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In Yarmouth I was put on the long-distance coach to London, and travelled all through the night. At the coach station in London I was collected by a teacher, Mr. Mell, and taken to Salem House, the school which Mr. Murdstone had chosen for me.

The school was a large old building with a dusty playground, surrounded by a high brick wall. It looked strangely deserted. I was very surprised to find that none of the boys were there, and was told that they were all on holiday and that I had been sent there during the holidays as a punishment for my wickedness. The headmaster and teachers were on holiday too, all except for Mr. Mell, who had to look after me.

I spent a whole month in that miserable place, doing my lessons in the dirty, empty classroom, which smelt of old food and unwashed boys. Every evening I had to eat my supper with Mr. Mell, and then go straight to bed. The worst thing was the sign I had to wear round my neck. It said: BE CAREFUL! HE BITES. I was only allowed to take it off when I went to bed.

Although I was extremely lonely and unhappy at this time, I was not looking forward to meeting all the other boys. I felt sure they would laugh at me and especially at the sign I was forced to wear. But one day Mr. Mell told me that the headmaster, Mr. Creakle, had returned, and wanted to see me. So I went, trembling to his part of the house.

I realized at once that Mr. Creakle lived much more comfortably than the boys or the teachers. He was a small, fat man with a purple nose, who was sitting in an armchair with a bottle and a glass in front of him.

【小题1】Which of the following best describes the school?
A.Strange and crowded.B.Old and abandoned.
C.Comfortable and empty.D.Filthy and smelly.
【小题2】Which can be the possible reason for the author’s being sent to the school?
A.He needed a better environment for education.
B.He bit someone and got punished.
C.He was a wicked boy and was supposed to turn better.
D.He was unhappy and lonely so he intended to meet other boys.
【小题3】How did the author feel when he was to meet the headmaster?
【小题4】What would the author write about in the paragraphs that follow?
A.How he missed his parents.
B.How Mr. Mell taught him lessons.
C.How he communicated with Mr. Creakle.
D.How Mr. Creakle comforted him and had a big dinner with him.
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On the outside, 12-year-old Luna seems like your average kid. It's not until you get to know her that you learn that Luna is anything but average.

Born with a heart defect (缺陷)called dextrocardia, Luna has had three open-heart operations and continues to pursue her interests in art and fashion. But when Luna was approached by athletic shoe company Saucony to design a shoe for sale across the country, it came as quite a surprise.

“This is so incredible. I got to use my art and creativity for something new that I'd never thought I'd be able to design,“ Luna said. She is one of six patients from Boston Children's Hospital ( BCH) who have partnered with Saucony to design their own shoe to launch the Shoes with Soul campaign.

“Rather than just a donation, we wanted to create an experience and a moment that would not only raise money, but also awareness to highlight all the amazing work that's being done at BCH,“ says Chris, Saucony's vice president. “Specifically, we wanted to give some of the BCH kids an opportunity to share their story and their talents with the world. ”

Luna's design is fashion. u On the tongue ,they digitalized one of my drawings, and then on bottom it's a really bright pink color, and on the inside ,the sole of the shoe is actually another drawing I did of a sunset,“ she said. "Thinking about kids everywhere around the world wearing my shoe is amazing. It blows my mind.

The income from the shoe sales will benefit the Boston Children's Hospital Cardiac Fitness Program, which encourages kids to “find your possible" through personalized exercise programs tailored for each individual patient's heart condition.

“It feels really good to help people and it's really something I can relate to,“ says Luna. “The advice I would give a kid or someone like me is never give up. There are a lot of kids out there with your condition and you're not alone.”

【小题1】What can we learn from Chris' words?
A.It's unwise to raise money.
B.It's optional to seek donations.
C.It's wonderful to study art.
D.It's necessary to show kids' talents.
【小题2】What does Luna mean by “It blows my mind" in paragraph 5?
A.I'm overjoyed.B.['m very serious.
C.My mind goes blank.D.My mind is racing.
【小题3】Which of the following best describes Luna?
A.Gifted and determined.B.Generous and serious.
C.Grateful and helpful.D.Creative and sensitive.
【小题4】What is the text mainly intended to do?
A.Tell us a story of a disabled girl.
B.Set a good example to the disabled.
C.Launch Saucony's new brand shoes.
D.Introduce a campaign with kid patients.

When I was a high school student,mathematics looked like a big barrier(障碍)for me and several of my classmates. Mr Iyer, a strict maths teacher,was also our class teacher. He always stuck to his discipline(纪律). We had to arrive on time. pay undivided attention to his lectures, and dared not to ignore any of his homework.

Even so, as our class teacher, we got to know him better. Noticing some of us couldn’t sit still and seemed restless one day as the mid-term exams approached, he stopped solving a mathematical problem to ask us why. “There’s too much to do,” we sighed. “We’re afraid we’ll never manage to finish our revision before the exam.” “Nothing is impossible.” Mr Iyer told us. “This classroom is on the second floor. Do you have a problem reaching here?” We reacted with blank stares.

“No,you don’t!” he said, answering his own question. “You have a staircase(楼梯)to help you climb up to this level. No one expects you to make it in two giant leaps(跳跃). You simply take one step at a time. Any task can be solved if you focus on the immediate action to be taken. The rest will take care of itself if you keep at it. One step at a time. That’s the secret.” Then he wrote down an old motto on the blackboard—the longest journey starts with a single step. Having heard his staircase analogy(比拟), we understood why he asked us the question and we saw him in a new light.

