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Nail biting is a common habit. A lot of people tend to bite their finger nails when nervous and anxious. It is a good way to reduce their stress. However, nail biting affects 30 percent of adults, 45 percent of teens and 30 percent of children. It can invite bacteria to enter the body and the blood, increasing your chances of catching a cold or the flu, according to the Mayo Clinic. Not to mention that it can ruin your smile.

The most common virus hiding under your nails is staphylococcus, which can enter the body through breaks in your skin after you bite your nails. If that is not enough a warning, just imagine parasites, hanging out in your nail tissue as you open mouth and put in your finger. So next time the anxiety comes in, try taking five deep breaths instead.

According to the Center for Disease Control, there are more than 200 cold viruses floating around at any given time. You may get one because of exposure to the sick. However, you can reduce your chances of catching a virus by keeping your hands away from your mouth. Viruses that cause the cold are active on your skin as well, so often wash your hands with soap and water, and avoid nail biting by chewing gum.

Nail biting can also damage the teeth. Check with your dentist whether having a mouth guard can help you to stop biting your nails or at least reduce some of the damage it can cause. She may be able to suggest some other ways to help you give up the habit for good.

【小题1】Who is most likely to be affected by nail biting?
A.The 16-year-old Bob.B.The second grader Gene.
C.The seven-month-old Jane.D.The mother of five children, Kate.
【小题2】What does the author mean by mentioning staphylococcus and parasites in Paragraph 2?
A.You should be careful of the nail.B.Nail biting harms your health a lot.
C.Deep breaths are useful to keep calm.D.People lack warnings about biting nails.
【小题3】Which of the following can keep you from cold viruses?
A.Avoiding chewing gum.B.Washing your face often.
C.Going to a dentist often.D.Staying away from the sick.
【小题4】What might be the best title of the passage?
A.Nail Biting Is a Common HabitB.Nail Biting Can Reduce Stress Well
C.Nail Biting Ruins Your Health and SmileD.Nail Biting Should Be Checked with a Dentist
知识点:疾病 个人保健说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
Darek Fidyka, a 38-year-old Bulgarian, had been paralysed (瘫痪的) from the chest down for four years after a knife attack. Scientists from Britain and Poland took cells from his nose, transplanted (移植) them into his back and re-grew his spinal cord (脊髓). Now he can walk and even drive a car. The doctors were delighted but said it was the first step in a long journey.
The breakthrough came after 40 years of research by Professor Geoff Raisman, who found that cells had the possibility to repair damage to nasal (鼻腔的) nerves, the only part of the nervous system that constantly re-grows. “The idea was to take something from an area where the nervous system can repair itself, and does so throughout life, and put it into an area that doesn’t repair itself,” Professor Raisman said.
Polish doctors injected the nasal cells into Mr Fidyka’s spinal cord above and below the injury and used some nerves from his ankle to form a bridge across the damaged tissue. The nasal cells appear to have caused the spinal nerves to repair themselves.
Professor Raisman achieved this with rats in the late 1990s, but this is his greatest success. “I think the moment of discovery for me was Christmas in 1997 when I first saw a rat that couldn’t control its hand put its hand out to me. That was an exciting moment, because I realized then that my belief that the nervous system could be repaired was true.”
Doctors chose the easiest case for their first attempt — it might not work for others. But there is a real sense of hope that an idea once thought impossible has been realized.
David Nicholls, who helped provide money for the breakthrough, said information about the breakthrough would be made available to researchers across the globe.
“What you’ve got to understand is that for three million paralysed people in the world today, the world looks a totally brighter place than it did yesterday,” he said.
【小题1】Why did Professor Geoff Raisman choose cells from the nose?
A.The nervous system in the nose can repair itself.
B.Cells in the nose can be easily transplanted.
C.Cells in the nose re-produce rapidly.
D.He just wanted to give it a try.
【小题2】What made Professor Geoff Raisman believe the nervous system can be repaired?
A.His study on animals.
B.His operation on a paralysed patient.
C.His sudden thoughts about Christmas.
D.His unusual experience with a sick rat.
【小题3】David Nicholls’ words suggest that _____.
A.the world is becoming better and brighter
B.paralysed people have the hope of recovery
C.the report of the breakthrough will be published soon
D.researchers across the globe will carry out the operation

New research linked outdoor air pollution to an increased risk of diabetes (糖尿病) globally, according to a study from Washington University in St. Louis and the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis Health Care System. The findings raised the possibility that reducing pollution might lead to a drop in diabetes cases.

