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Each child is unique by their character, goals, shortcomings and virtues (品德). When a learning disability is added to the mix, it becomes harder for teachers to find the best approaches to promoting the child’s process of learning and completing school tasks.

However, if you want to help children who have a learning disability, it is best to start with building a sincere relationship by explaining what is learning disability. You should tell them that having some sort of learning disability is not a problem that makes them any less valuable. They just need a different approach that will help them reach the same results as their classmates in class.

Bearing in mind that children with learning difficulties cannot always reach high grades, teachers must explain to them that effort must always be above the result itself. Teachers should tell the children that the key to success is in surpassing themselves, not comparing with others. And this is possible only through putting effort into mastering a certain skill or acquiring certain knowledge. When enough effort is made, the desired result will surely be achieved; it is only a matter of time.

As Albert Einstein once said, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” This nicely sums up the complex nature of intelligence in humans. Bearing this saying in mind, it is good teachers’ duty to appreciate the strengths of a child with a learning disability, to cultivate these strengths through much praise and to help create excellent skills that will enable the child to stand out among their classmates. Try to discover the gifts of children with learning difficulties and ad-just those gifts to these general supportive approaches, which is good teachers’ job! Just do it, and finally all the desired goals will be achieved!

【小题1】What makes a teacher find it harder to promote a student’s study?
A.The difficult school tasks.
B.The student’s own character.
C.The lack of learning passion.
D.The student’s learning disability.
【小题2】What should be done first when helping kids with learning disability?
A.Make them feel more valuable.
B.Set lots of goals for them.
C.Explain what is learning disability to them.
D.Introduce approaches to help them succeed.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “surpassing” in paragraph 3 mean?
【小题4】What can be inferred about “good teachers” from the last paragraph?
A.They're strict with students.
B.They are adaptable and energetic.
C.They listen and communicate well.
D.They can appreciate and shape students.
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The life-long benefits of teaching children good money habits make it well worth the effort. Children who are not taught these lessons pay the consequences for a life time. Some parents don’t teach children about money because they think they shouldn’t talk about money with children, don’t have the time, or think they don’t have enough money. Parents should take the time to teach children about money regardless of their income and should start when children are young.
Most people have strong feelings and opinions about money, based on childhood experiences and the values and beliefs of their families. Most often, these experiences, values, and beliefs are different for each parent. It is important for the healthy development of children that parents talk about these feelings and opinions and establish a consistent(始终如一的)approach to teaching children about money.
Here are some guidelines parents can keep in mind as they begin the financial socialization of their children:
★Advise rather than order how the child’s money should be used.
★Allow children to learn by mistakes and by successes.
★Be consistent while taking children’s differences into account.
★Include all family members in money management discussions, decision making, and activities suitable for their age.
★Explan to children what they can and cannot do and the consequences of going above the limits.
★As children get older increasingly include them in discussions of limits and consequences.
★Expect all family members to perform unpaid, routine household work based on their abilities.
★Express your desire to have things you can’t afford. Children need to know that parents say “no” to themselves, too.
【小题1】The writer believes that if children don’t learn good money habits, they     .
A.won’t be able to earn enough
B.won’t be involved in housework
C.will have to work hard all their life.
D.will suffer the bad results all their life
【小题2】Some parents don’t teach their children good money habits, because .
A.they don’t have money for their children to spend
B.they think miney is too serious for children
C.they think children can learn naturally
D.they believe money is an adult thing
【小题3】According to the 2nd paragraph, the writer seems to believe that .
A.childhood experiences will heip people create a lifelong money value
B.taking is the most important way to help children from their values
C.values of money should be different from parent to parent.
D.children’s opinion about money will never change if established
【小题4】Which of the following are parents advised to do?
A.To allow children to make mistakes if they’re likely to succeed.
B.To make children do housework for the family and pay them.
C.To help children learn to say “no” to their own unrealistic desires.
D.To encourage children to set limits for themselves.

According to a survey, in Washington, DC, only 69 percent of public school students graduate from high school on time. Many factors influence that low rate. One of the most important ones is whether the people around the students expect them to succeed.

