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For those who don’t decide their own working hours, a trial of four-day workweeks of 35-hour work weekly without a drop in pay among 2500 workers in Iceland has shown the old schedule may truly not be the most productive form of labor (劳动). The report, conducted by the research organization Autonomy and the Association for Sustainability and Democracy, found that negative markers like burnout (过度劳累), stress, necessary overtime, and disconnection with friends and family all went down, as would be expected, but that productivity remained at worst unchanged, and often improved in those working shorter hours.

The trials were such a success that following their conclusion in 2019,Mass renegotiation (重新协商)by labor unions means that 86% of Icelanders are now working non-traditional workweeks which could include 5-to-6-hour working days or four-day working weeks.

“This study shows that the world’s largest-ever trial of a shorter working week was a success,” said Will Stronge, director of Autonomy.

The main argument is that “burnout” depletes the ability of workers to be productive. A lack of production will sometimes result in a demand for overtime, especially by managers, further increasing burnout and decreasing productivity. In those who cannot afford to be less productive, like nurses for example, burnout simply results in negative health outcomes.

Hoping to see if they could replicate (复制)the productivity gains in other countries, the Reykjavid City Council started this trial, mostly at public offices, but also in private firms, to measure performance and worker well-being for four years.

Compared with non-participating firms or offices, productivity remained the same or increased in those participating, but it wasn’t free. Instead, as necessity is the mother of invention, a sort of mass re-imagining of operations was needed to achieve production or service goals with the reduced hours. This involved,as the report details, the shortening or early ending of meetings, and often a total reorganization of work processes to find where problems could be removed.

【小题1】What does Autonomy’s report show?
A.Four-day workweeks are most productive.
B.Reducing regular work hours has many benefits.
C.Stress has no connection with working hours.
D.Workers should be flexible about their working hours.
【小题2】How did labor unions in Iceland most probably react knowing the results of the trial?
A.They felt sad for most Icelanders.
B.They became worried about workers’ productivity.
C.They knew it was time for a change.
D.They decided to encourage hard work.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “depletes” in paragraph 4 mean?
【小题4】Why does the author say “it wasn’t free” in the last paragraph?
A.it’s not really worth trying for many companies.
B.It is necessary to make some changes to ensure productivity.
C.It costs a lot to re-imagine operations.
D.It is very difficult for most companies to change their routine.
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In order to hold weight, a recommendation letter should come from a respected source. You would be a wonderful fit if you worked with the candidate in a supervisory position, say, a manager or boss of some sort, for an employer always wants a professional reference. Occasionally, letters from a colleague, a friend, neighbor, or family member will also do. And what elements should your recommendation letter include to be effective?

#1: Explaining Your Qualification

In the first paragraph, you should explain who you are, how you know the candidate and how long you worked with him. In this way, you are showing that you’re much qualified to give an honest assessment. Strong letters give positive descriptions of your qualifications in a concise and powerful way, which creates a professional and trustworthy image of you.

#2: Being Customized to the New Position

While you should speak to the candidate’s accomplishments in his past role, you should also show why he’d make a good fit in the next one. You should explain why he has the desired ability to do the job well, and attach the greatest importance to this, even if the candidate’s making a career change. The candidate should provide you with everything you need to know to customize your letter. By drawing on this information, you can express confidence that the candidate will succeed in the new role. Then when the hiring manager reads your letter, he’ll feel reassured that the candidate would make a good fit.

#3: Using Specific Examples

Finally, your letter should provide specific examples about the candidate. Don’t just list adjectives like, “friendly, intelligent, and hard-working”; instead, present circumstances in which the candidate demonstrated those qualities. Not only will examples point to the value the candidate brought to your organization or company, but they’ll also paint a picture of how he works in day-to-day operations. Using two to three specific examples in your letter will boost its level of persuasiveness.

【小题1】Who are the intended readers of this passage?
【小题2】According to the passage, a candidate’s ______ is usually the most suitable to write a recommendation letter.
A.powerful friendB.supervisory manager
C.respected neighborD.trustworthy colleague
【小题3】What should a writer put emphasis on in a recommendation letter?
A.Presenting the reader with the candidate’s ability.
B.Exhibiting his knowledge about the new industry.
C.Customizing the letter with eye-catching drawings.
D.Showing the candidate’s intelligence with examples.

In the early hours of the morning, Gary Miller was in his truck, traveling down the road alone to deliver. Everything seemed calm. But with the sound of a fire siren (警笛) cutting through the wind, he became alarmed. Miller, a trucker by trade, has been a volunteer firefighter for 40 years. That loud, sharp siren assured him that help was on the way.

Most people never realize that this help is often a crew of volunteer firefighters. They make up 70 percent of the country’s nearly 1.2 million firefighters. “When I was a teenager there would be many who responded. About 20 people were coming into the voluntary fire station at one siren.” Miller laughed. But now, at his 54, that memory is almost ironic (讽刺的)to him. When a call comes in, his station might get only three or four people responding. He said: “People don’t want to, or rather, they don’t have time to volunteer.” Adults’ burdens have become greater. There isn’t as much time left for volunteering when most people rely on a two-income household now more than ever.

Firefighters face far more than what we imagine. The emotional stress on a firefighter stands out. “We’re asked to help someone at their most vulnerable (易受伤的) time. But we can’t always save the day like we hope to.” Miller reflected on the case years ago. “A mother’s car was hit hard, and she had two children in the backseat." By the time he arrived on the scene, there wasn’t much to be done. “One child died in my arms and I felt so defeated.”

Along with the emotional stress, the physical danger is just as great. Even with the progress of equipment and new training, that’s still not always enough to save a firefighter’s life. In 2016, 60 firefighters died in the line of the duty. “When you respond, you never know if it is to be your last,” Miller said. “And that’s just a risk we take.” Miller continued. "It's dangerous. But it's also the most rewarding thing I've ever done."

【小题1】What was Gary Miller doing when the fire siren sounded that morning?
A.He was off duty.B.He was doing the daily routine.
C.He was on the way to rescue.D.He was driving to the fire station.
【小题2】Why is the memory of the early time ironic to Miller?
A.Because many of his crew lost their lives.
B.Because he no longer serves the fire station.
C.Because firefighter is not an appealing job any more.
D.Because fewer people want to be volunteer firefighters.
【小题3】What mainly causes the number of volunteer firefighters to drop?
A.The challenging task.B.The emotional stress.
C.The increasing burden.D.The possible danger.
【小题4】What does being a volunteer firefighter mean to Miller?
A.A worthwhile experience.B.A way to make a living.
C.An ironic memory       .D.A risky adventure.
