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The fossil (化石)discovery in Victoria now shows that monk seals were widespread in Australasia in the past.

“Monk seals are one of the rarest and most endangered marine mammals (海洋哺乳动物)alive today, but this wasn’t always the case,” according to lead study author Dr. James Rule from Monash University. “Our paper shows that the very endangered monk seals once called Australia home about five million years ago(specifically in Victoria),” he said.

The discovery was made by studying two fossils again from Melbourne Museum’s collections, the identity of which had been a mystery for 40 years. “When we studied them, they turned out to be the oldest evidence of monk seals,” Dr. Rule said. “These fossils, along with the extinct New Zealand species that was discovered last year, double the known diversity of the monk seals,” he said.

According to Dr. Rule, monk seals disappeared in Australasia three million years ago, and they only lived in the tropics (热带地区)and the Mediterranean after temperatures fell during the Ice Ages. This left monk seals on the edge of disappearance after being overhunted by humans, with about 2,000 members left.

The discovery of New Zealand species and Australian monk seals led the researchers to restudy the origin of the group. “Our research shows that monk seals began in Australia,” Dr. Rule said. “This is different from every theory previously put forward by scientists.”

Previous research has theorized climate change led to the disappearance of many ancient seals in the Southern Hemisphere. This would have included New Zealand’s and Australian monk seals. “This suggests the world’s last two species of monk seal are also at risk from climate change,” Dr. Rule said. If sea level continues to rise, the beaches monk seals rely on for resting and raising young ones may disappear.

【小题1】What does the new discovery show about monk seals?
A.Their living habits.B.Their growth process.
C.Their early appearance.D.Their ways of getting food.
【小题2】What do we know about the two fossils from Melbourne Museum?
A.Researcher found it hard to keep them in good condition.
B.Researchers manged to identify them after many years.
C.They were once thought to be fossils of birds.
D.They were first discovered last year.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 4 probably refer to?
A.Fighting water pollution.B.Suffering from a lack of food.
C.Having limited living places.D.Facing increasing natural enemies.
【小题4】What does the author want to tell us in the last paragraph?
A.Climate change always threatens monk seals’ survival.
B.Scientists can now measure the rate of global warming.
C.Human activity in Australia should be strictly limited.
D.People need to help raise young monk seals.
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Richard Turere walks through his family's farm just outside Nairobi National Park in Kenya. Goats, cows, and sheep eat grass peacefully on the farm while in the park nearby, lions wander leisurely, living in peaceful coexistence with the livestock. An extraordinary picture! How do livestock manage to live safely near these huge lions? It's all due to this young man's brilliant invention, Lion Lights.

Livestock is his family's entire livelihood—which is why whenever lions attacked their goats, sheep, or cattle, it was disastrous. There seemed to be no good solution to the problem until Richard began working on it. After a lion killed his family's only bull, Richard started experimenting with ways to scare off the lions. His first two attempts—fire and then a scarecrow—were unsuccessful. But one night in 2011, when he was walking around with a flashlight, he noticed that lions stayed away. That's when he realized: these big cats were afraid of moving lights!

Then Richard—who'd taken apart and studied machines since he was very small—began experimenting. Despite his lack of any formal training in electrical engineering, he fitted a system of flashing LED lights on poles around the farm. The flashing lights, which he made from vehicle indicator flashers, car batteries, and a solar panel, tricked the lions into thinking the grounds were guarded, keeping the lions away.

The word got out about the brilliant "lion-lights boy". Soon Richard was fixing the Lion Lights system for neighbors. Later, his invention won him a scholarship to Kenya's well-known Brookhouse International School. And when Richard was 13, he was invited to California to speak about his invention at a TED conference. These days, Richard still lives on his family's farm, and fixes the Lion Lights system for people all over Kenya, which functions efficiently. He dreams of becoming an airplane engineer and pilot, but he also works to arouse people's awareness about the need to support young Kenyan inventors like himself.

【小题1】What does "an extraordinary picture" refer to?
A.Eye-catching scenery.B.Well-protected ecosystem.
C.Lions losing their nature.D.Animals existing in harmony.
【小题2】What used to be the problem with Richard's farm?
A.Lions attacked livestock.B.The locals' lives were threatened.
C.Machines didn't function well.D.Flashlights weren't in good condition.
【小题3】From the Lion Lights experiment we can know that_________.
A.Richard's idea came from his failure.B.Flashing lights could scare lions away.
C.Richard's academic knowledge mattered.D.Flashing lights were difficult to maintain.
【小题4】What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Richard's dream has come true.B.Richard's invention makes a difference.
C.Richard's devotion to helping his neighbors.D.Richard's awareness of bettering his community.