“Our research shows a significant link between air pollution and diabetes globally,” said Ziyad Al-Aly, a professor at Washington University. “We found an increased risk, even at low levels of air pollution currently considered safe by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the World Health Organization (WHO). This is important because many industry groups argue that current levels are too strict. Evidence shows that current levels are still not sufficiently safe and need tightening.” The findings were published on June 29 in The Lancet Planetary Health.

To evaluate outdoor air pollution, the researchers looked at small pieces of dust, smoke and liquid droplets. In diabetes, pollution was thought to reduce insulin (胰岛素) production and prevent the body from changing blood glucose (葡萄糖) into energy that the body needed to maintain health.

The researchers also found that poverty-stricken countries faced a higher diabetes-pollution risk including Afghanistan, Papua New Guinea and Guyana, while richer countries such as France, Finland and Iceland experienced a lower risk. The US experienced a middle risk of pollution-related diabetes.

In the US, the EPA’s pollution limit was 12 micrograms per cubic meter of air, the highest level of air pollution considered safe for the public, as was set by the Clean Air Act of 1990 and was updated in 2012. However, using mathematical models, Al-Aly’s team set an increased diabetes risk at 2.4 micrograms per cubic meter of air. Based on VA data, among a sample of citizens exposed to pollution at a level of between 5 to 10 micrograms per cubic meter of air, about 21 percent developed diabetes.

“The team in St. Louis is doing important research to firm up links between pollution and health conditions such as diabetes,” said commission member Philip J. Landrigan, MD, a pediatrician and epidemiologist at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. “I believe their research will have a significant global effect.”

【小题1】What can we know from the first two paragraphs?
A.Diabetes had little to do with outdoor air pollution.
B.Reducing pollution might lead to a lot of diabetes cases.
C.Air pollution contributed significantly to diabetes globally.
D.Low-level air pollution was always considered safe by WHO.
【小题2】How did the researchers assess the air pollution?
A.By reducing insulin production.
B.By analyzing small matter in the air.
C.By connecting diabetes and pollution.
D.By checking blood glucose in the body.
【小题3】Why does the author list some figures in paragraph 5?
A.To present a result.B.To support his idea.
C.To make a comparison.D.To draw a conclusion.

Nail biting is a common habit. A lot of people tend to bite their finger nails when nervous and anxious. It is a good way to reduce their stress. However, nail biting affects 30 percent of adults, 45 percent of teens and 30 percent of children. It can invite bacteria to enter the body and the blood, increasing your chances of catching a cold or the flu, according to the Mayo Clinic. Not to mention that it can ruin your smile.

The most common virus hiding under your nails is staphylococcus, which can enter the body through breaks in your skin after you bite your nails. If that is not enough a warning, just imagine parasites, hanging out in your nail tissue as you open mouth and put in your finger. So next time the anxiety comes in, try taking five deep breaths instead.

According to the Center for Disease Control, there are more than 200 cold viruses floating around at any given time. You may get one because of exposure to the sick. However, you can reduce your chances of catching a virus by keeping your hands away from your mouth. Viruses that cause the cold are active on your skin as well, so often wash your hands with soap and water, and avoid nail biting by chewing gum.

Nail biting can also damage the teeth. Check with your dentist whether having a mouth guard can help you to stop biting your nails or at least reduce some of the damage it can cause. She may be able to suggest some other ways to help you give up the habit for good.

【小题1】Who is most likely to be affected by nail biting?
A.The 16-year-old Bob.B.The second grader Gene.
C.The seven-month-old Jane.D.The mother of five children, Kate.
【小题2】What does the author mean by mentioning staphylococcus and parasites in Paragraph 2?
A.You should be careful of the nail.B.Nail biting harms your health a lot.
C.Deep breaths are useful to keep calm.D.People lack warnings about biting nails.
【小题3】Which of the following can keep you from cold viruses?
A.Avoiding chewing gum.B.Washing your face often.
C.Going to a dentist often.D.Staying away from the sick.
【小题4】What might be the best title of the passage?
A.Nail Biting Is a Common HabitB.Nail Biting Can Reduce Stress Well
C.Nail Biting Ruins Your Health and SmileD.Nail Biting Should Be Checked with a Dentist
