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Growing up with movies such as “High School Musical” and “Grease”, which presented the ideal(理想的)high school friendships, we sometimes expect a perfect relationship. Indeed, some high school friendships can be real and simple; while still some high school students will meet a friend who causes trouble. With failed friendships come lessons and experiences learned for the future. You will know the influence after you leave high school.

“I was always worried about what my friends thought about me. Sometimes my friends would make fun of what I wore or what I would do. I always tried to get along well with them, but I realized how happy I was once I stopped contacting them after high school,” said Elisha, Class of 2020.

Most teens have not realized the big question when dealing with high school problems. In five years, will this still matter? It is hard looking at the big picture when the problems are in front of you, which is understandable. However, most teens need a moment to reflect (反思) and question if the problem matters in a long time.

Briana, a high school teacher, said, “Now, I am in contact with two high school friends. I think the friendship experiences I had in high school shaped who I am because I learned to be open minded and befriend all kinds of people. I learned to see people for who they are, not what they wear or who they play with. I learned most of all how to be a good friend.”

High school is a small part of your life, but it has a huge influence on who you will become and where you will go. Friendships and relationships help shape who you are, whether they are good or bad. Lessons are brought, and lessons are learned.

【小题1】Why did the author mention the two movies in the first paragraph?
A.To introduce the topic of the passage.
B.To explain what a high school friendship is.
C.To recommend these two movies to readers.
D.To attract readers’ attention to these two movies.
【小题2】What did Elisha think of her “friends”?
A.They made her unhappy.B.They cared about her behavior.
C.They got along well with her.D.They were always worried about her.
【小题3】Why did Briana think her friendship experiences shape her?
A.She learned to play with her friends.
B.She learned to make different friends.
C.She learned to shape her friends’ minds.
D.She learned to wear just like her friends.
【小题4】What’s the passage mainly about?
A.Failed friendships made teens worried.
B.Good friendships greatly influenced teens.
C.High school friendships help to shape teens.
D.Friendships are difficult for teens to deal with,
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Nowadays we all have hundreds of Facebook “friends”. 【小题1】Studies show that even if people have thousands of Facebook friends, they usually only keep close relationship with a few people in real life. So, what are the signs of your true friendships? Let’s read on and find out the answer.

True friends stick with you through both good and bad times. In hard times, a true friend will never leave you in the shadow alone.【小题2】Fake friends often fail you because they only want to stick around when things go well for you, and feel like helping you through your problems is a burden for them.

【小题3】To know whether you’re dealing with a true friendship or not, just notice who sticks around when you reach new heights in your life. Some people will get jealous and try to tear you down, but the real friends in your life will feel happy for you

They allow you to have other friendships without getting jealous and possessive. Real friends feel confident enough in your friendship. They give you the freedom to pursue other friendships and activities in your life.【小题4】

They forgive you when you make a mistake. Don’t expect perfection from true friends, and they won’t expect it from you. They know that you will slip up (出现疏漏) from time to time.【小题5】They just put it behind them and know that you have good intentions despite mistakes you might make.

A.They treat their friends as treasure.
B.So you don’t have to give them a long apology.
C.That’s because they know your friendship is rock solid.
D.True friends will congratulate you when you reach a new goal.
E.Instead, they offered to give you a helping hand whenever they can.
F.That’s because they probably know things about you that many others don’t.
G.We can instantly connect with them online, but does that make them true friends?

Do you make any smart friends? 【小题1】 But you'll have an easier time if you join a community service group, continuing education class or book club. The following suggestions may help you meet people you want to connect with intellectually.

【小题2】 When you hope to meet smart friends, it's important to identify what kind of intelligence you're searching for. For example, some individuals have a specific knowledge of cooking or engineering, while others may be well-versed in politics. After you identify a specific knowledge base that interests you, join groups and network among new people who share those interests.

Expand your professional circles. 【小题3】 If you currently work in a field that you don't find intellectually challenging, join a community club or discussion group related to your field of interest. For example, if you'd like to make some smart friends who are involved in the real estate business, join a business group related to real estate. Branching out socially in your area of expertise is likely to connect you to intelligent, likeminded people.

Invite new people to social activities. Once you come in contact with a new acquaintance, make an effort to develop a friendship by inviting the person to engage in some casual activity, such as having coffee, taking a walk, having lunch or playing tennis. 【小题4】

Plan group events or social gatherings with the smart individuals you have become acquainted with so that a group can get to know one another. 【小题5】 If your event includes a variety of talented, well-educated people, you're likely to make more social connections and network with a wider variety of intelligent individuals.

A.Friendship is precious.
B.Identify your intellectual interests.
C.This works well with groups sharing common interests.
D.When you meet a nice guy, bring him into your social circle.
E.You may be able to meet smart friends by socializing with coworkers.
F.You may find it difficult to connect with a well-educated group of friends.
G.Find something you both enjoy and make efforts to get better acquainted.

Ever wonder why you get along better with some people over others? Or who might become your lifelong friends or romantic partners? 【小题1】.

The sunny person

Ever heard of the saying that you are a mix of your five closest friends? When you surround yourself with sweet and caring people, you also catch their positive energy.

【小题2】. Just as research shows, positive thinking can increase your lifespan, strengthen your immune system and reduce your risk of developing heart diseases.

The adventure seeker

What’s life without a little adventure? 【小题3】; together you can start journeys that change your life forever. Not only does being adventurous reduce your levels of anxiety and depression, but it can also make you more intelligent. In addition, the new cultures, environments and experiences can cause your brains to think differently.

The natural psychologist

When you’re having a bad day, it’s good to have someone who understands you. Good listeners make the best friends because they have high emotional intelligence, read you well and provide authenticity(真诚). Often these natural psychologists would like to ask you some questions that help you think about your problems. 【小题4】.


When you surround yourself with people who value logic and problem-solving, they can encourage you to use critical thinking instead of just trapping yourself in conflicts. If you’re especially the type of person to depend on others to make you feel better, being around logicians can help you become more independent and practical. They will remind you that working through challenges is more rewarding than passively daydreaming.

A.The enthusiastic logician
B.The man of action
C.Instead of telling you what to do, they would rather guide you to potential solutions
D.Befriend someone who is ready to step out of his comfort zone and travel around
E.People who are positive and optimistic can actually benefit your health
F.Anyhow at least here are four types of people worth keeping in your life
G.Just like rare precious stones, good partners can be hard to find
