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People always regret asking me and my wife how we got together. It’s a long story, involving other relationships and several countries, and to be honest, it’s not that interesting, so I’ll spare you the details. We were at a restaurant in Tuscany on our summer holiday last year though, when we met another English couple who had a far more interesting story than us. Lynn and Andy had actually met online before they got together, or at least they thought they had. After a few casual conversations through an online dating agency, they decided to meet for real. Lynn arrived at the restaurant first, and shortly after was approached by Andy, who thought she was someone else. It turns out they’d both arranged to meet different people, but liked the look of each other, and that was that!

And they’re not alone. It seems there are all sorts of places you might meet that special someone. Lukas met Sofie for the first time when he crashed into her car—on his bicycle. “It was raining and I was coming downhill really fast, so I couldn’t really see where I was going. Sofie opened her car door and I went straight into it, and off my bike,” explains Lukas. “I was unconscious for a few seconds, and when I came round there was this beautiful young woman asking me ‘Are you OK?’ Well, after that, she went to the hospital with me and was just really kind, really caring, and we hit it off.”

Every cloud has a silver lining, so they say, and Nick McKiddie would most likely agree. He was leaving the office late one night when he got robbed by a group of young men. He wasn’t hurt, but they stole his phone and wallet, so he called the police. Susan Harris, a young police officer at the time, attended the call. Nick explains, “I don’t know whether I was in shock because of what had happened, but I think it was love at first sight. I would never usually be so confident, but I just asked if she wanted to go for a drink sometime, and to my surprise, she said yes! “Nick and Susan got married last December.”

Animals don’t have the same social inhibitions (顾虑) as humans do, and this was certainly the case when Ri took her dog, Ben, to the local dog park. “As soon as I took his leash off, he ran straight to another dog on the other side of the park, and started getting very friendly indeed,” she laughs. “I actually had to pull him away, and that was when I met Ben, the other dog’s owner. We had a good laugh about it all, especially when we realized he had the same name as my dog. We became friends after that, and well, the rest is history.”

【小题1】According to the passage, Lynn and Andy________.
A.first met in a restaurant in Tuscany
B.had originally arranged to see other people
C.regretted talking to each other online
D.preferred casual conversations to serious dating
【小题2】________got to know each other due to an accident.
A.The author and his wifeB.Nick and SusanC.Lukas and SofieD.Ri and Ben
【小题3】By “Every cloud has a silver lining” (in paragraphs), the author means that________.
A.every day is a good beginningB.every misfortune contains something good
C.people do not always behave as usualD.what you value in life matters greatly
【小题4】What is the passage mainly about?
A.How the author and his wife met each other.
B.The places where people usually get together.
C.How great relationships may grow out of random encounters.
D.What people do in order to meet their ideal partner.
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Tail Spin

Two dolphins race around in a big pool in the Ocean Park. The smaller dolphin, Grace, shows of her tricks, turning around and waving hello to the crowd. The most amazing thing about her, however, is that she's even swimming at all. She doesn’t have a tail.

Grace lost her tail as a baby when she got caught up in a fish trap. When the dolphin arrived at the Ocean Park in December 2005, she was fighting for her life. “Is she going to make it?” Her trainer, Abbey Stone, feared the worst. Grace did make it—but her tail didn't. She ended up losing her flukes and the lower part of her peduncle.

Over the past six years, she has learned to swim without her tail. Dolphins swim by moving their flukes and peduncle up and down. Grace taught herself to move another way—like a fish! She pushes herself forward through the water by moving her peduncle from side to side.

The movements put harmful pressure on Grace' s backbone. So a company offered to create a man-made tail for her. The tail had to be strong enough to stay on Grace as she swam but soft enough that it wouldn't hurt her.

The first time Grace wore the artificial tail, she soon shook it off and let it sink to the bottom of the pool. Now, she is still learning to use the tail. Some days she wears it for an hour at a time, others not at all. “The new tail isn't necessary for her to feel comfortable,” says Stone, “but it keeps to keep that range of motion and build muscles.”

Now, the dolphin is about to get an even happier ending. This month, Grace will star in Dolphin Tale, a film that focuses on her rescue and recovery. Her progress has inspired more than just a new movie. Many people travel from near and far to meet her. Seeing Grace swim with her man-made tail gives people so much courage.

【小题1】When Grace first arrived at the Ocean Park, her trainer worried________.
A.if she could be strongB.if she had special ability
C.if she could liveD.if she would like to live in the park
【小题2】A man-made tail is created for Grace to________.
A.let her recover dreamsB.make her comfortable
C.treasure what they haveD.face difficulties bravely
【小题3】The story of Grace inspires people to________.
A.stick to their dreamB.treat animal friendly
C.treasure what they haveD.face difficulties bravely

When a fire broke out in my home in the middle of the night, I knew I'd do anything I could to save my family. The medicine that I take for my rheumatoid arthritis causes me to wake up in the middle of the night with a dry mouth. January 15, 2016, was no different. I, Indiana, US, awoke at 2:30am needing water.

