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Fashion designers are always looking for new materials to work with. Lately, it’s all about environment-friendly materials -- recycled tires, mushrooms, even pineapple fibers! What if you want such a pair of shoes? Thaely is here to help.

This sneaker brand out of Dubai wants to fight the growing problem of plastic pollution. Led by 23-year-old Indian businessman Ashay Bhave, they may have found a winning approach: making shoes out of plastic grocery bags. “Thaely” means “plastic bag” in the Hindi language.

“I was looking to create footwear that is cost-effective and safe for the environment,” Bhave said in an interview with a newspaper. “I needed to come up with something that uses recycled plastic without creating any more plastic waste. ”Plastic bags were the perfect solution. He said five trillion plastic bags are used around the world each year. “I was motivated to find a solution to this problem,” Bhave said.

That solution was the fiber called ThaelyTex. Made entirely from plastic bags, the material looks and feels like leather. That sounds promising. Better yet, the production process requires no additional chemicals and produces no poisonous by-products. The result is a smart-looking pair of white low-top sneakers.

Bhave wouldn’t expose the full process for making ThaelyTex, but he said that each pair of shoes was made from up to 15 plastic bags and 22 plastic bottles. Where do they get the materials? Bhave told Elle that was the hardest part. “The biggest challenge we faced was right at the first step of acquiring the plastic bags. ”

Finally, they got help from TrioTap Technologies, a waste management plant. Bhave said they offered to collect the bags and also process them into ThaelyTex.

So far, it seems like things are falling into place. There are already hundreds of pre-orders in place. It sounds like they have some plans for the future. “We have a few more colors coming up,” said Bhave. They also plan to put out a high-top model and bring in a line of clothing. Let’s hope their growth is also friendly to the environment.

【小题1】Why did Bhave choose to make shoes out of plastic bags?
A.To set a new footwear trend.
B.To test new materials for footwear.
C.To reduce the use of plastic bags in his home country.
D.To use recycled plastic in an environment-friendly way.
【小题2】What was the most difficult task for Bhave?
A.Having a few more colors for Thaely.B.Processing plastic bags into ThaelyTex.
C.Collecting enough production materialsD.Dealing with many poisonous by-products
【小题3】The underlined part“put out”in the last paragraph probably means__________.
【小题4】What can be the best title for this passage?
A.Bhave: a promising young man
B.Thaely: killer of waste plastic bags
C.ThaelyTex: material out of plastic bags
D.TrioTap Technologies: a waste management plant
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Impatience often takes hold of us as we approach a pedestrian crosswalk (人行横道), especially when we are in a hurry and see that small button on the pole. We press it repeatedly, hoping our persistence will some how magically change the signal from “Stop” to “Walk” in seconds. However, a video, shared by a traffic signal technician on the media, reveals a surprising fact.

Actually, every time you press the pedestrian crosswalk button, it sends a “call” signal to the traffic control system, which indicates that a pedestrian is waiting to cross the street. The traffic system acknowledges this call on time, placing it in a queue until the appropriate time to change the crosswalk signal arises. No matter how many times you press the button, the system will automatically reset it to its initial state once the call has been answered. So the number of times you press the button doesn’t affect the speed at which you receive the green “Walk” signal.

However, it is worth noting that the function of pedestrian crosswalk buttons can vary from place to place. In some regions, pedestrian crosswalks are programmed not to respond primarily to button presses during the day. Only in the evening, the buttons come into play, allowing pedestrians to bring about a change in the signal. In other areas, some of these buttons are equipped to assist people with disabilities. When activated, they might produce audible (可听的) signals to indicate when it is safe to cross.

Some viewers admitted to pressing them multiple times, even if they knew their actions didn’t change anything. They enjoyed the act of pushing the button as a form of interactive engagement while waiting. Others remained doubtful, viewing the buttons as something designed to comfort impatient pedestrians.

Additionally, the video publisher offers forward-thinking suggestions for improving crosswalk systems. These ideas include the use of advanced sensors and adaptive algorithms (算法), which could enhance both efficiency and pedestrian safety. Smarter crosswalks could significantly benefit pedestrians and drivers alike.

