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The global sea level has risen by eight to nine inches since 1880. Rising sea levels cause an existential threat for some small islands and some low-lying coasts. In a response to this threat, the Busan Metropolitan City of the Republic of Korea, and the company OCEANIX revealed the world’s first model floating city, OCEANIX Busan.

OCEANIX Busan has six integrated systems focusing on energy, food, water, waste, mobility and coastal habitat regeneration to ensure the floating city reuses and wastes as little as possible. The floating city has no roadways to support walking, biking, and autonomous electric vehicles, so it won’t produce any vehicle emissions. Floating and rooftop photovoltaic panels(光伏板) will generate(产生) 100% of the operational energy needed for the city.

OCEANIX Busan will consist of three floating neighborhoods totaling 15.5 acres. That’s about as much surface as a dozen football fields, and according to the developers, it has enough room to house 12,000 people. The neighborhoods will connect to one another and the mainland via bridges, and each will serve a specific purpose. The living neighborhood will have residential buildings, shops and food sellers, and a “community backyard” where residents can gather at its center. The lodging neighborhood will be built to support visitors- it’ll have many shopping and dining options, as well as guest rooms designed to maximize ocean views. The third neighborhood will be a co-working and research center, with a temperature-controlled space at its center for hydroponic agriculture.

“Today is an important milestone for all coastal cities and island nations on the frontlines of climate change. We are on track to delivering OCEANIX Busan and proving that floating infrastructure(基础设施) can create new land for coastal cities looking for sustainable(可持续的) ways to expand onto the ocean, while adapting to sea-level rise,” said Philipp Hofnann, CEO of OCEANIX.

【小题1】What is the purpose of designing OCEANIX Busan?
A.To promote the development of tourism.
B.To deal with the threat from rising sea levels.
C.To allow people to enjoy the pleasant coastal climate.
D.To monitor the effect of climate change on small islands.
【小题2】Which word best describes OCEANIX Busan’s mode of operation?
【小题3】What does the third paragraph mainly talk about?
A.The features of the residential buildings.
B.The structure of the floating neighborhoods.
C.The difficulties of building OCEANIX Busan.
D.The measures to attract visitors to OCEANIX Busan.
【小题4】What is the best title of the passage?
A.The World’s First Model Floating City
B.The Sea’s Electricity Production Project
C.The City’s Modern Infrastructure System
D.The Company’s Response to Global Warming
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Have you ever shouted at your computer because it wasn’t working? Your computer couldn’t “yell” back – until now. AI researchers are now working on computers that can argue and perhaps even win debates with humans.

IBM scientists published a paper in Nature on March 17 about their new AI system – Project Debater. After listening to arguments from its opponent (对手), the system can search around 400 million online articles in less than five minutes. It looks for ideas that can support its own argument.

Testing on the system began in 2019 when it debated with Harish Natarajan, a professional debater who holds the world record for most debate competition victories. The debate topic was whether or not preschool should be funded, and the AI system argued in favor of this idea. Although the AI lost the debate in the end based on the audience vote, the audience said it did very well. Interestingly, 58 percent of the audience said that Project Debater increased their knowledge about the topic, while only 20 percent said the same about Natarajan. Also, Project Debater has shown strength at making impressive and logical opening statements in the debate, according to Scientific American.

Humans and technology have been battling for decades. In 1997, IBM’s Deep Blue became the first computer to defeat a reigning (卫冕的) chess champion, Garry Kasparov in a six-game match. So after two decades, have IBM’s researchers just reproduced a “Deep Blue” to debate? It’s much more than that, the researchers noted. Argument and debate are fundamental abilities of human intelligence, and it’s a step outside of AI’s comfort zone to enter this field, according to the article in Nature.

【小题1】What is the function of the first paragraph?
A.To give background information.B.To ask a question about computer.
C.To make a comparison.D.To introduce the topic.
【小题2】How can Project Debater debate with humans?
A.By collecting a lot of data in a short time.
B.By listening to researchers’ instructions.
C.By making use of its internal data.
D.By learning from humans.
【小题3】What did the audience think about the performance of Project Debater?
A.Its statements were not logical enough.
B.Its opening statements were boring.
C.Its overall performance was better than Natarajan’s.
D.It made them more informed of the topic.
【小题4】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.AI technology hasn’t progressed much for decades.
B.AI has advanced itself by stepping in debating.
C.Project Debater is much better than Deep Blue.
D.AI has lost the battle against humans in debating.

