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The first zoo was established around 3,500 years ago by an Egyptian queen for her 【小题1】 (person) enjoyment. Five hundred years later, a Chinese emperor built a huge zoo to show his power and wealth. Later zoos were set up for the purpose of 【小题2】 (study) animals .

Some of the early European zoos consisted of dark holes or dirty cages, the bad conditions of 【小题3】 made people disgusted (厌恶的). Later the zoos 【小题4】(replace) by research centers and animals there were studied and kept in good condition. These places became the first modern zoos. As early as the 1940s, scientists understood that many kinds of wild animals were faced 【小题5】 extinction. Since then, zoos have been trying to save many endangered species, but relying on zoos 【小题6】 (save) species, is not enough. The best method of protection is to leave them in their natural habitat.

Today animals in large and natural reserves (保护区) are fed with a balanced diet and are watched 【小题7】 (careful) for any sign of disease. With specially trained 【小题8】 (keep) looking after them and some hospitals where they can receive treatment when ill, all the animals there live 【小题9】 comfortable life. Anyway, 【小题10】 is true that zoo breeding programs have played an important role in the attempt to save many species of wildlife.

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