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Failure is probably the most exhausting experience a person ever has. There is nothing more tiring than not succeeding. We experience this tiredness in two ways: as start-up fatigue (疲惫) and performance fatigue. In the former case, we keep putting off a task because it has either too boring or too difficult. And the longer we delay it, the more tired we feel.

Such start-up fatigue is very real, even if not actually physical, not something in our muscles and bones. The solution is obvious though perhaps not easy to apply: always handle the most difficult job first.

Years ago, I was asked to write 102 essays on the great ideas of some famous authors. Applying my own rule, I determined to write them in alphabetical order, never letting myself leave out a tough idea. And I always started the day’s work with the difficult task of essay-writing. Experience proved that the rule works.

Performance fatigue is more difficult to handle. Though willing to get started, we cannot seem to do the job right. Its difficulties appear so great that, however hard we work, we fail again and again. In such a situation, I work as hard as I can — then let the unconscious take over.

When planning Encyclopedia Britannica (《大英百科全书》), I had to create a table of contents based on the topics of its articles. Nothing like this had even been done before, and day after day I kept coming up with solutions, but none of them worked. My fatigue became almost unbearable.

One day, mentally exhausted, I wrote down all the reason why this problem could not be solved. I tried to convince myself that the trouble was with the problem itself, not with me. Relieved, I sat back in an easy chair and fell asleep.

An hour later, I woke up suddenly with the solution clearly in mind. In the weeks that followed, the solution which had come up in my unconscious mind proved effective at every step. Though I worked as hard as before, I felt no fatigue. Success was now as exciting as failure had been depressing.

Human beings, I believe must try to succeed. Success, then, means never feeling tired.

【小题1】According to the passage, people with start-up fatigue are most likely to _________.
A.delay tasksB.work hardC.seek helpD.accept failure
【小题2】What does the author recommend doing to prevent start-up fatigue?
A.Writing essays in strict order.B.Building up physical strength.
C.Leaving out the toughest ideas.D.Dealing with the hardest task first.
【小题3】According to the passage, on what occasion would a person most likely to suffer from performance fatigue?
A.Before starting a difficult task.B.If the job is rather boring.
C.When all the solutions fail.D.After finding a way out.
【小题4】What could be the best title for the passage?
A.Success Is Built upon Failure
B.How to Handle Performance Fatigue
C.Getting over Fatigue: A Way to Success
D.Fatigue: An Early Sign of Health Problems
知识点:方法/策略科普知识 说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

If you ask some people, “How did you learn English so well?” you may get a surprising answer: “In my sleep!”

These are people who have taken part in one of the recent experiments (实验) to test the learn while you sleep method (方法), which is now being tried in several countries, and with several subjects. English is among them.

Scientists say that this sleep study method greatly speeds language learning. They say that the ordinary person can learn two or three times as much during sleep as in the same period during the day — and this does not affect (影响) his rest in any way. However, sleep teaching will only put into your head what you have studied already while you are awake.

In one experiment, ten lessons were broadcast over the radio for two weeks. Each lesson lasted twelve hours — from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. The first three hours of English grammar and vocabulary (词汇) were given with the students awake. At 11 p.m. a lullaby (催眠曲) was broadcast to send the student to sleep and for the next three hours the radio in a soft and low voice broadcast the lesson again into his sleeping ears. At 2 a.m. a sharp noise was sent over the radio to wake the sleeping student up for a few minutes to go over the lesson. The soft music sent him back to rest again while the radio went on. At 5 o’clock his sleep ended and he had to go through the lesson again for three hours before breakfast.

【小题1】By the learn while you sleep method, one ________.
A.starts to learn a new lesson in sleepB.learns how to sleep better
C.is made to remember his lesson in sleepD.can listen to the radio broadcast while lying in bed
【小题2】In the experiment, lessons were given ________.
A.in the night timeB.after lullabies were broadcast
C.while the student was awakeD.all through the twelve hours
【小题3】Before each lesson finishes, the student has to ________.
A.get up and take breakfastB.be woken up by a loud voice
C.listen to the lesson again in sleepD.review (复习) the lesson by himself
【小题4】The sleep study method is being tried in many countries to teach ________.
A.the English languageB.grammar and vocabulary
C.a number of subjectsD.foreign languages

Mastering a new concept (概念) takes time and energy, but don’t you expect an easier way to get the hang of it? 【小题1】

Take handwritten notes.【小题2】If you’re in a class,listen carefully to the lecture and write down the keywords you hear. If you’re learning something online or from a book,rewrite what you read in your own words since that can help you memorize it better. That way, you’ll be able to recall it more quickly.

Say it out loud. Hearing yourself repeat the information helps you remember it easier. 【小题3】 Go slowly through the text so you don’t skip over anything important. Try pointing at the words as you read them to help you commit them to memory even more. The more you say the information out loud,the easier it gets to pull it out from your brain.

【小题4】Explaining something helps you memorize the main points. Have some of your friends listen to you as you try to teach them the subject you’ve been learning. Try to tell them everything you know in a clear and direct way so you don’t confuse them. Ask them if they need a better explanation. If you have trouble explaining certain points,make sure you go back to review them as well.

Try self-testing. After you’ve read through or practiced something, test your memory by reciting (背诵) everything you just learned. If you need to remember keywords or information,try writing down their definitions without looking them up. Make note of what you have trouble remembering so you can go back and practice it some more.【小题5】

A.Teach the information to others.
B.Use simple language as much as possible.
C.Therefore, you are going to recall it a lot easier.
D.The following tips can help you pick it up a little quicker.
E.Read aloud if you’re studying from a book, website, or your notes.
F.You are more likely to remember something you have written down.
G.That way, you needn’t waste time focusing on things you already know well.

If you have a dog, you know the damage they can do to a garden. They dig under bushes, pound out a dirty path by the fence, or even eat your delicate flowers.【小题1】. In spite of that, we still love them. That’s why I put together these dog-lover tips for gardening.

Before you start planting, it’s important to note your dog’s personality.【小题2】 . So is your dog a patroller, a digger, or a chewer? Get a general idea of the most common behaviors of your dog and you’ll have a good idea of what to plant for.

If your dog patrols the yard----constantly circling the yard, you need to plant around it.   【小题3】. Keep high-traffic and patrolling zones open. Plant tall plants that will grow above your dog. Containers or raised planter boxes are a great option if you want to plant more colorful and delicate flowers.

【小题4】, add a low or high fence around an area you don’t want your dog to dig. Cover digging areas is also a neat trick. Another choice is a sandbox because sand doesn’t get muddy. Dries quickly, and shakes off easily. If you don’t want it where your dog is already digging you can try putting the sandbox in a shady area of the yard.

If your dog likes to chew, pay special attention to his safety. Certain plants can be poisonous and create health problems for your dog. Just go to some websites for information about poisonous plants for dogs. 【小题5】.
A.If your dog is a digger
B.Don’t plant where your dog always goes
C.When you prevent your dog from chewing
D.We shouldn’t have to yell at them every time they are in the yard
E.They will give you more on each plant so you can do your research
F.Different animals have different abilities, and no two dogs are the same
G.They are quick to turn their beautiful garden into their own personal playground