Can you imagine a bicycle that has an iPhone on its handle and provides navigation tools and fitness information, along with data collectors that measure air pollution? This is just the beginning of the list of things that this dynamic new bicycle, known as the Copenhagen Wheel, is capable of. The biggest characteristic of this bike is its red hub (轮轴) on the back wheel, where the brain of the bike stores power, increases speed, monitors the rider’s exercise, and collects data from the air and the environment. The data that is collected is put onto a public website so citizens can find out what their city’s atmosphere is like during the day.

The Copenhagen Wheel comes to us from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the U.S.A. It was developed by a part of MIT that is putting “intelligence” into everyday things that are a part of the infrastructure (基本设施) of our cities. Researchers from MIT chose the Copenhagen Conference on Climate Change to show off the new bicycle, and early feedback (反馈) was very positive.

The goal of the Copenhagen Wheel project is to promote (促进) cycling by lengthening the distance people can cover. In addition, the makers ensure the whole bike riding experience is smoother so that even steep (陡峭的) roads are no longer a problem for comfortable cycling. This new bicycle is also perfect for protecting the environment, and many big cities are making plans to encourage their citizens to use this two-wheeler when they go to and from work. The director of the Copenhagen Wheel project, Christine Outram, expects that this new bike will help lead the charge of smart transportation into the 21st century. She is fully convinced that many big cities will see the benefits of promoting this type of cycling to their citizens.

【小题1】What’s the key characteristic of the Copenhagen Wheel?
A.The red hub.B.The fast speed.
C.The data collector.D.The iPhone on its handle.
【小题2】What is the use of the collected data?
A.To record the rider’s fitness information. B.To monitor the condition of the bicycle,
C.To help improve riders’ exercise plans. D.To show what the environment is like.
【小题3】What did people think of the Copenhagen Wheel at the beginning?
A.They doubted it. B.They welcomed it.
C.They were surprised by it. D.They were uninterested in it.
【小题4】What’s the main purpose of the Copenhagen Wheel project?
A.To improve public transportation. B.To make steep road riding comfortable.
C.To encourage citizens to do more cycling. D.To make citizens’ riding safer than before.

Macinley Butson was just 16 years old when she first had the idea to try and protect women from more — than — necessary radiation during breast cancer treatments—and now, her invention could be a game-changer in the medical field.

Butson, whose father works in medical physics, has always been interested in science. But she only began researching the harmful side effects of radiation treatment after her father discussed his experience with ineffective cancer treatments in his work. Since Butson had also recently lost a relative to breast cancer, she felt inspired to conduct her own research on the subject. She tried to begin her medical research by consulting scientific journals, but she found their academic terms almost impossible to understand.

She then turned to the Internet to find videos that taught how to read scientific journals. As she went deeper in her research, she stumbled upon a key bit of information: copper (铜)has been shown to be effective at protecting skin from radiation. An idea hit this Australian teen as she was viewing a film on medieval wars in her 10th grade history class. When she saw the scaled (鳞片) patterns of the mail (盔甲),she was inspired to create a wearable protective tool out of copper. She then headed back online and watched videos on how to put together tiny scales. She made her own flexible scale-mail which she now calls SMART: Scale Mail for Radiation Therapy.

When her invention was tested in a laboratory setting, it reduced surface exposure to unnecessary radiation by 75%. And now Butson is working on getting her SMART into clinical settings for use.

【小题1】Why did Macinley Butson start her research?
A.To assist her father with his work.B.To save her relative from cancer.
C.To publish some articles in journals.D.To find effective ways to treat cancer.
【小题2】What does the underlined phrase “stumbled upon" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.Came across.B.Missed.
C.Passed on.D.Required.
【小题3】Where did Macinley Buston get inspiration for her invention?
A.Videos online.B.Scientific journals.
C.History textbooks.D.Soldiers defensive clothes.
【小题4】Which of the following best describes Macinley Buston?
