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Deliberation is not always the best option

Humans have developed over millions of years of evolution to respond to certain situations without thinking too hard. If your ancestors _______ movement in the undergrowth, they would run first and ask questions later. At the same time, the _______ to analyse and to plan is part of what distinguishes people from other animals.

The question of when to trust your gut(直觉)and when to test your _______—whether to think fast or slow, in the language of Daniel Kahneman, a psychologist—_______ in the office as much as it does in the savannah(大草原).

Deliberative thinking is the feature of a well-managed workplace. Strategic changes and budget discussions are built on rounds of meetings, memos, formulas and presentations. Processes are increasingly designed to _______ instinctive responses. From blind screening of job applicants to using “red-teaming” techniques to pick apart a firm’s plans, precision _______ instinct.

Yet instinct also has its place. Some decisions are more connected to emotional responses and inherently(固有的)less _______ to analysis. Does a marketing campaign capture the _______ of your company, say, or would this person work well with other people in a team? In _______ customer-service situations, intuition is often a better guide to how to behave than a script.

Gut instincts can also be ________. Plenty of research has shown that intuition becomes more unfailing with experience. In one well-known experiment, conducted in 2012, volunteers were asked to ________ whether a selection of designer handbags were fake or real. Some were instructed to operate on instinct and others to deliberate over their decision. Intuition worked better for those who owned at least three designer handbags; indeed, it ________ analysis. The more expert you become, the better your instincts tend to be.

________, the real reason to embrace fast thinking is that it is, well, fast. Instinctive decision-making is often the only way to get through the day. Researchers at Cornell University once estimated that people make over 200 decisions a day about food alone. The workplace is ________ but a succession of choices, a few big and many small: what to ________, when to intervene, whom to avoid in the lifts and, now, where to work each day.

A.bring outB.pick outC.make outD.stamp out
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Does life seem to be full of impossible problems? How many times do you find yourself saying things like “I really don’t understand this maths problem”? Maybe it’s time to introduce yourself to the _________ of yet. By adding this simple word, you can change everything, “I really don’t understand this maths problem yet.” Suddenly, the _________ becomes possible.

I read about a school that has _________ the way it _________ its students’ exams. The school recognized that the old pass/fail system wasn’t helping students’ _________. If you passed, then great, but those students who didn’t pass often felt like _________. So now students who don’t get the score they need to pass, don’t see a big red “F” for “fail” on their exam papers; _________ they see a “Not yet”. That way the students feel that they are on a journey. They haven’t reached the _________ , but they know that they are going the right way.

This kind of _________ is part of what experts call “having a growth mindset”. People with a growth mindset don’t __________ failure. They aren’t worried by not getting things right the first time and are __________ to keep trying until they do. They enjoy the __________ and believe they can change. __________ , people who just focus on failure have what the experts call “a fixed mindset”. These people are always worried about failure and are happy to __________ when things don’t go right. __________, it is better to have a growth mindset than a fixed mindset.

A.know aboutB.run throughC.concentrate onD.start with
A.In returnB.In totalC.In additionD.In contrast
A.break inB.give upC.stand outD.show off

Tips for being a super organized student

Posted 2 hours ago by Amy

I have always admired students who hand in their homework on time and never _______ to do it. Me, on the other hand …OK, I’m not good enough. I’m _______ at getting myself organized (有条理的)!

But lately I’ve started keeping a small study _______. I write down _______ I need to do and when it needs to be done by. Then I write a reminder (提醒单) a few days before the date just in case. It’s helping.

So _______ are your tips for getting organized? Post a comment below. I’m hoping we can share tips to teach us better study skills.


Good question, Amy. I _______ spend about five minutes at the end of the day _______ the desktop on my computer. I make a copy of important documents, I delete things I don’t need any more and put everything useful into the _______ folder (文件夹). The most important thing is to start studying a few weeks before the _______ and not leave it ________ the night before! That’s just common sense, I think.


Hi, Amy. My tip is to have a big noticeboard …

A.making upB.tidying upC.putting upD.setting up

Feel Like You’re Falling Behind Your Peers?

It’s never pleasant to lag behind others that we consider similar to ourselves. The conventional wisdom says to “stop competing with others and only compete with yourself”. But that’s easier said than done. With the rise of social media, it’s hard to avoid _______ of your colleagues’ accomplishments if you want to stay connected. But in fact that knowledge can have benefits. A recent study shows that it can become a source of _______ in both one’s work and life.

So how can you take advantage of the positive benefits of competition without suffering from the insecurity it may _______?

Track your triggers.

The stress of feeling behind your peers can emerge in many _______ throughout the day. It might be hearing your boss compliment another colleague, or watching your colleagues leave their 9-5 job to build businesses of their own.

It’s vital to pay attention to the things that tend to cause you to compare yourself with others, because if you are _______ that these are triggers, you can transform them into opportunities for a more productive response.

Shift to purposeful re-framing.

Once you _______ the situations that provoke these negative feelings in you, you may decide to quit any action that could cause you to feel insecure. But that’s rarely a(n) _______ or practical solution.

For instance, you probably can’t avoid hearing what your boss says about you or your colleagues. A better approach is to _______ engage those feelings to your benefit. Instead of saying to yourself, “I wish I did that,” ask yourself, “Why can’t I do that?” Then take some time to listen to what ideas emerge in your mind.

_______ a personal strength to regain validation (认可).

During the period of insecurity, you may start to consider how you can ________ others. Double down on your strengths and express them to the world.

An executive coaching client of mine was heartbroken that his planned promotion this year was postponed due to the pandemic. He worried that his future ________ for promotion to this position would slowly disappear.

To get out of his negative state, he decided to harness (利用) his writing talent. He ________ a thoughtful article for the company blog on how to effectively and positively lead others ________ the current crisis. Countless junior and senior colleagues expressed their gratitude for his honest and optimistic guidance. This feedback, ________, made him confident about his value.

Any efforts in your career and life will ________ bring self-comparison and insecurity. But whenever you feel like you are falling behind others, you can use these strategies to regain your confidence and perform well in the competitions that genuinely matter to you.

A.make use ofB.catch up withC.give in toD.put up with
A.howeverB.besidesC.for exampleD.in turn
