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Scientists have already studied how dogs respond to people’s behavior and speech. But researchers are just scratching the surface of human-cat interactions. House cats do appear to respond to the expressions on people’s faces. Cats can also tell different human voices. But can cats recognize their own names?

Saito, a psychologist at Sophia University in Tokyo, and her colleagues decided to find the answer. They asked the owners of 77 cats to say four nouns of similar length followed by the cat’s name. Cats gradually lost interest in each random(随机的) noun. But when the owner said a cat’s name, the cats reacted strongly. They moved their ears, head or tail, changed their back paw’s position. And, of course, they miaowed.

These findings mean that cats join the ranks of animals that have shown some sort of response in experiments to the names people give them. Those animals include dogs, dolphins, apes and parrots. It’s hard to compare the number of words across species, though. Some dogs, for example, can tell the difference between hundreds of human words.

The study makes a strong case that cats are perfectly capable of recognizing their own names. Getting a treat or hug as a reward is part of how cats learn to recognize a name. However, owners may also use their cat’s name in a negative setting, like yelling at Fluffy to get off the stove. As a result, cats can probably learn to associate these familiar utterances with good and bad experiences, Saito notes. And that might not be great for human-cat relations. So only using a cat’s name in a positive context and using a different term in a negative context could help cats and humans communicate more clearly.

So cats may recognize their names. But will they come when called? Don’t get your hopes up.

【小题1】What made cats react strongly according to Saito’s study?
A.Their owners.B.A random noun.
C.Their own names.D.A delicious meal.
【小题2】The findings show _________.
A.all dogs will respond on hearing their names
B.it’s extremely difficult to tell cats’ names from dogs’
C.scientists know how to tell the difference between animals
D.there is difference in the number of words recognized among animals
【小题3】Which of the following could replace the underlined word “utterances” in Paragraph 4?
【小题4】What should people avoid to improve human-cat communication?
A.Giving a treat or hug as a reward.
B.Calling their name in a positive context.
C.Using a different term in a negative setting.
D.Associating their name with bad experiences.
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The number of birds in North America has declined by almost 3 billion since 1970, according to a study published in Science. The researchers estimated changes in the populations of 529 species using long-term bird-monitoring databases. Those data showed that the number of individual birds across all of those species had decreased by 29 percent, from around 10 billion in 1970 to just over 7 billion in 2017.

“The data they used provide probably the best long-term, large information on species abundances for any group of animals or plants anywhere in the world,” Natalie Wright, a bird biologist tells The Atlantic. “There’s always uncertainty, but if they are wrong, they are likely underestimating the size of population declines.”

The team also examined 10 years’ worth of data from a network of 143 weather radars, which pick up bird migrations, and found a reduction in migratory biomass of about 14 percent since 2007. “Two completely different and independent monitoring techniques thus signal major population loss across the continent,” the authors wrote in their paper.

The results are particularly concerning because many of the species showing declines are not considered rare or in danger, but are almost everywhere and potentially act as important contributors to food webs and ecosystem function. More than 90 percent of the loss in abundance in the survey data was due to declines in 12 families, including sparrows and blackbirds. Some other species, including many ducks, instead showed increases in abundance—possibly as a result of focused conservation efforts in recent years.

The findings should be a wake-up call. Many of the birds studied spend time in multiple countries within and beyond North America. What our birds need now is a historic, global effort that unites people and organizations with one common goal: bringing our birds back.

【小题1】How does the first paragraph show the bird reduction?
A.By comparing figures.B.By listing some examples.
C.By using experts’ words.D.By doing experiments.
【小题2】What can we infer about the function of the data according to Natalie Wright?
A.It’s wrong.B.It’s formal.C.It’s helpful.D.It’s useless.
【小题3】Which of the following is particularly worrying?
A.The focus of conservation efforts has turned out wrong.
B.Some ducks are likely to lose their ecosystem function.
C.Few species across the continent show the increase.
D.The population of widespread species is declining.
【小题4】What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To point out the importance of raising birds.
B.To call on people to work together to bring birds back.
C.To analyze the concerning results of long-term research.
D.To inform people of the dangers many species are facing.

There is an old saying----“The only good snake is a dead snake“   I disagree .I know some people like their smooth pets,but I hate them. I shake from head to foot even whenI see them on TV

One day I stepped over one in my front yard,, and I probably set a record for the fastest runner and the loudest screamer in my town. And I almost had a heart attack when I walked through my house that night after I saw the snake. For that my husband received a serious warning about leaving his belt on the floor. So you can imagine my response when I saw the news about the lost 8-foot long cobra of a zoo in the Orlando area where I had lived a few weeks ago and it still frightened me . After days of search, they gave up. Then a few days ago, I read about its return. A young lady went out to the car in her garage. There she heard hissing coming from under the car. She immediately called the officers at Animal Control. You guessed it. An 8--foot king cobra was hanging out under the car. It was frightening.

We might not have a king cobra hanging out around us, but maybe a snake is hiding around to see how it can damage us. We need to keep our guard up. I think if the young lady had kept her garage door shut, the king cobra might not have made it to the garage.

【小题1】What almost caused the author to get a heart attack?
A.Seeing a snake on TV
B.Seeing her husband’s belt on the floor.
C.Stepping over a snake in her front yard.
D.Reading the news about the lost king cobra.
【小题2】What happened to that 8--foot king cobra?
A.It was killed by the young lady.
B.It was sent back to the wild.
C.It ran away from the garage.
D.It was returned to the zoo.
【小题3】In the last paragraph, the author mainly suggests that we_____.
A.kill all snakes.
B.watch out for snakes.
C.know where snakes are.
D.always keep our doors shut

Twenty years ago, I became involved in pet therapy (治疗) work. As digging deeper into the job, I had an urge to be a recorder of their daily work to let more and more people know their efforts and contributions. After all, they could not say our languages. It was when I got familiar with the work that I got my golden retriever puppy (金毛寻回犬), whom I named Angel. As she matured and went through obedience training, I realized that she would be a good partner.

Angel is ten now and still works every week. As a rule, she visits two hospitals, a day care for the elderly, and our library’s PAWS for Reading program. Angel has also helped out at a children’s special-needs camp. She is so popular that everywhere we go people recognize her, especially the kids she has worked with.

We have seen some very special things through our pet therapy work. I brought Angel to our local hospital to visit a woman who was completely paralyzed (瘫痪的) on her right side from a stroke. One day, my husband, Jack asked her if she wanted to give Angel a treat. She nodded and gently took the treat, raised her right hand and started petting Angel. Her friend was in the room and said, “She hasn’t been able to move that hand since she had her stroke!”

Somehow it seems appropriate that when Angel visits the hospital, she also performs tricks for the patients with her paws. The best one is when she crouches on the floor and crosses her paws. She stays still and doesn’t move until Jack says “Best wishes”. It’s the best wishes for all the people Angel meets as well as for her.

【小题1】Why does the author want to be a recorder?
A.Pets cannot record themselves.B.Pets should be highly praised.
C.Pets’ labor should be made aware of.D.Pets daily work is important.
【小题2】How is Angel’s work?
A.Busy but rewarding.B.Interesting but tiring.
C.Funny and amusing.D.Important and demanding.
【小题3】What did Angel do for the paralyzed woman?
A.She cured her disease.B.She visited her at times.
C.She gave her best wishes.D.She played tricks on her.
【小题4】What is the best title for the passage?
A.A loyal dog.B.Selfless love.
C.A silent angel.D.Great devotion.
