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Dog adoptions, and sales of supplies like dog food and dog toys, soared during Covid-19. For a lot of people, knowing they’d be working from home for months made the idea of adopting a dog much more attractive.【小题1】, here are some tips to try.

Research dog food

People or pets, feeding someone is a great way to not only show love, but to feel love. Anyone who has invested time in creating a great meal for their family knows that the experience of cooking helps them feel closer to the people eating.【小题2】. Instead, you should spend some time researching the best kinds of dog food for your pet. The more time you spend looking into what kind of dog food will help your buddy thrive, the more connected you’ll feel. Feeding your dog healthy food will also help her stay healthy and comfortable.

Work with a trainer

【小题3】. Working with a professional trainer, in person, or even over Zoom, can help you get a better understanding of who your dog is. This can be especially helpful if you adopted an older dog that already has certain habits. The more comfortable and secure you feel with your dog, the more you’ll come to love them.


Sometimes loving a specific dog is about getting into dogs in general. Reading dog stories, looking at dog pictures, watching dog shows and videos can all make you feel more loving towards dogs in general, which will in turn help you feel better about your own dog. Instagram is an easy way to get your cute dog fix!

Give it time

We all love the stories about the person who walks into a shelter and falls in love with a dog. But, just like with people, it’s not always love at first site. Sometimes, we think that if we don’t love a dog right away, it’s a problem【小题5】This can be especially true of rescue dogs. Rescue dogs who have been moved around from house to house or shelter to shelter may take longer to trust you. But once your dog trusts you, you’ll find them harder to resist.

A.Play with your dog
B.Read about other dogs
C.If you’re having trouble connecting with your new dog
D.In reality, some relationships just take more time to build
E.When you find your friendship needs more time to develop
F.You could make your own dog food, but most people don’t
G.Sometimes we have trouble bonding with a dog because we don’t understand that dog
知识点:方法/策略动物 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Someone asked “What’s your “secret” to a happy life? What makes your life wonderful?” on a forum.

I don’t want to make you annoyed. In fact, I think I’ve got a higher level of life satisfaction than a lot of my friends. I can make sure there are four things that I think I do a little differently from a lot of people. 【小题1】

Focus on being grateful for all the amazing and miraculous things in my life.

My wife is a good human, I work with good people, 【小题2】, etc... Looking at the basic, ordinary stuff around me and appreciating it really helps me feel like I’m a lucky person.

Try to find pity for people - especially those who make me mad in one way or another.

【小题3】If so, you usually just remember their negative ones.


I don’t think people realize how painful they feel until they’ve lost something. I don’t think how they want to express their love for those who have died until they’ve made a truly regretful mistake. However, it is too late.

Ask yourself if you could be wrong, and really be open to it.

【小题5】 It is not so important whether you are right or wrong. As long as you’re looking around your world with an open heart and an open mind, the pure intentions behind anything will shine through.

A.I am not sick right now.
B.Here are some tips for you.
C.I hope they will bring you some joy!
D.I’ve lost touch with my good friends.
E.Tell people you love them and be generous with your friends.
F.Give yourself a break, and don’t blame yourself with unreasonable standards.
G.If you don’t have sympathy, you will stop trying to find the truth behind people’s actions.

Figuring out what a company is like before you actually work there can be challenging. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to determine whether or not a company is a good fit for you.

First of all, know what you want. 【小题1】 So before you can determine whether you and a specific company would be compatible (兼容的) together, it’s important to understand what exactly you want from your employer. Many of us have an easier time identifying the things that we absolutely don’t want. That’s a good place to start.

【小题2】 Now comes the part when you put on your detective hat and do a little digging. The Internet will be your best friend when you’re trying to familiarize yourself with a company’s culture before ever walking through their office doors. And where exactly should you look for these culture clues? Start with the most obvious place first: the company’s website. 【小题3】 Do they use formal, direct language? Or is it conversational, and maybe even a little humorous? This can be a big indicator of what sort of culture the company is trying to create.

Finally, you can never fail with personal connections. 【小题4】 Ask if they would be willing to have a quick conversation with you about the organization in general. If you get a yes to your request for a chat, you’ll be armed with some pretty powerful and helpful information heading into your interview!

Keep these tips in mind to figure out whether you and a potential employer are a perfect match or just a recipe for disaster. 【小题5】

A.Learn more by asking questions.
B.Read through their copy and blog.
C.Then make sure to do your research.
D.Next, turn your attention toward their announcements.
E.After all, it’s a good thing to know before actually accepting an offer.
F.Send a quick message to a current or previous company employee by email.
G.It’s hard to make any decisions when you don’t really know what you’re looking for.

The Music of Language

We tend to think of music as a specific art form and the human voice as an instrument only when it is used for singing. 【小题1】 When we speak a language, we use that sound and rhythm, just as a singer would, to convey a message that is more than just words.

What brings this topic to mind is the popularity of the CCTV programme Readers, which has led to hundreds, if not thousands, of people lining up at small recording booths placed around Shanghai and a few other cities to recite bits from their favourite poems or novels. They’ve been inspired and encouraged to do this by watching celebrities from various fields reading aloud on the programme and, perhaps, they’re attracted by the possibility of gaining a little bit of fame if their “performance” is chosen for broadcast. 【小题2】

Writing can often seem flat and uninteresting when we read it on the printed page. But when we speak the words or hear them being spoken, the writing can come alive and reveal meanings and beauty we may not have been aware of. 【小题3】 A student of mine says she hates Shakespeare-there are too many strange words and she can’t understand what the plays are about. But Shakespeare didn’t write for readers; he wrote for audiences who watched and listened to actors speaking his words. Only in a theatre can you really appreciate Shakespeare.

【小题4】 We don’t have to tackle Shakespeare right away, but there are many videos of English poems online that English learners can download, listen to and then try to imitate. Who knows? With a little practice, you, too, could be on Readers.

A.Every language is music and every human voice is a musical instrument.
B.As English learners, reading aloud is a great way to understand the “music” of English and improve our pronunciation.
C.But I also think they’ve awakened to the wonderful feeling that can be had by speaking aloud the words of great writers.
D.“The Road Not Taken” read by the British actor Alan Bates is the poem I like best.
E.However, every language, whether it is Chinese or English or some other language, has a unique sound and rhythm.
F.Shakespeare is certainly an example of this.
