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I'm from a fishing family. My grandfather was a fisherman, working out of Fano, the Italian town where I grew up and still live. I work from 7 p.m. until 11 a. m. with fishermen on the north Adriatic Sea. There are only six or so of us on board. At night, the fish are most active and we can avoid other ships.

The nets reach the sea bed for the catch but sometimes they also catch turtles that often die in the nets or on board. The net is designed to allow turtles to escapes it has a hole at the top they can swim out of. We call it “TED”. The TED aims at reducing the bycatch (误捕) of turtles. Turtles and some larger fish can leave through the TED, but the current (水流) holds most of the catch in the net.

I ensure that the net is working, and that the fishermen we're cooperating with can still catch enough for their livelihoods while protecting turtles. The work is part of research by the Cetacea Foundation, in cooperation with University of Pisa, where I'm a field researcher. It is financed by the LIFE programmer. I love this work. It means I'm not stuck in an office all day and instead can enjoy the ocean and work closely with people who live by the sea.

When my grandfather was fishing in the 1970s, there were more fish and more turtles around. At the foundation, we save 50-60 turtles a year, most of which are harmed because of fishing. If we can protect turtles by popularizing this device to fishermen all across the Adriatic, I'd see this work as a success.

【小题1】Why does the author work at night?
A.He is busy in the day.
B.He can catch more fish at night.
C.Fish are very active in the day.
D.There are more ships at night.
【小题2】What can we know about TED?
A.It doesn't reach the sea bed.
B.It is helpful to catch larger fish.
C.It is helpful to protect sea turtles.
D.It catches large turtles.
【小题3】What's the author's job?
A.An excellent fisherman in Italy.
B.A volunteer of Cetacea Foundation.
C.A founder of LIFE programmer.
D.A researcher of University of Pisa.
【小题4】Why does the author like his job?
A.He can stay in the office.
B.He can work with fishermen.
C.He can go abroad for sightseeing.
D.He can get his father's help.
知识点:动物记叙文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Rome is recognized across the globe for its classical artwork, but recently the city's street art has been drawing attention. While many urban artists stick to painting murals(壁画),one Italian sculptor is resisting the trend with his wonderful works made from an unusual material. Andrea Gandini, a native of Rome in his early twenties, has been recognized for his wood carvings of old tree trunks scattered across the city's landscape.

Gandini's Trocomorto, or "dead trunk" project, began in 2018, when the artist ran out of sculpting clay. That's when he noticed the remains of an old tree stump in his neighborhood. He realized that Rome was full of potential canvases(画布)just waiting to be given a new life. "Bringing trees back to life" is exactly how Gandini and others describe his art.

Due to years of poor care by the city, many trees became diseased and had to be cut down. This resulted in lots of old stumps that degraded the streets of Rome, which were costly to remove. However, they have been a perfect canvas of Gandini, who has completed over 50 carvings across the city.

Gandini gives each old tree trunk a face and personality of its own. By recognizing each formerly living tree as individual, he hopes to give them some dignity in death and respect each of them with their own headstone of sorts. For those that can't make the trip to Rome, Gandini documents his works of art on Facebook.

Gandini's “dead trunk" project reminds us of what Auguste Rodin says, "There is no lack of beauty in the world, but a lack of eyes to find it." All is beautiful in the eyes of the artist, for his keen eye sees through the heart of all living things. To discover its character is to pierce its outer form and touch its inner truth. This "truth" is also "beauty".

【小题1】What has drawn people's attention recently in Rome according to the passage?
A.Its classical artwork.B.Its traditional murals.
C.Its street wood carvings.D.Its unusual material.
【小题2】Which statement is NOT correct about Gandini's works?
A.They are full of life.B.They follow the trend of murals.
C.They beautify the city.D.They are appreciated by some artists.
【小题3】What does Gandini try to put in his works?
A.Dignity and respect.B.Beauty and kindness.
C.Hope and personality.D.Death and art.
【小题4】What can we learn from this passage?
A.Beauty is always around for keen eyes.
B.Inner truth is difficult to find.
C.We live in a world lacking beauty.
D.Grandini is a person who loves nature and truth.

Every winter, huge crowds come to the parking lots of big box stores. Not crazy shoppers... but crows (乌鸦)

“Sometimes there’re 4,010,00 even 20,000 birds,” says Andrea Townsend, a behavioral ecologist at Hamilton College.” They’re really conspicuous. What they like are urban areas, so you’ll see them in trees, on rooftops, certainly, in well-lit parking lots. They’re their favorite places.”

