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As we’re all aware, social media is fake. People only showcase their best moments. But beyond this aspect, a lot of the photos are straight-up fake. Celebrities are airbrushed; some lie about their plastic surgery. Many Photoshop their faces and bodies to look exactly how they want. There are countless ways to pose to change their bodies.

TikTok (抖音) is not immune to these things. It may be harder to use Photoshop when it’s a video, but people find ways around it with different angles, lighting, and posing. This is not to say that they themselves don’t look good — it’s just that this isn’t how they look all the time. We can’t hold ourselves to that high of a standard when we see ourselves so often. But beyond the unrealistic standards that social media propagates (散播), TikTok heavily promotes eating disorder culture, and unhealthy attitudes about food and weight in general.

Unfortunately, it’s challenging to escape from this content. The TikTok is alarmingly accurate. If you interact with a video once, similar videos will continue to come up on your For You page. Interacting can be liking the video, commenting, sharing, following the creator, or even letting the video play multiple times. Once you’ve done this, it’s hard to escape from these videos. The best thing to do is to click “not interested” when one of these videos pops up.

I’ve learned a lot from my own struggle with an eating disorder. During my treatment, the most striking thing my nutritionist said to me was, “You don’t have to love your body.” I thought she was joking. But she’s absolutely right. What she meant is that it’s not realistic to love your body all the time. There are going to be moments when you don’t like something about yourself, and that’s okay. No one thinks every part of themselves is perfect. Self-love isn’t always realistic; self-acceptance is much better.

【小题1】What does the underlined part “immune to” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Included in.B.Affected by.
C.Protected by.D.Exceptional to.
【小题2】What is the best way to escape from some unwanted content?
A.Play it repeatedly.
B.Refuse information push immediately.
C.Give it a bad comment.
D.Give it a like and share it with your friends.
【小题3】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.The author was once mentally disordered.
B.The nutritionist was humorous.
C.Self-love is the most important.
D.Self-acceptance is more realistic.
【小题4】What is the best title of the passage?
A.Social media is fake.
B.You should love your body.
C.TikTok boosts eating disorder culture.
D.People only show their best moments.
知识点:科普知识 社会问题与社会现象说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Self-image is a mental blueprint or picture of ourselves - our own conception of the sort of person we are. Self-image is built up from our own beliefs about ourselves, the beliefs formed from our past experiences, successes, failures, relationships, etc.

Once a belief about ourselves is programmed into our minds, we act upon it as if it were true. Our positive beliefs are developed when we do something successfully or are recognized by people around us. Our negative beliefs are also developed when we give in to negative ideas. When we fail in something, some of us conclude that we are unsuccessful, unwanted, condemned, etc.

Thus, self-image is the key element in determining whether our internal guidance system functions for success or for failure. It sets the limits of our accomplishments, It determines what we can and cannot do. Self-image creates your character and your personality as well.

You may think the concept of self-image being an internal guidance system was got from the thought of a trained psychologist. In reality, the idea came from Maxwell Maltz, a plastic surgeon who was more interested in helping people by giving them emotional facelifts, rather than just physical ones.

“Expand the self-image and you expand the ‘area of the possible’,” said Dr Maltz.

Maltz determined that the human brain and nervous system function as a kind of goal-seeking device similar to that used to guide airplanes on automatic pilot. Maltz’s idea is simple: each one of us is capable of taking control of our self-image and programming our automatic guidance system for success. According to Maltz, all behavior is defined by the self-image and no real behavioral change can take place unless the self-image is changed.

【小题1】According the passage, our self-image is build up from the following except__________.
【小题2】Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.The formation of self-image.B.The function of self-image.
C.The definition of self-image.D.The advantages of self-image.
【小题3】Who defined the concept of self-image according to the passage?
A.A doctor.B.A chemist.C.A psychologist.D.An environmentalist.
【小题4】What can we learn about self-image from the last paragraph?
A.It is used to guide airplanes.
B.It has an effect on our behavior.
C.It can be controlled by our nervous system.
D.It can serve as a goal-setting device.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) (心肺复苏术) is an important first aid skill to master and one that fewer and fewer people seem to take the time to learn these days. In fact, it only takes a few hours to get basic CPR training either in a classroom or online. Others may choose to get certified.

People pursue CPR certification for many reasons, in part because it can increase the chances of getting a job. CPR certification provides people a stronger sense of confidence in their skills. But certification is simply a card indicating that you have completed a CPR course. And it shouldn’t suggest that someone with basic CPR training but without certification is less qualified if faced with a potentially life-threatening situation. Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether you have a CPR card or not if someone has drowned or experienced cardiac arrest (心脏骤停). If you have been trained in CPR, with or without certification, you need to act.

Time is probably the main reason why people don’t obtain CPR training. But here’s the bottom line: CPR classes take only around two to three hours to complete, and many are conducted free of charge through organizations like the Red Cross. You can even take a free online CPR course if you can’t spare three hours in your week. Others shy away from things like mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. What many people fail to realize is that mouth-to-mouth is no longer a requirement for CPR and that chest compression (按压) is the focus of treatment until emergency medical services arrive.

By learning the facts about CPR training, you can make a choice about the options available to you. For more information, use the Red Cross CPR class locator and speak with an instructor near you. The best online training can be found through the National Safety Council’s first aid catalogue (目录).

【小题1】What can we say about CPR certification?
A.It takes a long time to obtain.
B.It is useful but not necessary.
C.It represents first aid qualification.
D.It is a professional medical degree.
【小题2】What makes people refuse CPR training according to the author?
A.Long duration.B.High learning costs.
C.Difficulty of the course.D.Misunderstandings about it.
【小题3】What does the author do in the last paragraph?
A.Put forward a plan.B.Make a conclusion.
C.Put an advertisement.D.Provide some information.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.How to perform CPR.B.How to do first aid training.
C.Facts about CPR training.D.Importance of CPR certification.

Perhaps the following scene is familiar to you: You smell a certain fragrance on one of your friends or colleagues. 【小题1】However, upon applying said fragrance to your own skin, you are disappointed to find its scent is suddenly not so fabulous.

Although the concept of a fragrance smelling different on the skin of two different people may seem strange to some, it is actually something well known in the perfume industry.【小题2】

First, the word “perfume” is most commonly used to describe fragrances for the skin; however, it can also refer to other fragrant substances.【小题3】 Eating herbs and spices affects your natural smell, which in turn influences any additional scents you apply to your body. Also, people’s hormone(荷尔蒙) levels vary throughout their lives.【小题4】This also affects that individual’s natural smell and thus their perfume’s smell. Lastly, some people have a neutral’ skin type meaning their skin is neither very oily nor very dry. For such people, the scent of an applied perfume may seem largely unchanged. 【小题5】Naturally, this changes a perfume’s scent.

In summary, do not be surprised the next time a perfume’s scent changes when you wear it. Make sure to always try a perfume on your skin before purchasing it to learn how its scent will react to you.

A.A great example is herbs and spices, which can be considered “eatable(可食用的) perfumes”.
B.The industry is developing scents that react to a person’s mood to address the problem.
C.One example is estrogen(雌激素): when an individual’s estrogen level is low, they tend to sweat more.
D.By contrast, very oily or very dry skin can accentuate(使突出) or mask certain ingredients in perfumes.
E.As detailed below, there are multiple reasons why perfumes take on different scents when used by different people.
F.The smell is wondrous to you, and you ask your friend or colleague what brand they are wearing so you may purchase it later.
G.They can be added to some product to make it smell nice.
