选词填空-短文选词填空 适中0.65 引用2 组卷975
Directions:   Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

As infants, we can recognize our mothers within hours of birth. In fact, we can recognize the 【小题1】of our mother’s face well before we can recognize her body shape. It’s 【小题2】how the brain can carry out such a function at such a young age, especially since we don’t learn to walk and talk until we are over a year old. By the time we are adults, we have the ability to distinguish around 100,000 faces. How can we remember so many faces when many of us find it difficult to 【小题3】such a simple thing as a phone number? The exact process is not yet fully understood, but research around the world has begun to define the specific areas of the brain and processes 【小题4】for facial recognition.
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology believe that they have succeeded in 【小题5】a specific area of the brain called the fusiform face area (FFA), which is used only for facial recognition. This means that recognition of familiar objects such as our clothes or cars, is from 【小题6】in the brain. Researchers also have found that the brain needs to see the whole face for recognition to take place. It had been 【小题7】thought that we only needed to see certain facial features. Meanwhile, research at University College London has found that facial recognition is not a single process, but 【小题8】involves three steps. The first step appears to be an analysis of the physical features of a person’s face, which is similar to how we scan the bar codes of our groceries. In the next step, the brain decides whether the face we are looking at is already known or unknown to us. And finally, the brain furnishes the information we have collected about the person whose face we are looking at. This complex 【小题9】is done in a split second so that we can behave quickly when reacting to certain situations.
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Directions:   Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

As infants, we can recognize our mothers within hours of birth. In fact, we can recognize the 【小题1】of our mother’s face well before we can recognize her body shape. It’s 【小题2】how the brain can carry out such a function at such a young age, especially since we don’t learn to walk and talk until we are over a year old. By the time we are adults, we have the ability to distinguish around 100,000 faces. How can we remember so many faces when many of us find it difficult to 【小题3】such a simple thing as a phone number? The exact process is not yet fully understood, but research around the world has begun to define the specific areas of the brain and processes 【小题4】for facial recognition.
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology believe that they have succeeded in 【小题5】a specific area of the brain called the fusiform face area (FFA), which is used only for facial recognition. This means that recognition of familiar objects such as our clothes or cars, is from 【小题6】in the brain. Researchers also have found that the brain needs to see the whole face for recognition to take place. It had been 【小题7】thought that we only needed to see certain facial features. Meanwhile, research at University College London has found that facial recognition is not a single process, but 【小题8】involves three steps. The first step appears to be an analysis of the physical features of a person’s face, which is similar to how we scan the bar codes of our groceries. In the next step, the brain decides whether the face we are looking at is already known or unknown to us. And finally, the brain furnishes the information we have collected about the person whose face we are looking at. This complex 【小题9】is done in a split second so that we can behave quickly when reacting to certain situations.
Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. associated       B. dominant        C. frequent        D. implications       E. inferiority
F. interpreted       G. physically       H. predicted       I. potentially        J. seconds       K. vitality

Most people do not realize that dreams take up about 25% of the night’s sleep, and each dream period lasts from five to 20 minutes. These is no doubt that dreams play an important role in our lives. If they can be correctly 【小题1】 — and that is a big “if” — we can come to understand ourselves better. Here, we look at three common dreams and what they 【小题2】 symbolize.

Dream 1: I can see their laughing faces. laughing at me. But they aren’t as smart. If they were, they’d be up here flying with me!

This dream has both positive and negative 【小题3】 . On the positive side, the dream may express a strong desire to travel and get away from everyday routine. It may also symbolize a powerful desire to achieve. On the other hand, this dream can mean the person has a problem or is afraid of something and they wish to escape. The dream could represent a(n) 【小题4】 complex, which the dreamer attempts to escape from by literally and 【小题5】 putting themselves up above others.

Dream 2: I’m moving fast now, but it’s still behind me. Doesn’t matter how fast I go, I still can’t escape.

Although this is a traditional symbol of health and 【小题6】 like the first one, it too can suggest the dreamer is trying to escape from danger. Usually, fear is the 【小题7】 emotion. By running hard, the dreamer can possibly escape the threat. However, they can also stop moving. This makes the fear even more terrifying. One possible interpretation suggests that the person is under pressure in their everyday life.

Dream 3: I’m sweating and my heart is beating. I’m trapped, trapped in my own bed.

This symbol is 【小题8】 with fear and embarrassment: suddenly the dreamer loses all power of movement. They try hard to move their arms and legs, but they simply cannot. Frozen in a terrifying situation with no escape, they become more and more terrified as the 【小题9】 go by. Another 【小题10】 context for this dream is failing to do something in public, often something that you are normally very good at, such as your job. Not only is this extremely embarrassing, but it also shows a deep-seated fear of losing a job and a livelihood.

Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box.   Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. backfire B. compensate          C. extend   D. impressive       E. meaningful
F. measure G. needle   H. overall   I. perceive J. punishment   K. typically
Why You Shouldn’t Exercise to Lose Weight

Many of us are lacing up our sneakers and starting (or restarting) exercise regimens (练身计划) in hopes of shedding unwanted pounds. Unquestionably, aiming to be more active is good. But if the main reason is to lose weight, your New Year’s resolution could very well 【小题1】.

For starters, exercise — at least the kind most of us do — is 【小题2】 ineffective for weight loss. Take walking, for example. A 150-pound person who walks briskly for 30 minutes will burn, on average, around 140 calories. That’s equal to one can of soda — not exactly a great return on your investment of time and effort. It’s much easier just to skip the soda.

Studies 【小题3】 show that doing moderate-intensity aerobic exercise such as walking for 30 minutes a day, five days a week — the amount recommended for good health — typically produces little or no weight loss by itself.

When moderate exercise is added to diet, the results are equally not 【小题4】. Pooling data from six trials, researchers found that a combination of diet and exercise generated no greater weight loss than diet alone after six months.

In studies where exercise has produced 【小题5】 weight loss, participants burned at least 400 to 500 calories per session on five or more days a week. To achieve that, sessions need to go well beyond what most of us are willing or able to do. And even if we manage to exert that much effort, our bodies often 【小题6】 by boosting appetite and dialing down metabolism, effects that over time limit how many pounds we shed.

Perhaps the biggest problem with exercising to drop pounds is that it turns physical activity into 【小题7】. How many times have you heard someone say (or said yourself) “I’ll need to do extra exercise” after eating too much during the holidays or at a celebratory dinner?

The point is that we’re more likely to 【小题8】 exercise positively and actually do it when we focus on our well-being rather than our weight. The incentive may be an improved mood or less stress. Others may find that exercise makes them feel physically and mentally stronger.

Of course, the benefits of physical activity 【小题9】 well beyond these. It’s been shown to reduce the risk of multiple diseases. It can also improve sleep and boost energy.

By all means, striving to exercise regularly in the new year is perhaps the most important thing you can do for your health. But to improve the odds of success, focus on how movement helps you feel better physically and emotionally — and forget about how it moves the 【小题10】 on the scale.
