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I was at the funeral of my dearest friend - my mother. She finally had lost her long battle with cancer. The hurt was so intense; I found it hard to breathe at times. Always supportive, Mother clapped loudest at my school plays, held the box of tissues while listening to my first heartbreak, comforted me at my father’s death, and prayed for me my entire life.

When mother’s illness was diagnosed, my sister had a new baby and my brother had recently married his childhood sweetheart, so it fell on me, the 27-year-old middle child, to take care of her. I counted it an honor. My place had been with our mother, preparing her meals, taking her to the doctor, reading the Bible together. Now she was in heaven. My work was finished, but I was alone.

Deep in sorrow, suddenly, I heard a door open and slam shut at the back of the church. Quick footsteps hurried along the carpeted floor. A young man looked around briefly and then sat next to me. He folded his hands and placed them on his lap. His eyes started to be filled with tears.

“I’m late,” he explained, though no explanation was necessary.

After several eulogies(悼词), he leaned over and commented, “Why do they keep calling Mary by the name of Margaret?”

“Because that was her name, Margaret. Never Mary.” I whispered, wondering who the stranger was anyway.

“Isn’t this the Lutheran church?”

“No, the Lutheran church is across the street.”

“Oh ...”

“I believe you’re at the wrong funeral, Sir.”

The solemnness(庄重)of the occasion mixed with the realization of the man’s mistake bubbled up inside me and came out as laughter. Sharp looks from other mourner(哀悼者)only made the situation seem more stupid. I peeked at the confused, misguided man seated beside me. He was laughing too, as he glanced around, deciding it was too late for an uneventful exit. I imagined Mother laughing.

At the final “Amen,” we rushed out a door and into the parking lot. “I do believe we’ll be the talk of the town. By the way, my name is Rick,” he smiled.

That afternoon began a lifelong journey for me with this man who attended the wrong funeral, but was in the right place. A year after our meeting, we were married at a country church. This time we both arrived at the same church, right on time.

In my time of sorrow, God gave me laughter. In place of loneliness, God gave me love. This past June, we celebrated our twenty-second wedding anniversary. Whenever anyone asks us how we met, Rick tells them, “Her mother and my Aunt introduced us, and it’s truly a match made in heaven.”

【小题1】Only the author could take care of her mom mainly because __________.
A.her mom loved her much more than other children
B.she was the eldest daughter in the family
C.a lovely baby came into her brother’s family
D.she was the only child without a new family’s burden
【小题2】Which of the following sentences is True?
A.Rick was late for the funeral because he didn’t know the name of deceased.
B.The author felt reluctant to undertake the work of tending her mother.
C.Rick remained at the funeral even though he knew he had made a mistake.
D.The author and Rick resembled in personality because neither could control emotions.
【小题3】What can we infer from the passage?
A.Margaret should be the name of Rick’s aunt.
B.The author was supposed to be at the Lutheran church.
C.The author and Rick met 22 years ago for the first time.
D.The mourners at the funeral considered the author’s joy improper.
【小题4】What could be the best title for the passage?
A.Two Funerals at a TimeB.Hope Remains at the Funeral
C.A heavenly EncounterD.Manners Matter at the Funeral
知识点:家人和亲人 记叙文生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

TikTok has pushed a new safety update in November to its app that allows parents to take more control of their teenager's accounts, as social media companies come under increasing pressure to make their platforms safer for children.

The company said Tuesday that its “Family Pairing” feature now enables parents to turn off comments on their children's videos entirely or to limit them to friends only. Parents whose accounts are linked to their kids will also be able to set their accounts to private, turn off the search function for content, users or sounds, and limit who can see which videos their children have liked.

Launched (发布) in March, the Family Pairing tool lets parents see how long their children are spending on TikTok each day and limit the content they can see.

TikTok allows children to register and create an account if they're over the age of 13. All they need to do is provide their date of birth. However, because TikTok doesn't require registers to prove their identities, some children under 13 have registered by lying about their age,according to U. K. regulator Ofcom (英国通讯管理局).

Alexandra Evans, head of child safety public policy for TikTok in Europe, told CNBC that Family Pairing has “put itself in parents' shoes” since it was launched.

“If we're thinking about it as a toolbox, we wanted to offer more tools,” she said on a video call ahead of the announcement.