【小题1】What truth does the video reveal?
A.Pedestrian crosswalk buttons are appealing to many people.
B.The traffic system tends to function well in most situations.
C.Traffic lights play a role in maintaining smooth traffic flow.
D.Additional button presses will not influence your waiting time.
【小题2】What do we know about pedestrian crosswalk buttons?
A.They are insensitive to slight presses.B.They are easily interrupted at times.
C.They may serve different purposes.D.They are friendly to the disabled.
【小题3】What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The true function of the pedestrian crosswalk button.
B.The correct way to press the pedestrian crosswalk button.
C.Viewers’ ways to kill time when waiting for the green light.
D.Viewers’ different opinions on the pedestrian crosswalk button.
【小题4】What does the video publisher think of crosswalk systems?
A.They should be friendlier to drivers.
B.They still have room for improvement.
C.They are a force for technical advances.
D.They are the key to ensuring traffic safety.

Curtin University research has found a simple and affordable method to determine which chemicals and types of metals are best used to store and supply energy, in a breakthrough for any battery-run devices and technologies relying on the fast and reliable supply of electricity, including smart phones and tablets.

Lead author Associate Professor Simone Ciampi from Curtin’s School of Molecular and Life Sciences said this easy, low-cost method of determining how to produce and keep the highest energy charge in a capacitor (电容器). could be of great benefit to all scientists, engineers and start-ups looking to solving the energy storage challenges of the future.

“All electronic devices require an energy source. While a battery needs to be recharged over time, a capacitor can be charged instantly because it stores energy by separating charged ions (离子), found in ionic liquids,” Ciampi said.

There are thousands of types of ionic liquids, a type of “liquid salt”, and until now, it was difficult to know which would be best suited for use in a capacitor. What our team has done is designing a quick and easy test, able to be performed in a basic lab, which can measure both the ability to store charge when a solid electrode touches a given ionic liquid—a simple capacitor—as well as the stability of the device when charged.

“The simplicity this test means anyone can apply it without the need for expensive equipment. Using this method, researchers found that charging the device for 60 seconds produced a full charge, which did not ‘leak’ (渗漏) and begin to diminish for at least four days,” Mr Belotti said.

The next step is to use this new screening method to find ionic liquid with an even longer duration in the charged state and larger energy density.

【小题1】What can the new method be used to do in the future?
A.Help to choose smart phones.
B.Find materials used as energy.
C.Settle the problem of storing energy.
D.Research energy sources of the future.
【小题2】What was the challenge in making a capacitor?
A.Choosing the best ionic liquid.B.Figuring out the storing ability.
C.Devising a quick and easy test.D.Recharging a battery instantly.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “diminish” in paragraph 5 probably mean?
【小题4】What would be a suitable title for the text?
A.Selecting ionic liquid is important in capacitor
B.An easy and cheap way to seek perfect ionic liquid for capacitor
C.Types of ionic liquid best suited for use in capacitor
D.Research has found a simple and affordable battery

When you think about inventions that have completely changed human existence,what comes to your mind? Probably the wheel,the printing press,the refrigerator and definitely personal computers. 【小题1】,but without which we'd be much worse off,like eyeglasses.Imagine a world without glasses---many of us would walk around bumping into things and driving our cars up onto the sidewalk. 【小题2】?

The truth is that nobody knows who invented eyeglasses. At some point in ltaly between 1268 and 1289 someone came up with the idea, but the actual inventor remains unknown.What we do know is that the earliest lenses were made from quartz(石英) and were usually set into bone, metal, or leather. 【小题3】,they started making lenses out of glass.

Although glasses spread quickly throughoutEurope and Asia, there was one major problem: how to keep them on the wearer's face? 【小题4】. It took nearly 400 years before opticians(验光师)figured out that hard sidepieces resting on top of the ears might do the trick.

【小题5】, who invented bifocals(双光眼镜) in the 1780s. Annoyed at having to constantly switch glasses whenever he wanted to read or take in the sights while traveling,he had his reading glasses cut in half and joined with his distance glasses. Now that's the American creative item for you.

A.So who invented glasses,and how were they first made
B.Early glasses were squeezed onto the bridge of the nose
C.So where were they first made and how were they improved
D.Once quartz was found limited in nature and harmful to health
E.Then there are those ordinary things that we seldom think about
F.As soon as people figured out how to make glass without bubbles and other problems
G.No history of eyeglasses would be complete without some mention of Benjamin Franklin