Ways to Help the Troubled Monarch Butterflies

The monarch butterfly (帝王蝶) is considered an endangered species. Scientists say the dropping number of monarchs is due to climate change, loss of living places and the use of pesticides — chemicals that kill insects — and herbicides — chemicals that kill plants. 【小题1】

One of the quickest and best ways to help is to plant milkweed on your land. Milkweed is a kind of plant that has white juice. Monarch butterflies eat milkweed and lay their eggs there. 【小题2】 However, not all milkweed is the same. It is important to choose the right kind of milkweed. Planting tropical milkweed in the United States is a problem because it is not native to the country. It blooms or flowers for longer periods of time. This can make it harder for monarchs to know when it is time to migrate (迁徙).

Other plants, especially those with flowers that have honey, can be helpful to adult monarchs. These plants can be good-quality food for the butterflies. 【小题3】 Invasive plants can do more harm than good to monarchs. It is a good idea to include plants that flower late in the growing season. These plants can help give monarchs the energy they need for their yearly migration in autumn.

【小题4】 Chemicals can harm insects, including monarchs. They can also harm birds. Natural or organic poisons may also be harmful. Use them after dark, when butterflies are not as active. When the morning arrives, the product will be dry and not as effective. The butterflies will be safe.

Another way to help monarchs is to create a butterfly water feeding area. Add water to sand in a sunny area. 【小题5】 Butterflies can rest on the stone, take in the sun and drink the water from the pool. And you can sit and enjoy the beautiful monarchs.

A.They need milkweed to survive.
B.Find an appropriate place for milkweed.
C.Set a flat rock in the middle of the area.
D.You can grow your own ones from seeds.
E.Be sure to choose plants that are native to your area.
F.Next,think about the chemicals you use in your own garden.
G.But there are things that people can do to help the beloved black-and-orange insects.

The moment the ground stops shaking after an earthquake, some people may wonder whether their pets — or wild animals for that matter — knew the disaster was coming.

To get to the bottom of this question, Heiko Woith, a scientist at the German Research Centre for Geosciences, and his colleagues evaluated more than 700 published reports of unusual behavior among 130 species, including insects, birds, fish, cats, dogs and cattle from 160 earthquakes. The records included all kinds of behaviors, including a tiger that reportedly got depressed before an earthquake.

The researchers found that 90 percent of all reported cases happened within 62 miles of the epicenter (震中) and within 60 days of an earthquake. Then, they examined when and where foreshocks had happened in the region and concluded that it was hard to say these animals could predict the earthquake itself. They were just responding to foreshocks.

“The space-time pattern of animal precursors (预兆) and foreshocks is strikingly similar,” Woith said. “From this, we concluded that the abnormal animal behavior might simply be related to foreshocks. These animals are just responding to foreshocks rather than predicting the earthquake. They don’t have super power.”

Despite the vast number of incidences, good information was little and scientific evidence is lacking. “A major surprise for us was that the large majority of the published claims were built on poor observational data, which did not stand as statistical scientific proof,” Woith said.

To better study whether animals can predict earthquakes, Woith and his colleagues suggested that researchers ask a number of yes-or-no questions in any upcoming experiments, including “Is the experimental setup and monitoring procedure clearly described and reproducible?” and “Is it proven that the animal behavior is really unusual?”

Meanwhile, humans are working on technologies that can detect earthquakes seconds before they hit. Hopefully, we will have such devices to warn people that the earthquake is coming.

【小题1】How did Woith conduct the study?
A.By analyzing former reports.
B.By observing animals’ behavior.
C.By collecting data in the earthquake.
D.By comparing animals’ different responses.
【小题2】What is Woith’s new finding?
A.Tigers become depressed easily.B.Certain animals have super power.
C.Some animals can react to foreshocks.D.Animals in the same area act similarly.
【小题3】What surprised the scientists in the study?
A.All reported cases took place in the same area.
B.There were too many reports about foreshocks.
C.Some animals act strangely before earthquakes.
D.The previous reports lack accurate data support.
【小题4】What is mainly talked about in the passage?
A.How animals behave in earthquakes.
B.Whether animals can predict earthquakes.
C.What is the link between animals and earthquakes.
D.Why people study animals’ behavior in earthquakes.