Crows are known as “partial migrants (候鸟)”. Every year, some members of the population migrate between breeding (繁殖) grounds and overwintering grounds. But others just stay put. So Townsend and her colleagues wanted to know if that urge to migrate was something individual crows can turn on and off. With no previous studies to refer to, they caught 18 crows from overwintering spots to find out. They fitted the birds with little backpack satellite devices after collecting blood and feather samples, keeping recording where they went during winter for years.

Overall, three quarters of the birds migrated, an average of 300 miles. And more importantly, if they migrated once, they did it every year—suggesting traveling is not a habit they switch on and off. The researchers also found migrating crows returned faithfully to the same breeding grounds every year—but were more flexible on where to overwinter, which could be a good thing.

“Birds with flexible strategies can change their behavior when the environment changes, while other birds are more locked into their overwintering sites. They may not be able to adjust so quickly or easily to changing environmental conditions.” Townsend also wanted to know how migration is connected with their mental ability and whether it’s a mental trade-off for the birds—since migrants have to remember all location data.

“Maybe they’re not as good at solving problems as a resident bird that doesn’t have to invest so much in that long-term memory.” Then again, with all that time on the wing, migrants simply may not have as much free time to think hard about problems.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “conspicuous” in paragraph 2 mean?
【小题2】How did the researchers get their finding?
A.By analyzing previous research.B.By tracking some crows’ movements.
C.By studying crows in urban areas.D.By comparing different migrating crows.
【小题3】What does paragraph 4 focus on?
A.Crows’ migratory habits.B.Reasons for crows migrating.
C.Crows’ behavioral changes.D.Ways of crows overwintering.
【小题4】What might Townsend study next?
A.Problem-solving skill and memory of crows.B.Impact of the changing environment on crows.
C.Relation between crows’ migration and mind.D.Differences between migrants and resident birds.

Your eyes pick up color using a type of cell called cones (视锥细胞) in your retina (视网膜). The same is true for dogs, though our cones aren’t exactly the same.

“Humans have three types of cones, which enables us to see different shades of red, blue-violet, and green; Dogs have two types of cones that pick up blue-violet and yellow shades, ”says Lara Sypniewski, DVM, a professor of small animal medicine at Oklahoma State University.

This means that dogs see in a similar way to humans who are red-green colorblind. “They don’t see red or green and they see everything in shades of blue and yellow,”says Jay Neitz, Phd, a researcher and professor of ophthalmology at the University of Washington.

Humans may have the advantage in color vision, but dogs definitely have us beat in the realm of night vision. This is because dogs’ eyes have more light-gathering power than ours, Neitz says.

Dogs have a wider field of vision than humans. Dogs’ eyes are set slightly farther apart than humans’ eyes, so they can see further to the side in each direction.

A dog’s retina is largely composed of cells called rods, which can sense light, even in very low-light conditions, says Sypniewski.

Dogs are especially good at sensing movement. “The increased number of rods in the dog’s retina also increases their ability to detect motion,” Sypniewski says. This ability can help them detect small prey like squirrels.

Dogs have trouble seeing things very close up. Dogs can see objects clearly if they’re at least 13 to 20 inches away from their eyes, “but if the object is closer, the image may be blurry,” Sypniewski says. Humans can see objects slightly closer — about 10 inches away from the eye.

Dogs may recognize you by your shape and motion. “If your dog recognizes you from a distance, it is not because it can see the details of your face like a human would, but rather because of your shape or the way you move,” Neitz says.

【小题1】How does the author organize the text?
A.By giving examples.B.By making comparison.
C.By presenting data.D.By putting forward questions.
【小题2】Why is it so easy for dogs to detect small prey?
A.Because they can run very fast.
B.Because they can sense light even in darkness.
C.Because they can see further to the side in each direction.
D.Because they are born with excellent capability to detect motion.
【小题3】What do we know about dogs according to the text?
A.Dogs can tell red from green.
B.Dogs can recognize humans from the hair.
C.Dogs have a better night vision than humans.
D.Dogs can see things clearly if they are within 10 inches from their eyes.
【小题4】What is the purpose of the text?
A.To stress dogs’ loyalty to humans.
B.To tell the difference between dogs and humans.
C.To explain some misunderstanding about dogs.
D.To reveal some basic truth about dogs’ eyesight.