【小题1】What pushed TikTok to launch the new update?
A.The pressure from social media.B.The concern about kids' online safety.
C.The force from government.D.The increasing need of users.
【小题2】What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The safety tips from TikTok.B.New apps explored by TikTok.
C.New functions of Family Pairing.D.The limits on Family Pairing.
【小题3】What is Ofcom mainly concerned about?
A.The difficulty in opening an account.B.The low age limit for users.
C.TikTok's failure to check identities.D.The demand for users' birth dates.
【小题4】What's Evans attitude toward the new Family Pairing?
【小题5】What might be the best title of the passage?
A.TikTok's Safety Update.B.New Guidelines for Safety.
C.Family Pairing under Debate.D.Controlling Your Kids Online.

Low-Cost Gifts for Mother’s Day

Gift No. 1

Offer to be your mother’s health friend. Promise to be there for any and all doctor’s visits whether a disease or a regular medical check-up. Most mothers always say “no need,” but another set of eyes and ears is always a good idea at a doctor’s visit. The best part? This one is free.

Gift No. 2

Help your mother organize all of her medical records, which include the test results and medical information. Put them all in one place. Be sure to make a list of all of her medicines and what times she takes them. “Having all this information in one place could end up saving your mother’s life,” Dr. Marie Savard said.

Gift No. 3

Enough sleep is connected to general health conditions. “Buy your mother cotton sheets and comfortable pillows to encourage better sleep,” Savard said. “We know that good sleep is very important to our health.”

Gift No. 4

Some gift companies such as Presents for Purpose allow you to pay it forward this Mother’s Day by picking gifts in which 10 percent of the price you pay goes to a charity (慈善机构). Gift givers can choose from a wide variety of useful but inexpensive things — many of which are “green” — and then choose a meaningful charity from a list. When your mother gets the gift, she will be told that she has helped the chosen charity.

【小题1】What are you advised to do for your mother at doctor’s visits?
A.Take notes.B.Be with her.C.Buy medicine.D.Give her gifts
【小题2】What can be a gift of organization for your mother?
A.Keeping her medical information together.B.Buying all gifts for her from one company.
C.Making a 1ist of her medical check-ups.D.Storing her medicines in a safe place.
【小题3】Where can you find a gift idea to improve your mother’s sleep?
A.In Gift No. 1.B.In Gift No. 2.C.In Gift No. 3.D.In Gift No. 4.

The mom had died when the rescuers found her after the terrible earthquake. She was covered by a destroyed house. Through gaps (缝隙) of those ruins, the rescuers could see her last posture (姿势). It was something like an ancient person who was kowtowing (叩头), but it just looked strange because she was out of shape by pressure.

The rescuers confirmed her death by touching her through the gaps of the ruins. They shouted at the ruins again and again, knocked the bricks using various tools, but no reply inside.

Then the rescuing team went to the next building. Suddenly the leader ran back, calling “Come here.” He came to the body, put his hands under the woman, feeling and touching, then shouted loudly and gladly, “There is someone, a baby, still living.”

Through some efforts, rescuers cleaned up the ruins which blocked her. Under her body lay her baby, who was covered by a small red quilt (棉被). He was about 3 or 4 months’ old. Since well protected by his mother’s body, he was safe. He was in a deep sleep when the rescuer carried him out, and his lovely and peaceful face warmed everyone around him. The doctor, along with the rescuing team, took the baby out of the quilt to check if the baby was all right, and he found there was a mobile phone in the quilt. The doctor looked at the screen; a written message was already there: “My dear baby if you could live, don’t forget how much I love you.” As a doctor, he experienced much of this type of separation; but at this moment, he cried. The mobile phone was passed, and every person who saw this message shed (流出) tears.

【小题1】When the rescuers found the mom, she________.
A.was using her mobile phone to ask for helpB.begged the rescuers to save her baby first
C.was struggling with the pressureD.didn’t have the normal shape
【小题2】When the baby was rescued, he________.
A.was smiling a lotB.was fast asleep
C.was listening carefullyD.was frightened to death
【小题3】After seeing the words on the mobile phone, people was________.
【小题4】The passage is mainly about________.
A.a story of saving a mother and her babyB.the disaster of a terrible earthquake
C.the great love of a mother in the earthquakeD.the rescuers’ hard work after an earthquake
