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Last night at work, a girl came in and sat at the bar. She asked for a cup of water and a menu and eventually ordered a bacon cheeseburger which costs roughly $12 at my restaurant.

After eating for a few minutes, she asked me for a napkin (餐巾) and a pen. I saw her writing on the napkin but didn’t think anything of it. When I turned around, she was gone. As I went to clear her plate, I noticed that she had left a $100 bill along with a note that read, “Today marks my 14th day of chemo (化疗) along with my 26th birthday. Life’s been good to me so far, and I think I will pass my luck on to someone else. Have a great night!”

I have never been so touched by a stranger in my entire life. About 3 months ago, my own mother was diagnosed with lung cancer, so this hit very close to home. Having just witnessed my mother completed her first 5-week cycle of chemo, I know the pain and exhaustion this young woman is feeling. On top of the chemo, she was selfless enough on her own birthday that she gave a stranger a gift.

This young woman has completely touched my soul and has affected my life in a way that I will never forget. I hope to see her again one day, so I can tell her how much her random act of kindness has touched me and finally changed my life.

Thank you for being such a beautiful person and I pray that you get well.

Thank you for making the world a better place.

【小题1】The author might work as a ______.
【小题2】How did the girl offer her kindness?
A.By giving some economic support to someone in need.
B.By offering free chemo to someone else.
C.By buying a dinner for someone else.
D.By writing a letter full of kindness.
【小题3】What does the underlined phrase “hit very close to home” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.To make somebody go home.
B.To know somebody’s address.
C.To have a strong effect on somebody.
D.To send food to somebody’s home.
【小题4】Why does the author want to see the girl again?
A.To thank her for the money she left.
B.To tell her what effect she has on the author.
C.To tell her she is very beautiful.
D.To wish her good luck in getting well.
知识点:记叙文善行义举(个人)生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Maestro Martins, from Brazil, fell in love with the piano when he learned to play at the age of eight. He then went on to become a famous classical pianist. His life was devoted to the piano. However, in 1965, this musician suffered an injury that left him with damage in one arm. Martins could play with one hand but suffered from a neurological (神经系统的) problem. This resulted in a lack of good control of his hands.

Determined to recover and play the piano, he went through 24 operations. None of the procedures worked. Yet he pursued his love of music and he became a composer. Martins travelled the world as a composer with some of the best European and American orchestras (管弦乐队).

His life then took a beautiful turn. Industrial designer Ubiratan Bizarro Costa came up with a solution for him, presenting Martins with a pair of bionic (仿生的) gloves. The black gloves Save iron rods made with a 3D printer, so after a finger is lowered onto a piano key, the gloves assist it to spring back.

With tears streaming down his face, Martins felt true gratitude as he started to play his favorite piano. “To be able to use all ten fingers again more than 20 years later is a miracle for me at the age of 80,” Martins said. It gave Martins pause to simply appreciate one’s fingers for all the work, creativity, and skills they could offer. And now Martins’ dream has actually come true; he has been reunited with his beloved piano; his fingers are now flying across the keys merrily.

As for Bizarro, he plans to produce and export his bionic gloves. His discovery may renew hope for many people around the world. Some people will be able to use their fingers once again. His invention will show how emotional, creative, and inspiring one’s fingers can actually be.

【小题1】What do we know about Martins from the first paragraph?
A.He showed a talent for piano at a young age.
B.He gave up playing the piano after falling ill.
C.He developed a passion for piano to kill time.
D.He had great difficulty playing the piano after an injury.
【小题2】What did Martins do after his operations?
A.He continued devoting himself to the music career.
B.He travelled overseas to enjoy concerts with friends.
C.He looked for special piano keys to work on music creations.
D.He assisted Ubiratan Bizarro Costa to produce bionic gloves.
【小题3】How did Martins feel while playing with the bionic gloves?
A.He was proud of his achievements.
B.He felt concerned about his future career.
C.He felt a sense of responsibility for music education.
D.He was excited to regain his pleasure in playing the piano.
【小题4】What can we infer about the bionic gloves?
A.They will help more people pursue their dreams.
B.They will become popular for their simple design.
C.They need to be improved to offer better services.
D.They will inspire more people to study musical instruments.

On a steamy July day in Bayonet Point, Florida, Gene Work and his brother-in-law, Mark Rouco, were renewing Gene’s lawn. It had grown brown and patchy in the heat, and the homeowners’ association had threatened to heavily fine him if the situation wasn’t improved. The new sod (草皮) was sitting in the driveway on four pallets, but the job was slow-going. Gene, then 40, wasn’t feeling right. He went inside to take a break and collapsed on the couch, clutching his chest. His wife, Melissa Work, called 911 quickly.