Most of my classmates scored distinctions(成绩优异)in maths. And I went on to become an English teacher. To this day, whenever I pass on Mr Iyer’s invaluable advice to my own students, they brighten up at the prospect of a lighter academic burden.

【小题1】What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A.The way Mr Iyer taught his students maths.
B.The reason why maths was hard for the author.
C.The students’ points of view on Mr lyer’s character.
D.The brief introduction of the author’s maths teacher, Mr Iyer.
【小题2】Why did Mr Iyer stop solving a mathematical problem in class?
A.Mr Iyer was a little tired and wanted to have a rest.
B.Some students made trouble and affected the class.
C.The mathematical problem was rather puzzling.
D.Some students seemed impatient and upset.
【小题3】What is the secret of reaching one’s goal according to Mr Iyer?
A.There is only one step between success and failure.
B.Take action quickly and make progress little by little.
C.It is important to make use of a good opportunity.
D.Don’t hesitate to ask for help when meeting with barriers.
【小题4】How does the author like Mr Iyer’s advice?
A.Strange and impractical.B.Incorrect and misleading.
C.Meaningful and valuable.D.Simple and uninteresting.

It’s not easy to die when you are only fifteen.

Those were the words that began the story I heard from Robert White, a North Carolina factory worker. He and his wife were visiting their daughter Lee in the hospital, as they did every evening, but Lee had already accepted her fate.

This particular evening, she seemed calm, but suddenly she said, “I always dreamed of falling in love, getting married, having kids… but above all I would have liked to work in a big marine park with dolphins. I’ve loved them and wanted to know more about them since I was little. I still dreaming of swimming with them, free and happy in the open sea.”

She’d never asked for anything, but now she said with all the strength she had, “Daddy, I want to swim in the open sea among the dolphins just once. Maybe then I wouldn’t be so scared of dying.”

It seemed like an absurd impossible dream, but she, who had given up just about everything else, hung on to it.

Robert and his family talked it over and decided to do everything they could. They had heard of a research center in the Florida Keys, and they phoned them.

“Come at once,” they said.

When they arrived at Grass Key, Lee didn’t want to rest for a minute and begged her parents to take her straightaway to the dolphins. It was an unforgettable scene. Robert took her out toward the dolphins, Nat and Tursi, which were playing about thirty feet away from them. At first they seemed distracted and uninterested, but when Lee called them softly by name, they responded without hesitation. Nat came over first, raised his head and gave her a kiss on the end of her nose. Then Tursi came over and greeted her with little high-pitched squeaks of joy. A second later they picked her up with their mighty fins and carried her out to sea with them.

“It feels like I’m flying!” cried Lee, laughing with delight.

Lee’s family hadn’t heard her laugh like that since she became ill. They could hardly believe it was true. But there she was, gripping Nat’s fin and challenging the wind and the immensity of the ocean. The dolphins stayed with Lee for more than an hour, always tender, always attentive, never using any unnecessary force, always responsive to her wishes.

Maybe it’s true that they are more intelligent and sensitive creatures than man. What was certain was that those marvelous dolphins understood that Lee was dying and wanted to comfort her as she faced her great journey into the unknown. From the moment they took her in hand, they never left her alone for a second. They got her to play and observed her commands with the sweetness that was magical. In their company, Lee found for one last time the enthusiasm and the will to live. She was strong and happy like she used to be. At one point she shouted, “The dolphins have healed me, Daddy.”

The next day she was too weak to get out of bed. She didn’t even want to talk, but when Robert took her hand she squeezed it and whispered, “Daddy, don’t sad for me. I’ll never be afraid again. The dolphins have made me understand that I have nothing to fear.”

Just before dawn, Robert’s little girl died in his arms a few minutes later. They only realized her suffering was over because her body became colder and heavier.

They cremated her as she wanted and went out the next day to scatter her ashes in the ocean amongst the dolphins. They were all crying—not only Lee’s family, but also the sailors on the boat who had taken them out into the bay. And then, suddenly, through their tears, they saw the great arching silver shape of Nat and Tursi leaping out of the water ahead.

As Robert recounted, “They had come to take our daughter home.”

【小题1】Why did Robert and his wife decided to do everything they could to help Lee realize her dream?
A.It might be the only wish for a girl who was dying soon.
B.It was an impossible dream that can’t be realized by Lee.
C.It was a good way to persuade Lee to be strong in life.
D.It was an effective treatment for Lee’s disorder.
【小题2】Why did the author say “they are more intelligent and sensitive creatures than man”?
A.They gave Lee a kiss and greeted her with high-pitched squeaks.
B.They understood what Lee would encounter in the unknown world.
C.They made Lee comfortable by carrying her out to sea.
D.They understood the dying girl and gave her courage.
【小题3】In Lee’s opinion, how have the dolphins healed her illness?
A.They accompanied her to drive out her loneliness.
B.They swam with her to make her energetic.
C.They gave her strength and made her happy.
D.They sensed her illness and comforted her.
【小题4】Which two of the following words best describe Lee’s characters?
A.Sensitive and careful.B.Strong-willed and optimistic.
C.Caring but pessimistic.D.Determined but stubborn.
【小题5】What is the main idea of the passage?
A.A story of dolphins being devoted friends with a dying girl.
B.A story of a father keeping her dying daughter company.
C.A story of dolphins curing the illness of a dying girl.
D.A story of a girl protecting dolphins from being killed.
