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What is the possibility of you having someone who looks just like you? Would it be a good thing? And if you did have one, would you want to meet them? Consider how often your facial features are used to recognize you. Your passport, ID card and driving licence all bare your face. To enter your workplace, you likely need to be recognisable. You may need your face to unlock your smartphone and possibly even need it to exclude you from being present at a crime scene.

The word “doppelganger” refers to a person who looks almost the same as you, basically sharing your features—those that you thought were unique to you and your identity (身份). Not an identical twin, as a doppelganger has no relation to you. The idea came from German folklore. A doppelganger was said to be a spirit-double that copied every human and beast on earth exactly.

So, let’s get real. What are the chances of you having one in the first place? There’s said to be a one in 135 chance of an absolute dead ringer for you existing anywhere in the world, so the chances are pretty low, despite folk wisdom promising you otherwise. And the chances of meeting? The mathematical certainty of finding this person is supposedly less than one in a trillion!

That said, these statistics may be a good thing. Historically, having a double hasn’t always been a positive.

Back in 1999, an innocent (无罪的)American man, undistinguishable from the real criminal, was sent to prison for robbery, where he stayed for 19 years. In the end, it turned out to be a case of mistaken identity. In a different case, a woman in New York was accused of trying to poison her doppelganger with deadly cheesecake so that she could steal her identity!

And, why are people interested in finding their possible doppelganger anyway? It may be helpful to look to the past when facial likeness showed kinship. Maybe one day you’ll meet your lookalike, but we understand that, after this, you possibly don’t want to!

【小题1】In this passage, which of the following is your doppelganger?
A.facial features used to recognize you.
B.your face to unlock your smartphone.
C.a human who shares the similarity with you.
D.your identical twin.
【小题2】What does the underlined phrases “these statistics” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.the low chances of having a doppelganger and the lower chances of meeting her/him.
B.German folklore and folk wisdom.
C.the historical data.
D.your recognizable information.
【小题3】What did the main characters in the two cases mentioned have in common?
A.They were innocent.
B.Their doubles brought them pains.
C.They admired the life of others.
D.They had difficulty recognizing their own identity .
【小题4】What’s the author’s attitude towards meeting someone who looks just like you?
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Getting old might not be something that's yet to cross your mind. But ageing is unavoidably going to get the better of us one day. And that’s why scientists are constantly seeking out evidence that will show us what we need to do to achieve longevity.

We all know that regular exercise is good for us. In recent years, although we've been told to aim to walk 10,000 steps a day to remain healthy, other advice to do three quick and energetic 10-minute walks a day is thought to be even more effective. And the latest piece of research might put a spring in your step if you’re someone who walks at a fast pace. That’s because, according to scientists, the speed at which people walk in their 40s is a sign of how much their brains, as well as their bodies, are ageing.

Tests on 1,000 people from New Zealand born in the 1970s found that slower walkers tended to show signs of "accelerated ageing". Their lungs, teeth and immune systems were in worse shape than those who walked fester. And what’s worse, the study found not only did slower walkers' bodies age more quickly, their faces looked older and they had smaller brains.

This might be seen as a wake-up call for people with a slower pace who might feel it's time to work out get fitter. But it might be too late; researchers say they were able to predict the walking speed of 45-year-olds using the results of intelligence, language and motor skills tests from when they were aged three. They also suggest that even in early life, there are signs showing which people will go on to have a healthier life.

So, what's the point of knowing that a slower walking pace might mean a smaller brain? Well, researchers say measuring walking speed at a younger age, and understanding what this might mean, could be a way of testing treatments to slow human ageing. This might help us make lifestyle changes while we're still young and healthy. Any steps we can take to prolong a good mental and physical state is a no brainer!

