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Can you imagine being able to remember every single experience of your life and every word in your favorite book? That’s what Becky’s life is like, and as wonderful as it sounds, it can also be quite terrifying at times.

Three years ago, Becky was reading a newspaper article which mentioned that it was impossible for people to remember the details of their life in the first three years. “What nonsense(胡说八道)!” she thought, because she could clearly remember her life all the way back to when she was just 12 days old. Her parents had carried her to the driver’s seat of their car and laid her down for a photo. But it wasn’t nonsense. She was just one of only 80 known people who have a condition called HSAM(Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory).

Becky’s unusual condition was recently shown on a program called 60 minutes, where reporter tested her ability by asking her questions about her favorite book series, Harry Potter. Allison would pick up a book and open a page and read her a line. Immediately Becky would name the book, chapter number, chapter name and could recite every word until Allison told her to stop.

Being able to remember every little detail is a great ability, but as every person with HSAM will you, it can be very hard to deal with. Forgetting is one of the things we use to get over sad experiences in our lives, but it’s something that people like Becky are unable to do. Even walking on the street and lightly bumping(撞)into somebody brings back memories from Becky’s childhood, when a boy knocked She’s taken right back to that time, living the experience all over again. Also, like Becky, people with HSAM never do well in school, because they have problems filtering(过滤)through all the information, remembering only the important bits.

Becky’s special brain could help scientists find a way to treat people with terrible illnesses like Alzheimer’s. Her condition could hold the secret to treating or even preventing Alzheimer’s.

【小题1】What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
A.How Becky knew she was different.B.Why HSAM is unfamiliar to people.
C.What people with HSAM feel like.D.How Becky spent her early childhood.
【小题2】Why was Becky asked questions on 60 minutes?
A.To help treat her illness.B.To advertise Harry Potter.
C.To encourage other kids to read.D.To test her ability to remember.
【小题3】Why does Becky do poorly at school?
A.She feels sad every time she studies.B.She remembers too much information.
C.She can’t deal with difficult problems.D.She can’t understand the teacher in class.
【小题4】Which of the following troubles Becky?
A.She can’t get along well with other kids.B.She feels tired remembering everything.
C.She can’t forget her painful experience.D.She is different from other kids of her age.
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A recent study published in the journal Nature has revealed that our Medieval ancestors left us with a biological legacy: Genes that may have helped them survive the Black Death make us more vulnerable to certain diseases today.

Barreiro and his colleagues examined ancient DNA samples from the bones of more than 200 people from London and Denmark who died over about 100 years that stretched before, during, and after the Black Death swept through that region.

They identified four genes that, depending on the variant, either protected against or increased vulnerability(易损性)to the bacteria that causes bubonic plague(腺鼠疫). They found that what helped people in Medieval times led to problems generations later — raising the frequency of mutations(突变) harmful in modern times. Some of the same genetic variants identified as protective against the plague are associated with certain autoimmune disorders, such as Crohn’s disease. In these sorts of diseases, the immune system that defends the body against disease and infection attacks the body’s own healthy tissues.

Past research has also sought to examine how the Black Death affected the human genome. But Barreiro said he believes theirs is the first demonstration that the Black Death was important to the evolution of the human immune system. One unique aspect of the study, he said, was to focus on a narrow time window around the event. It’s extremely sophisticated and addresses important issues, such as how the same version of a gene can protect people from a horrific infection and also put modern people at risk for other illnesses.

All of this begs the question: Will the COVID-19 pandemic have a big impact on human evolution? Barreiro said he doesn’t think so because the death rate is so much lower and the majority of people who have died had already had children. In the future, however, he said more deadly pandemics may well continue to shape us at the most basic level. “It’s not going to stop. It’s going to keep going for sure.”