I was walking back upstairs from the kitchen when I heard my bulldog , Rock. Whatever Rock was doing down there, it made enough noise for me to go to him. By the time I made it to the bottom of the stairs, he was running up, and he never came up the stairs, no matter what. I think that was his way of telling me, "We've got to go back up. "When I got to the top of the stairs, I turned around and saw a light on, but I didn't remember leaving one on. I walked downstairs again, and that's when I saw fire. I immediately shouted to my wife to wake up and get our three kids. I grabbed a knife and cut out the plastic that covered the window to the porch roof. I then pried open the window and kicked out the screen. I started screaming for help. But help never came. I got everybody out on the roof and threw a blanket out there so we wouldn't slip off. It was cold, January cold. Then I started screaming for help. But help never came.

Now, I'm scared of heights and have physical issues, what with my rheumatoid arthritis, but I couldn't let my family burn up. So I jumped off the roof. I didn't scoot to the edge; I just jumped and got the wind knocked out of me when I landed. I found our ladder, placed it against the house, and climbed back up to the roof. I wrapped my arms around my daughter and carried my nine - month - old with my teeth, by his little sleeper. Then I climbed down the ladder. Once on the ground, I had my little girl hold her brother, and I went back up to the roof to get my other daughter. Then I went back up again and got my wife. I tried to get my dog, but he just disappeared in the black smoke. I never saw him alive again,

I'm no hero. I'm just an ordinary person who'd help anybody. This happened to be the time when I helped my own family. I live to protect my family. Just likeRock—he lived to protect us.

【小题1】What made the author wake up at 2:30am?
A.My dog's barkingB.The medicine's effect
C.A burning fireD.A noise downstairs
【小题2】How did Rock tell the author the danger downstairs?
A.He turned on a light downstairs.
B.He ran to the author's room upstairs.
C.He kept barking and running up to stairs.
D.He made some noise at the bottom of the stairs.
【小题3】What did the author do after his family all stood on the roof?
A.He placed a blanket to keep warm.
B.He started screaming for help.
C.He jumped off the roof.
D.He broke open the window and kicked out the screen
【小题4】Which of the following best describe the author?
A.Courageous and responsibleB.Caring and selfish
C.Loyal and braveD.Strong and considerate

I stood outside my front door catching my breath. After a lazy Christmas holiday, I had to recover from climbing stairs with carry-on bags and a suitcase. I looked up and blinked. Red tape crossed the door. I didn’t understand Hungarian, but the one English word said enough: “POLICE”.

Google Translate told me I would be arrested if I entered, so I didn’t. Finally, I called my rental agent. He went to the police station for more details.

My agent returned with authorization to enter. Not only were my files undisturbed, but so were the TV and printer. The burglars had taken a few items from the top drawer as well as a small amount of foreign currency in the bottom drawer. Somehow they hadn’t found the jewelry box in the third drawer.

I was in shock. My agent’s words were fuzzy, something about fixing the locks tomorrow and making a list for the police.

Then one day, I remembered that I’d left another jewelry box in the flat. My heart sank as I thought of another locket that had been in that box, a gold engraved one with a picture of my late honey Grandma inside. When I realized the box was missing, the whole experience seemed to crash down on me. I cried.

At the end of January, I received a registered letter from the police. The burglar hadn’t been found, and the case was closed. I slept with my purse by my bed. I hid my laptop when I showered. And then another challenge rose. I was unexpectedly laid off.

Then one July night, I reached into my third drawer, pulled out my jean shorts, and heard a small thud. I looked down and blinked: It was the tiny jewelry box I thought had been stolen six months earlier.

Inside was the locket with honey Grandma smiling at me, being there for me, telling me not to give up. I started to cry.

【小题1】What did the red tape across the writer’s door mean?
A.There was a burglary here.
B.The rent had to be paid quickly.
C.The house couldn’t be entered freely.
D.The rental agent advertised for the house.
【小题2】What did the agent promise to do?
A.To fix the locks the next day.
B.To report the burglary to the police.
C.To have an iron security gate fixed.
D.To pay for missing things for the writer.
【小题3】Which can best show the change of the author’s feeling after she learned of the burglary?
A.Puzzled→ Anxious→ Relaxed.
B.Shocked→ Sorrowful→ Nervous.
C.Shocked→ Desperate→ Hopeful.
D.Puzzled→ Relieved→ Confident.
【小题4】Based on the passage, what can we infer about the author?
A.Her suitcase had been stolen.
B.She felt insecure after the burglary.
C.She came to Hungary for Christmas.
D.She wasn’t taken seriously by the police.
