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If someone said they’d pay you 1,800 dollars to stay off social media for six years, would you do it? Could you?

Sivert Klefsaas did just that. “I thought it was awesome,” Sivert told CNN Tuesday, “I thought, ‘Ah what’s 6 more years?’”

In 2016, Lorna Goldstrand Klefsaas challenged her 12-year-old son Sivert to stay off social media until he was 18. If he completed the challenge, she’d award him the cash on his eighteenth birthday. On February 19, 2022, Sivert claimed his prize.

Lorna was inspired by a challenge she heard on the radio called the “16 for 16”, where a mother gave her daughter 1,600 dollars when she turned 16 if she stayed off social media, she told CNN. She decided to up the ante (提高赌注) to two extra years and 200 dollars more.

Sivert said it wasn’t too difficult to live without social media, and he didn’t think about it much during the six years. As a 12-year-old, Sivert said he wasn’t using social media much anyway. The only app he had prior to the bet was Snapchat — which he deleted a day after trying it out.

“I wouldn’t say there was ever a time when I thought I was about to break,” he said. “As it went on, it was more of a proud thing.” He also had his friends keep him up to date on the latest information or trends. “I got to avoid all the unnecessary drama that was on there,” Sivert added. It also meant he had more time to focus on his grades and sports instead, Sivert told reporters.

Now 1,800 dollars richer, Sivert told CNN he hasn’t thought about what to buy (when he was 12, he joked he’d get a house), but it’ll likely be something for his dorm room at the University of Northwester St. Paul, which he’ll attend in the fall.

【小题1】What made Lorna get the idea of challenging her son to stay off social media?
A.A TV programme.B.A CNN programme.
C.Her neighbor’s example.D.A radio programme.
【小题2】How did Sivert feel about the challenge?
A.Too difficult.B.Satisfied.C.Critical.D.Unhappy.
【小题3】What extra benefits did Sivert gain besides 1800 dollars?
A.A mobile phone.B.More friends.
C.Concentration on his study.D.Being admitted to university.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.A teen stays off social media for 6 years
B.Social media have bad influence on teens
C.Teens are increasingly addicted to social media
D.A mother challenged her son to stay off social media
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18-year-old Kayla Perkins explains what is in her bedroom, “I throw something on the floor and I know right where it is.” However, her parents, Steve and Deborah Perkins, of McKinney,Texas, haven’t caught on. Even Kayla admits that, at the worst, her room is a mess.

Most families at some point have at least one child whose room looks like a landfill (垃圾堆) .The mess can disturb the whole household. Dirty clothes pile up; dirty dishes get lost in the mess and smell bad; homework is lost; and valuable things are ruined.

Some parents let it go, believing that a bedroom is private space for children to manage as they wish. Others lecture their children, offer rewards for cleaning, or punish them when they don’t. What doesn’t work, parenting experts say, is constant lectures, verbal (口头的,言语的) threats or getting very angry. Mrs. Perking says they picked up all the clothes on Kayla’s floor and hid them. They cleaned everything up. When Kayla came back to a bare bedroom, there was screaming and shouting, “How can I live without my clothes?” Mrs. Perkins asked Kayla to earn her clothes back by doing housework. These days, she keeps her room clean.

Humour can help, too. For example, since Jessica, the 14-year-old daughter wasn’t bothered by the dirty clothes all over her floor, the whole family started using her room as a place to store dirty clothes. Her attitude changed after her family did that. By the time she gave in and cleaned up her room a few days later, even she was laughing.

Parenting expert, Jim Fay, also recommends that parents first ask children in a nice way to clean up and agree on a reasonable time limit. Children often behave better if you treat them in the way you would want to be treated by your boss at work - with respect and high expectation.

【小题1】What is the best title of the passage?
A.How to Make Children Clean up Their Bedrooms
B.Ways to Correct Children’s Bad Habits.
C.Encourage Children to Share More Housework.
D.Tips on Cleaning up the Room.
【小题2】According to the experts, when children’s room looks like a landfill, parents at first should           
A.let children have their own private space.
B.lecture their children and give verbal threats.
C.set an example and offer rewards for cleaning.
D.ask them in a nice way and set a reasonable time limit.
【小题3】What can we conclude from the passage?
A.Playing hide-and-seek can help children change their attitude.
B.Parents differ over their children’s bedroom cleaning.
C.Children often behave better if parents treat them like bosses.
D.Most children feel uncomfortable when their rooms are too clean.

I was surprised to learn the sleeping arrangements at the log home we were sharing with my in-laws (岳父母) for the week — specifically that my young daughter had agreed to sleep in a first-floor bedroom by herself.

As we settled in, we discussed the number of deer we had spotted on our way up to the log home.

“I hope we see a bear or two this week!” my wife shouted.

At bedtime, my wife and I climbed to the upstairs loft, and my in-laws headed for a bedroom on the first floor. We were about to doze off when our daughter appeared with a worried look on her face. She said a bear was scratching at her window. I decided it would be best if I slept downstairs and my daughter shared the loft with my wife. On my way down, I passed my father-in-law; asleep in front of the television. I was in bed only a couple of minutes when I heard a tap ... tap on the window. Something was indeed out there, but it wasn't a bear — at least that’s what I told myself.

Sometime later, I was awakened by a loud, low-pitched growl. I saw a large figure in the door and froze as it inched closer to me. I realized what it was —only after my father-in-law leaned in to give me a kiss. I blurted out in my deepest voice, “It’s David.” My father-in-law jumped back. We both laughed nervously at the awkward moment, and I explained his granddaughter's bedroom switch. I told him that the only thing scarier than a bear attack was Papa Bear coming in to kiss me good-night. He growled in agreement!

【小题1】Why was the author surprised in the beginning?
A.His in-laws were sharing the log home with them.
B.He spotted many deer on the way.
C.His daughter decided to sleep alone.
D.They would have surprise visitors at night
【小题2】Why did his father-in-law give him a kiss?
A.To scare him like a bear.
B.To check on his daughter.
C.To kiss him good night.
D.To embarrass him.
【小题3】What do we know about the author from the last paragraph?

How to Contribute to Thanksgiving Dinner As a Teenager

Your family has been stressing out about hosting this year's Thanksgiving meal for weeks now, and you want to help out. The problem is, you're only a teenager.【小题1】

Go grocery shopping. If you have enough time and the food hasn't been purchased yet, ask your parents if you can do the grocery shopping for them.【小题2】If you don't have a car and walking to the grocery store or biking there isn't a choice, ask if you can go to the grocery store along with your parents to make the shopping process easier.

Clean the house. A clean home is the best setting for Thanksgiving dinner.【小题3】Clear an area for guests to put their shoes, coats, and bags so they aren't in the way.

Set the table. It will save your parents’ time, so they can finish preparing the meal. If you're using place cards, put wine glasses at the seats of guests who will be drinking. Some guests may have their kids seated at the table.【小题4】

Plan a fun family activity. This is a great thing to do when people are either waiting for the meal or looking for something to do after the meal. This is where you come in.【小题5】You may even take some family photos. They'll be happy that you captured these memories later.

A.So how do you start helping out?
B.Don't get too pushy about doing everything.
C.You should plan a fun game or activity in advance.
D.If you have a car and they trust you to drive, that is.
E.Ask your parents if you are unsure if you really need place cards.
F.You should consider not putting a knife at their seat, for safety reasons.
G.Even if it's not perfectly neat, things should he relatively organized and dust-free.
