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Handmade Canberra Market

Event: 29 / 07 / 2022-31 / 07 / 2022

The Handmade Canberra market is an event which happens 4 times each year and it sells jewellery, clothes, pet treats, foods, stationery, toys, garden sculptures and more! The large market is located in the Budawang Pavilion, Conference Centre and Coorong Pavilion at the EPIC (Exhibition Park in Canberra). It generally attracts about 20, 000 visitors over two days.

It is an enjoyable way to spend the day as you walk through the stalls (摊位) enjoying the creativity of the talented (有才能的) people of Canberra and other parts of Australia. The event has free parking and entry (入场) only costs you a small donation (捐赠) to a local organization for helping the needy. If you get hungry after all the shopping, there are a number of delicious food choices in the Coorong Pavilion to choose from, as well as areas to sit and rest your feet.

When the market first began in 2008, the organizer, Julie Nichols, started with 34 stalls — this has now increased to over 290 stalls at each event. Julie Nichols has won several awards (奖) for business, design and tourism because of the success of the market. Handmade Canberra celebrated its 10th birthday in 2018 and it has been a popular event with locals and visitors every year.

With so many goods in one place, the Handmade Canberra market is a relaxing way to have a quiet shop by yourself or to walk around with friends and make a day of it. You are sure to go home with a piece not seen anywhere else.

【小题1】How often does the market usually open up?
A.Once a month.B.Twice a month.
C.Three times a year.D.Four times a year.
【小题2】Which of the following is free for visitors to the market?
A.Parking their cars.
B.Entering the market.
C.Learning to make objects.
D.Eating at the food tasting area.
【小题3】Why is Julie Nichols mentioned in the text?
A.To show the development of the market.
B.To explain the reason for opening the market.
C.To introduce how the market influences locals’ life.
D.To tell us how hard the success of the market comes.
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How to Keep a Relationship Healthy and Strong

Are you new to experiencing relationships? Well, let me give you advice on having a healthy and possibly long-term relationship.

【小题1】 Do not hide things from them; do not lie. Don’t be afraid to say things that aren’t very flattering about yourself. Getting them to trust you is the most important element in any relationship. If there’s no trust, there’s nothing there. So please be honest and they’ll learn to open up to you. 

Make sure you give them respect. Now respect isn’t just simply treating her or him nicely. There’s a lot more to it. You have to learn to adjust to their liking. 【小题2】 Don’t just think about yourself; think about what your partner needs out of it as well. 

【小题3】 Always be willing to help them and give them positivity at the same time. Make them feel you are someone they can really depend on and build a future with. This is an important step in a relationship. Your partner has to be able to count on you when you are needed. Make sure you have a good sense of humor with them. Laughter is the key to happiness. Laugh a lot with them; joke with them. Laughter may seem silly, but it’s the secret to a lot in life. It will keep the sparks alive. 【小题4】

Make sure the communication is good. This goes along with trust, but always communicates how you feel, even if it’s something that upsets you. Instead of screaming, talk to them. 【小题5】 It’s important to communicate this to them, instead of keeping it bottled up.

A.Be an honest person with them.
B.Show them your personality.
C.Laughter keeps the relationship strong and lasting.
D.Make sure you are encouraging to your partner.
E.Don’t start to neglect them and make them feel unwanted.
F.Basically, learn to study your partners’ moods, wants and needs.
G.If they did something that made you unhappy, tell them about it in a respectful manner.

How frequently do the words “I don’t have time” pass your lips (嘴唇)? Quite often, I guess. Every time you say “I don’t have time”, it makes you feel weak and out of control. 【小题1】 , but you may waste a lot of it. I know it’s not as easy as simply turning off the TV. Here are some tips that will help you take control of your time and get your time on your side!


People tell me how they have no time to read or travel when they “have the time”. Well, the time is now, my friend. 【小题3】, you have to prepare a little.

The solution: Put it on your calendar! You’ve got to schedule it.

Realize what wastes your time.

Do you spend an hour or two looking through Facebook every day? Are you spending time with people that you don’t really like just to please them?

Are there meetings that you can politely refuse? It’s time to get real about the hours that add up to a whole lot of dissatisfying nothing. 【小题4】.

Change your language.

【小题5】. They have power. Saying “I don’t have time” is an excuse for not wanting to do something. Here are some good choices:

“I choose not to start that project until next year.”

“I’d love to read that book — I’ll get to it after my homework is finished!”

A.Words matter
B.Make a schedule
C.We are all busy each day
D.Replace them with things that satisfy you
E.The truth is that you are in control of your time
F.But like planning for a nice meal or a job interview
G.When it comes to what activities really matter to you

US President Donald Trump's senior adviser Kellyanne Conway has come under fire after picture of her casually kneeling on a couch in the Oval Office was widely shared on social media.

In an image captured by an AFP photographer,Conway appears on the couch with her shoes on as Trump poses for a photo with leaders of historically black colleges and universities.

Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens was among those taking aim at Conway,suggesting that aides under previous administrations would have caused even greater outcry.

"If Rice or Jarrett had sat like this in Oval Office,conservatives(保守党党员)would have screamed themselves hoarse for weeks.Now we own trashy," he wrote.

Trump's predecessor Barack Obama was repeatedly attacked for photos in which he appeared to be relaxing. Critics also condemned Obama for unbuttoning the previous Oval Office dress code that called for a suit jacket and a tie.

The image of Conway was spread widely on social media,with several Twitter users criticizing her for what they described as a lack of respect in the Oval Office.

This is not the first time Conway has found herself at the centre of a storm.She recently came under fire for plugging(宣传)the fashion brand of the president's daughter.

The head of the US Office of Government Ethics urged the White House to investigate Conway after the incident,saying she should face disciplinary(惩戒性的)action.

【小题1】What do we know about Rice and Jarrett mentioned in Paragraph 4?
A.They once screamed themselves in Oval Office.
B.They were both Obama's assistants under previous administrations.
C.They are senior advisers now.
D.They have found themselves at the centre of a storm.
【小题2】What does the underlined word "trashy" mean in Paragraph 4?
A.Of no value.B.Rubbish.
【小题3】Why was President Barack Obama criticized by some social media?
A.Barack Obama didn't make achievements as the US President.
B.Barack Obama was repeatedly seen wearing informal clothes in the Oval Office.
C.Barack Obama preferred Rice or Jarrett to behave casually in the Oval Office.
D.Barack Obama ordered Rice to plug the fashion brand of his daughter.                       .
【小题4】What might happen to Conway according to the text?
A.She would be promoted.
B.She might be praised by President Donald Trump.
C.She might be given disciplinary treatment.
D.She would apply for resignation.
