语法填空-单句语填 适中0.65 引用1 组卷90
Can you tell me ________you are late for the meeting this morning? (用适当的词填空)
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Different cultures communicate in very different ways. In Asia, people use lots of body language, facial expressions, and silence 【小题1】 (express) meaning. For instance, in Japan, it might be 【小题2】 (normal) viewed as rude to directly object to a statement. However, in the West, speaking directly is not only normal but valued. People place 【小题3】 (much) focus on the actual words being used than on cues (暗示) of body language.

Additionally, in China, it is common for someone to smile when they don’t understand something. This could be 【小题4】 (confuse) for a Westerner who might think this means the listener understands and agrees with 【小题5】 is being said.

Another communicative feature 【小题6】 is viewed differently across the world is interruptions (插嘴). In many 【小题7】 (part) of the West, interrupting another person when they are speaking is considered to be rude. However, in some African and Latin American countries, it is viewed as a means to join and actively participate in the conversation.

Even within 【小题8】 same continent (洲), cultures can vary from country to country. For example, in the UK, it is very common to say “please” and “thank you” to someone 【小题9】 (serve) you in a shop or restaurant, but in Spain, these expressions 【小题10】(hear) much less often and are reserved more for requesting or receiving kindness.


UN Chinese Language Day is observed annually on April 20, celebrating the language’s contribution to the world and 【小题1】 (encourage) more people to learn it.

April 20 marks the Guyu, Grain Rain in Chinese. The Guyu is the 【小题2】 (six) of the 24 solar terms in the traditional lunar calendar, the day when farmers start sowing. Each year they will celebrate Guyu in memory of the person: Cang Jie, 【小题3】 was believed to create Chinese characters.

Chinese 【小题4】 (allow) to be an official language of the United Nations in 1946. However, in the early years, Chinese was not 【小题5】 (common) used in the work of the United Nations. The situation improved 【小题6】 the restoration (恢复) of the lawful rights of the PRC in the United Nations in 1971. And in 1973, the General Assembly (联合国大会) included Chinese as 【小题7】 working language. Then more and more UN offices and work members work with the Chinese language.

This year’s celebrations included lectures on Chinese culture, film screenings, panel discussions on education and art 【小题8】 (exhibition). The event also provided an opportunity 【小题9】 (practise) Chinese calligraphy, draw in the Chinese style, and play classical Chinese musical instruments.

Today, more and more diplomats and UN staff 【小题10】 (learn) Chinese and familiarizing themselves with the Chinese culture.
