’t. The shark bit his ankle.

“All of a sudden there was blood everywhere,” says White. He yelled for help, hoping the fishermen down the beach could hear. But they didn’t seem to know what was going on. Fortunately, Darby did. He jumped out of the car and ran toward the water. He ran right up to the shark and sank his teeth into its gills (鱼鳃).

“That just made the shark bite down harder,” White says. Darby backed off, then regrouped and attacked the shark’s tail. The shark released its grip (紧抓), and White managed to push it into shallow water, where it swam off. “The whole thing took less than a minute,” White says, “but it left plenty of damage.” White was able to stop the bleeding and get to a hospital, where he learned that the wound was very severe.

That would’ve been the end of it, had Darby’s story not gone viral. White was contacted by NBC News and CNN. That’s when the countless cash offers started to come in. But the big dog was not for sale.

【小题1】What do the underlined words “date with destiny” mean?
A.A day for celebrationB.An important meeting
C.Important time in lifeD.An appointment with White
【小题2】What can we learn from the story?
A.White hooked a rare and dangerous shark.
B.Darby succeed in the fight against the shark at his first attempt.
C.White was not seriously injured thanks to Darby’s help.
D.Many people wanted to buy the dog.
【小题3】Which of the following can best describe Darby according to the story?
A.Young and cuteB.Brave and devoted
C.Friendly and smartD.Playful and naughty
【小题4】What’s the text mainly about?
A.How a dog saved its ownerB.How to fight against a shark
C.How a shark attacked peopleD.How to go shark fishing with a dog
Walter Wetzel had met Ryan Lamantia nearly eight years ago in a hospital waiting room. Both were very sick——Ryan with brain cancer, Walter with leukemia (白血病). Ryan, who was 3 at the time, began making silly faces at Walter and chatted about going home to change into his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles costume. Several days later, Ryan moved to another hospital. Though they saw each other only a handful of times after that, Walter never forgot Ryan.
"He inspired me to fight against my cancer," said Walter, now 17, a football player. Then one day, Walter saw a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt at a mall, which made him decide to search out Ryan. Back home, Walter typed in "Ryan Lake in the Hills brain cancer" on his computer, and a link to a Facebook page for Ryan came up. But, the news was shocking.
Ryan had died on Sept. 8, 2005. He was 6. The Facebook   page   was   for   the   Ryan   Lamantia Foundation, a non-profit organization that Ryan's family formed after his death to raise money for brain cancer research.
Walter left this message right away: ."Ryan is my hero. My trips to the hospital were always horrible, until the day I met Ryan."
Ryan's mom's eyes were filled with tears as she read Waiter's message. "We always knew Ryan was special, but to hear it from somebody else, it really means the world to us," Lamantia said.
Walter wasn't the only person who was greatly impressed with Ryan.
"He was a little superhero," said Wendy Stellpflug, a nurse at Children' s Memorial Hospital. "Ryan always kept his spirits high, even after he suffered hearing loss and experienced 14 operations."
"Ryan didn’ t let his illness stop him. He always had a smile on his face," said Dr. Stewart Goldman, the doctor who treated Ryan.
Walter and his family have been in touch with the Lamantias for the past few weeks. And last week, they met for the first time since Ryan's death. The families told stories of being affected by cancer so young and Walter expressed his hope to volunteer with Ryan' s foundation.
【小题1】Walter finally wanted to get in touch with Ryan because___________.
A.he saw the news about Ryan on the Internet
B.he wanted to thank Ryan in person
C.an object reminded him of Ryan
D.he raised money for Ryan
【小题2】After reading Walter's message online, Ryan' s mom felt_____.
A.proud of her sonB.grateful for his help
C.happy about his recoveryD.sad again at her son' s death
【小题3】Which of the following can best describe Ryan?
A.Determined and considerate.B.Optimistic and brave.
C.Friendly and patient.D.Brave and proud.
【小题4】We know from the text that Walter_________.
A.survived the cancer
B.experienced 14 operations
C.searched for Ryan on the Facebook
D.founded the Ryan Lamantia Foundation
“ON a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?”
Baymax, the plus-sized white robot, asks the question each time he detects (探测到) his patient’s pain. Considering that he is hardly like a typical Marvel superhero, how could this robotic caregiver from Big Hero 6 have stolen viewers’ hearts and taken home this year’s best animation Oscar?
Set in fictional San Fransokyo, the film follows Hiro, a 14-year-old robotics genius (天才). After his brother dies, he goes on a journey to save his city from an evil masked man with his brother’s invention, Baymax.
Baymax was named “Disney’s most straightforwardly adorable (萌的) character” in years by The Telegraph. He has a pure white pear-shaped body and stumpy elephant legs. And his eyes –just two black dots with a line through them – can blink (眨眼) quickly or slowly. Baymax’s physical appearance “works with his personality because he’s purely good and naive (天真的),” co-director Don Hall told The Hollywood Reporter.
Sometimes Baymax is awkward. Moving in tight spaces gets challenging with his potbelly (大肚子). And when his batteries run low, he behaves like an amusing drunk. “This means that he is not at all intimidating (令人生畏的) and is easy to like,” commented The Straits Times in Singapore.
Baymax is a comforting friend, the kind that perhaps everyone needs.
After he diagnoses (诊断) Hiro with feeling sorrow, he says: “Physical comfort helps too,” and pulls Hiro into a hug. He pats his head, saying: “There, there.”
The team’s car crashes into the water at one point, and they have to walk shivering (颤抖) back home. Baymax notices that everyone’s body temperatures are low, so he turns on his internal heaters. Everyone cuddles (依偎) up with him. “This is like spooning (拥抱) with a warm marshmallow (棉花糖),” says Fred, one of the characters.
One minute, he is used as a bouncy castle (充气城堡), and the next he transforms into a superhero.
To fight against the villain, Hiro upgrades Baymax so that the robot can attack and fly. The robot has a hard time figuring out these new skills, but after he realizes that Hiro is happy with his improvement, he immediately becomes an expert. “The treatment is working,” he says.
Tencent Entertainment calls the amazing Baymax a “perfect companion”. “He is quiet, clumsy, and adorable. But at important times, he steps up and stops at nothing to protect his friends from harm, even if it means that he has to sacrifice his life. This is an idealized (理想化的) relationship in harsh reality,” the site commented.
【小题1】What does Baymax do when he discovers Hiro is sad?
A.He tries to amuse him by behaving awkwardly.
B.He leaves him alone.
C.He comforts him with a hug.
D.He advises him to go for a walk.
【小题2】Which of the following adjectives best describe Baymax?
A.Considerate and selfless.
B.Adorable and humorous.
C.Clumsy and cautious.
D.Brave and proud.
【小题3】What is the article mainly about?
A.The plot and background of the movie Big Hero 6.
B.The friendship between Hiro and Baymax in Big Hero 6.
C.The reasons for the popularity of Baymax from Big Hero 6.
D.What sets Big Hero 6 apart from other animation movies.
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE about Baymax?
A.Baymax’s awkwardness actually makes him more adorable and popular.
B.Baymax was invented by Hiro, a robotics genius.
C.Baymax’s physical appearance doesn’t quite match his personality.
D.Baymax looks like a typical Marvel superhero.