【小题1】Which of the following is considered to be a better choice?
A.Walking 10,000 steps a day.B.Doing three quick and energetic walks a day.
C.Doing irregular exercise every day.D.Frequently doing sports in spring.
【小题2】What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Faster walkers will get fitter, be younger and have bigger brains.
B.People's health condition can be predicted from their walking speed at 45.
C.This study found that slower walkers age more slowly.
D.People who walk faster are more brilliant than slower walkers.
【小题3】What does the underlined word "prolong" in Para.5 mean?
A.give something upB.transfer something at random
C.make something last longerD.put something off
【小题4】What would be the best title?
A.Walking to Stay YoungB.Getting Old and Doing Exercise
C.Having a Happy LifeD.Slow Walking and Ageing

Throughout history, humans have assigned names to objects and each other as a means of efficient communication. Additionally, we often give names to animals that are close to us, such as our pets. To date, evidence has been scarce to indicate that animals engage in naming each other. However, an exciting new study indicates that elephants use unique sounds as a way to identify one another. Isn’t that fascinating?

A few animals, including parrots and dolphins, have been known to use sounds that are similar to names. Each dolphin invents a signature whistle that is unique to it, and other members of its species communicate with it by simulating this special call. The new study, led by Michael Pardo of Colorado State University, shows that wild African elephants use names in a way that is not just copying sounds and is much closer to the way humans use names.

For the study, the researchers recorded 625 sounds made by wild African elephants in Kenya that they called “rumbles (隆隆声)”. This is the most common type of call produced by elephants, and it can travel long distances — as far as 3.7 miles. It takes place at a very low frequency, which means humans can’t hear it.

The researchers analyzed the sounds using computers and found that certain rumbles were directed at specific elephants to get their attention They found that all the elephants in the herd used the identical call to get a particular elephant’s attention — these calls were not just nicknames used by one of the elephant’s friends. Also, unlike the way dolphins communicate, the rumbles were not just imitations of the elephant they were trying to communicate with.

The researchers then played back some of the recorded rumbles to the elephants. They found that elephants responded more to their own name than to other calls, coming toward it more quickly or calling back faster. Cartlin O’Connell-Rodwell, an elephant expert, said, “The study shows that elephants can still keep in touch with one another even across a large area.” She told Live Science, “The rumbles were magical, which allow them to spread out much further and still keep a watchful eye on individuals.”

【小题1】Which word can replace the word “simulating” in paragraph 2?
【小题2】What methods do elephants in the wild use to detect other elephants?
A.By using specific languages like people’s.
B.By using names in a way closer to people’s.
C.By making certain rumbles heard by people.
D.By making specific noises with a high frequency.
【小题3】How does the communication of elephants differ from that of dolphins?
A.Elephants’ rumbles carry far.
B.Each elephant has a special rumble.
C.They only talk to friends with rumbles.
D.Elephant rumbles are not imitations of other elephants.
【小题4】What might O’Connell-Rodwell agree with?
A.Rumbles aid communication with other species.
B.Rumbles enable elephants to stand or play closer.
C.Elephants use rumbles to avoid each other in large areas.
D.Rumbles help elephants stay connected over long distances.

Getting angry is a normal emotion that everyone experiences. However, regular or continued anger can harm your health in more ways than you might think.

When you get angry, your body reacts in ways that can cause problems. For example, a study found that anger can increase the risk of heart attacks. This is because anger affects how well your blood vessels (血管) work, making it harder for blood to flow properly. 【小题1】

Anger also affects your stomach and digestive (和消化有关的) system. When you’re mad, your body can slow down digestion and cause stomach pain. Worse, your brain suffers from too much anger as well. 【小题2】 This affects your ability to think clearly and remember things, possibly leading to long-term cognitive (认知的) issues.

So how can you manage your anger better? Here are several effective strategies which can help you lead a healthier life.

Recognize and accept your anger. 【小题3】 While occasional anger is normal, long-term anger may indicate a deeper issue that requires attention.

【小题4】 Practices such as deep breathing exercises and talk therapy (疗法) can reduce the physical impact of anger on the body. Deep breathing helps calm the nervous system, while discussing your feelings with a professional can provide valuable views and coping ways.

Use anger-management techniques. For instance, instead of yelling, calmly explain the cause of your anger and what you need to feel better. 【小题5】

A.Identify the cause of your anger.
B.Take part in mental-health exercises.
C.Over time, this can lead to heart disease.
D.It can damage some systems of the brain.
E.It can affect your relationships with your friends.
F.It’s important to be aware of how often your anger occurs.
G.Calm expression of anger can prevent it from causing more serious issues.