So, for the past 40 years, a DC organization has stepped in to give around 10, 000 students the support and positive environment they need to thrive. This organization, called Higher Achievement, provides students with a welcoming space, help with class work, and caring teachers. More than 95 percent of students who complete Higher Achievement graduate from high school on time.

Katherine Roboff is the group's executive director in the DC area. She gives several reasons for the group's success. One is timing. Higher Achievement does not work with students who are already in high school. It works with students in middle school. They start High Achievement at fifth or sixth grade-in the US, that is usually age 11 or 12.

Roboff says research shows that if students are doing well academically in eighth grade — around age 13-they will have a greater chance of graduating from high school and going to college. In other words, what happens in middle school has a huge effect. The years between ages 10 and 13 may affect a student's future more than anything that happens academically in high school.

Roboff explains that students participate in Higher Achievement after school and during the summer, when public schools take a break of about two months. High Achievement students do homework, have community meetings, and work one-on-one with a mentor.

The purpose of the program is to help them use those after school and summer hours to become better prepared academically and to develop their leadership skills and confidence so that by the time they get into eighth grade they are ready to get into some of the top high schools.

【小题1】What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A.Higher Achievement works with college students.
B.Many students have doubts about the organization.
C.Higher Achievement has spread throughout the US.
D.Higher Achievement has helped many high school students.
【小题2】If students are doing well academically in eighth grade,     .
A.they are certain to go to collegeB.they are to succeed when they grow up
C.they are more likely to finish high school on timeD.they don't need any help in their studies
【小题3】Who are the working targets of Higher Achievement?
A.Those students in higher school.B.Those students in middle school.
C.Those students who don't work well.D.Those students whose family can't afford.
【小题4】The last two paragraphs tell us .
A.how Higher Achievement helps those students
B.public schools never offer positive environment
C.Higher Achievement only helps those who have good skills
D.Higher Achievement only helps the students in the eighth grade

Recently I read a passage saying that kids need 12 hugs a day. The idea is that kids who are hugged that much are probably being shown and told how valuable they are. And let’s face it, not all kids get the same loving kindness at home, which affects their ability to lead full lives not just at home, but also in school. After all, when kids lack love, how can we expect them to do well in school?

That’s the question one school principle in Winterport, Maine recently wondered. Her brilliant solution? Self-talk mirrors.

Several weeks ago, a series of brightly colored mirrors with positive self-talk phrases appeared on the walls throughout the Leroy H. Smith School in Winterport. The elementary school’s principal. Dawn Moore, was inspired by a similar project she spotted online that aimed to promote different kinds of learners. Moore took this idea, adjusted it, and now it's the talk of the town.

Moore says the mirrors allow students to literally remind themselves of their worth and their abilities every single day, “It is not reflective of how you did in class,” she says, “but reflective of whom you are and what you can be if you believe in yourself and love yourself.”

The mirrors all hang at eye-level with the students and were fixed in common spaces throughout the halls. And so far, the experiment has been a huge success with both kids and teachers. The hope is that they will remain a permanent fixture in the school.

What do the kids think of this project? At first; the students loved looking and making faces and silly actions but after the novelty of ‘look at me' was over, many students have been observed looking at themselves, proudly, reading the sentence above the mirror.

The staff at Leroy H. Smith plan to mix up the messages every few weeks in order to keep things fresh.

【小题1】How does the author think of “the hug theory”?
【小题2】How did Moore get the idea of Self-talk mirrors?
A.She got inspired from her mirror.
B.Her staff made suggestions to her.
C.It was adopted from an online project.
D.She used the children’s natural love for beauty.
【小题3】What is the purpose of self-talk mirrors?
A.To improve students’ speaking skills.
B.To make the school more beautiful.
C.To improve children’s self-confidence.
D.To let kids pay attention to their appearance.
【小题4】What is used to encourage students in the project?
A.Inspiring words.B.School’s awards.
C.Teachers’ encouragement.D.Other children’s admiration.