【小题1】How did Barreiro’s team come up with the finding?
A.By analyzing DNA samples from targeted bones.
B.By testing the vulnerability of four specific genes.
C.By identifying the frequency of harmful mutations.
D.By focusing on the consequences of autoimmune disorders.
【小题2】What does Barreiro believe make their research distinct from previous research?
A.It is the first to show a variant of gene can lead to infection.
B.It illustrates how gene variants can make us free of immune disorders.
C.It focuses on an extensive time window around the Black Death event.
D.It is the first to confirm the plague is responsible for certain immune disorders.
【小题3】Which of the following statements will Barreiro probably agree with?
A.There will be more pandemics causing death to people.
B.COVID-19 pandemic will continue to impact human evolution.
C.New pandemics may still influence how human immune system develops.
D.Modern people are protected from deadly pandemics due to the same gene.
【小题4】What is a suitable title for the text?
A.Genetic variants: They make us victims of the Black Death
B.Genetic twist: Medieval plague may have shaped our immunity
C.Time window: The factor plays an important role in a recent study
D.Deadly pandemics: They will keep changing our immune system for sure

Panic attacks are sudden, intense surges of fear, panic, or anxiety. 【小题1】 Panic attacks are generally brief, lasting less than 10 minutes, although some of the symptoms may persist for a longer time. Here are a few tips for you to cope with panic attacks.

Deep breathing

If you’re able to control your breathing, you’re less likely to experience the hyperventilating(呼吸急促) that can make other symptoms — and the panic attack itself — worse. Focus on taking deep breaths in and out through your mouth, feeling the air slowly fill your chest and belly and then slowly leave them again. 【小题2】

Close your eyes

Some panic attacks come from triggers(触发物) that overwhelm you. If you are in a fast-paced environment with a lot of stimuli(刺激), this can feed your panic attack. 【小题3】 This can block out any extra stimuli and make it easier to focus on your breathing.


Mindfulness can help ground you in the reality of what is around you. Since panic attacks can cause a feeling of separation from reality, this can combat your panic attack as it is approaching or actually happening.

Use muscle relaxation techniques

Much like deep breathing, muscle relaxation techniques can help stop your panic attack in its tracks by controlling your body’s response as much as possible. Consciously relax one muscle at a time. 【小题5】 Techniques of this kind will be most effective when you have practised them beforehand.

A.Practice mindfulness
B.Get away from reality
C.They have physical as well as emotional symptoms.
D.To reduce the stimuli, close your eyes during your panic attack.
E.You can start with the fingers, and then move your way up through your body.
F.These cannot only help you fall asleep, but they may also promote muscle relaxation.
G.Breathe in for a count of four, hold for a second, and then breathe out for a count of four.

Symptoms of Dehydration (脱水)

You’re bad-tempered.

Researchers tested the mood and concentration of 25 women who drank healthy amounts of water one day, and then less the next two days. When slightly dehydrated, the women reported tiredness, bad temper, headaches and difficulty in focusing. In a separate test, men with mild dehydration also had trouble with mental tasks. 【小题1】 Scientists are still trying to figure out why.

You have a bad workout.

【小题2】 It impacts how much you can push yourself. Even a 2 to 3 percent fluid loss affects your ability to get a good workout and more than 5 percent dehydration decreases exercise capacity by about 30 percent.


Driving while you’re dehydrated may be just as dangerous as getting behind the wheel drunk, in terms of how many mistakes you could make on the road. British researchers had participants take 2-hour drives using a simulator (模拟器). When they drank enough water, there were 47 driving errors. 【小题4】

You feel dizzy when you stand up too fast.

Dehydration can make you feel dizzy or faint, or bring on that rush of light-headedness after you quickly get up from sitting or lying down.

The exact treatment for dehydration symptoms depends on age and how severely dehydrated someone is. 【小题5】 Most of the time, however, people use some over-the-counter solutions for kids, and adults can drink more water.

A.You drive like you’re drunk.
B.Sometimes dehydration can be life-threatening.
C.To get rid of dehydration you have to drink much water quickly.
D.In extreme cases, people might go to the hospital for a treatment.
E.Dehydration reduces blood pressure and makes the heart work harder.
F.But when it came to mood changes, women changed much more than men.
G.But when they were short of water, there were more than double the driving errors to 101.