Even though he was staring down death. Gene had one thing on his mind: that lawn If the sod wasn’t put down that day, it would die. “While he was having his heart attack, literally in and out of consciousness, he kept begging me to have it put down because he didn’t want it to go to waste,” Melissa wrote in a Facebook post.

Soon Pasco County Fire Rescue arrived and took Gene and Melissa to the hospital, leaving Rouco behind to tackle the yard. Within an hour, he had managed to remove the old grass. He was about to lay the new sod, which he feared would take him well into the night, when two emergency vehicles appeared. Seven men--the same ones who had treated his brother--got out. Gene had told them how badly he’d wanted to get the sod down, so they had returned to help. The job was done in under two hours.

Meanwhile, Gene had surgery to insert stents (支架) in his heart, alleviating a potentially deadly blockage. He’s home now, fully recovered--and enjoying his beautiful lawn.

The Works are still amazed that those EMTs (Emergency medical technician) went above and beyond their job description. “These men,” Melissa told tampabay. com, “saved Gene’s life, and then came back to save his grass. That’s just so awesome.”

【小题1】Why did Gene want to renew his lawn?
A.It was in bad condition.B.He was fined by the association.
C.The sod grew too slowly.D.He disliked the color of the lawn.
【小题2】The seven men (EMTs) returned in order to ________.
A.perform their dutiesB.help with Gene’s lawn
C.check Gene’s houseD.send Gene back from hospital
【小题3】What does the underlined word “alleviating” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
【小题4】Which of the following best describes EMTs?

On a cool autumn evening, while wandering through the streets of the old town, my attention was captured by a charming bookstore located between towering buildings. The warm light through its windows drew me closer, and without realizing it, I stood at its entrance, peering through the glass.

Earlier that day, after enjoying a pleasant lunch with friends, I had decided to explore the city on foot. Despite passing through this part of town numerous times, I had never spotted the charming bookstore. However, on this particular evening, something about it seemed irresistibly inviting.

Gently brushing away the fallen leaves from the window frame, I took a closer look inside. Rows of shelves filled with books of various sizes and colors stretched across the small and friendly interior, each volume whispering tales of adventure and wisdom. As my eyes moved over the titles, a wave of fond memories washed over me, transporting me back to my childhood.

Growing up, my world was dominated by sports and outdoor activities, often at my father’s insistence. He would say, “You need to play football, Alex. It builds character.” Yet deep down, I always felt out of place on the football field, my mind wandering to distant lands and heroic tales.

Every Sunday, after an exhausting football match, I would secretly go to my room and lose myself in books. The characters became my friends, and their journeys provided my escape. I still vividly recall the overwhelming joy I experienced when I first read about the adventures of a young wizard. His bravery and determination deeply touched me.

One day, our school librarian noticed my passion for reading and suggested I join the book club. Hesitant and unsure of my father’s reaction, I took the club flyer (宣传单) home, my heart racing with a mix of fear and hope. To my surprise, he was supportive, his typically serious expression softening as he signed the permission slip.

Joining the book club marked a turning point. I discovered a community where I truly belonged, and my passion for reading was embraced and nurtured. I began to craft my own stories, each one reflecting my dreams and desires.

As I stood there, lost in these thoughts, the door of bookstore opened, inviting me in. Stepping inside felt like coming home, a place where dreams and reality met. It was a reminder of how books had shaped my life, guiding me through the challenges of childhood and inspiring me to find my true passion.

【小题1】What was the author’s first impression of the bookstore on the autumn evening?
A.It appeared to be closed and deserted.B.It seemed disappointing and dark.
C.It was incredibly welcome.D.It looked modern and busy.
【小题2】Why did the author’s father ask him to play football during his upbringing?
A.To improve his strong personal qualities.
B.To keep him physically fit and healthy.
C.To prepare him for a sports career.
D.To follow a family tradition.
【小题3】The father’s act of signing the club flyer implies that he is ________.
A.strict and demandingB.mindless and annoying
C.considerate and approvingD.protective and understanding
【小题4】What effect did joining the book club have on the author?
A.It isolated him from social life.B.It made him give up on sports entirely.
C.It shaped the author’s personal growth.D.It changed the author’s view on reading.
【小题5】What message does the author’s story convey
A.Meeting expectations.B.Pursuing one’s passions.
C.Exploring with excitement.D.Prioritizing physical activities.
