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Pay a visit to the Chicago River and you’ll find that it has a wonderful new addition to the local wildlife. Among the birds and fish, visitors may spot a small robot moving up and down the busy waterway. This is Trashbot, the creation of a startup called Urban Rivers, using cutting-edge technology to clean up trash in the area.

In some ways, Trashbot is like the vacuum cleaners (真空吸收器) found in American homes. But it isn’t. While its free movement and lack of onsite handlers may give the impression that this is a self-driving machine, this could not be further from the truth. At any point in time, Trashbot might be controlled by one of the Internet users.

Anyone with a web connection can get into Urban River’s website and take a two-minute turn at piloting Trashbot. The company’s goal is to use this time to direct Trashbot to pick up trash, and then carry this to a collection point on the river bank, where it can be later removed.

The idea for Trashbot started a few years ago when Urban Rivers’ project the “floating gardens” on the Chicago River got clogged up (被堵塞) with trash. To solve this, they started employing old-fashioned human litter pickers to collect trash from the river. However, this turned out to be ineffective.

The idea of a robot boat was born then, but the team wasn’t sure how to pilot it. Teaching a computer to understand what trash is isn’t easy, Trash is a somewhat abstract concept (概念) . We know it when we see it. At this point they decided to turn to the Internet for help.

“We figured that we could put out a call so that this boat could be controlled by people around the world,” says Nick Wesley, one of the brains behind the project. “Letting people take control of a robot to clean up trash makes for a really cool experience.”

【小题1】What do we know about Trashbot?
A.It is a vacuum cleanerB.It is harmful to local wildlife.
C.It is a trash clearing machine.D.It has been widely used in homes.
【小题2】How does Trashbot work?
A.It is operated by Internet users.
B.It works for two hours at a time.
C.It is handled by human litter pickers.
D.It recognizes trash and reports it to users.
【小题3】Where can we find the reason for building Trashbot?
A.In Paragraph 3.B.In Paragraph 4.C.In Paragraph 5.D.In Paragraph 6.
【小题4】What does Nick Wesley say about piloting Trashbot?
A.It is a risky practice.
B.It may cause a network crash.
C.It fails to meet online users needs.
D.It offers online users a special experience.
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We use robots for tasks like building cars and sorting mail, but can we use them as standup comedians(单口相声演员)in the future?One robot called RoboThespian has been trying out some jokes.

Researchers from Queen Mary University of London organized RoboThespian's performances to test whether it could be as funny as a human.

The electronic comedian went on stage for a show with British comedians Andrew O'Neill and Tiernan Douieb, performing the same jokes as Douieb but with a few changes—it is a robot after all. The robot has some advantages over human comedians, too.

"We used computer vision and audio software to notice the response of each audience member, something a human comedian cannot do, " said Kleomenis Katevas, the robot's programmer." The machine used this information to decide who to look at and which gestures to use."

The robot also has other advantages over human comedians. Impressions of other people and sounds are very popular ways for performers to get laughs, and according to New Scientist reporter Celeste Biever, the robot can perform recorded sound by simply playing it back.It can also act out programmed pieces from Shakespeare or just about anything else.

"Another of the robot's advantages is more surprising. Because I feel less empathy(同感)for RoboThespian than for the human comedians, I feel more relaxed during his performances," Biever added. And of course, RoboThespian is unlikely to feel as nervous as other comedians, or be affected too badly by an audience member shouting at it.

The Queen Mary researchers say they're most interested in how audiences can be part of live performances. So in the future, we may be watching robots performing exactly the show we want to see. Do you think it's time for the robot to write some more jokes?

【小题1】Why was RoboThespian originally developed?
A.To help human comedians perform better on stage.
B.To find out if robots could understand human jokes.
C.To see if robots could perform like human comedians.
D.To assist human comedians to make up some better jokes.
【小题2】When RoboThespian gave performances on stage, it ________.
A.performed different jokes from human comedians
B.was affected easily by an audience member shouting at it
C.imitated the audience's voices to make them laugh
D.recorded each audience member's reaction and acted accordingly
【小题3】What does Celeste Biever think of robot comedians?
A.He believes the future of comedy lies in them.
B.He considers their jokes as rather poor and boring.
C.He thinks they aren't suitable for live performances.
D.He feels more comfortable watching their performances.
【小题4】What is the article mainly talking about?
A.The robot comedian RoboThespian and its advantages.
B.Robot technology used to help us with our future daily tasks.
C.Predictions of the comedy of the future and concerns about it.
D.A comparison between human comedians and robot comedians.

Many owners of electric cars have wished for a battery pack that could power their vehicle for more than a thousand miles on a single charge. Researchers have developed a lithium-air battery that could make that dream a reality. The new battery design could also one day power airplanes and trucks. The main new component in this lithium-air battery is a solid electrolyte instead of the usual liquid variety.

Batteries with solid electrolytes are not subject to safety problems with the liquid electrolytes used in lithium-ion and other battery types, which can overheat and catch fire. More importantly, the solid electrolyte can potentially boost the energy four times, which translates into longer driving range.

For over a decade, scientists have been working overtime to develop a lithium battery that makes use of the oxygen in air. The lithium-air battery has the highest energy of any battery technology being considered for the next generation of batteries beyond lithium-ion.

The new solid electrolyte is composed of a material made from relatively inexpensive elements, compared with the past designs. Besides, the chemical reaction in lithium-ion only involves one or two electrons stored per oxygen molecule, while that for lithium-air battery involves four electrons. More electrons stored means higher energy.

The new design is the first lithium-air battery that has achieved a four-electron reaction at room temperature. It also operates with oxygen supplied by air from the surrounding environment. The capability to run with air avoids the need for oxygen tanks to operate, a problem with earlier designs. “With further development, we expect our new design for the lithium-air battery to reach a record of 1200 watt-hours per kilogram,” said Curtiss, a researcher. “That is nearly four times better than lithium-ion batteries.”

【小题1】What contributes most to the lithium-ion battery?
A.Solid electrolytes.B.Liquid component.
C.Lithium-ion.D.Oxygen molecules.
【小题2】What’s the problem with lithium-ion batteries?
A.They burn easily if overheated.B.They are unsafe in production.
C.They damage the environment.D.They require longer charging time.
【小题3】How does the author organize Paragraph 4?
A.By presenting statistics.B.By giving examples.
C.By analyzing cause and effect.D.By making comparisons.
【小题4】What is the best title of the text?
A.Electric Cars Are Becoming More PopularB.How Lithium-air Batteries Work
C.New Batteries Offer Longer Driving RangeD.What will Be Used to Power Airplanes

Teens are really good at ignoring(忽视)their parents’ messages, which is why Nick Herbert, a father from London, created an app called ReplyASAP.

Nick came up with the idea for ReplyASAP after realizing that simply giving his son a mobile phone didn't make getting in touch with him easier. He wasn’t answering Nick's messages as fast as Nick had expected. It was driving the father crazy, so he set out to create a messaging app that would make reaching kids easier for parents. It took eight months and a lot of money to complete the project, but Nick thinks ReplyASAP could really take off, as it is likely to give parents some peace of mind.

ReplyASAP is designed with parents in mind. It lets them know if their child has seen their message,or if their phone is turned off. However, most importantly, it makes it impossible for kids to ignore messages. When they receive a text from their parents, the app basically locks their phone, taking over the home screen and sounding an alarm until the message is answered.

It seems that ReplyASAP will become teenagers’ biggest nightmare(噩梦), by making it impossible to ignore their parents. Nick agrees that it’s a possibility, but adds that his app shouldn't be parents' most important way of communicating with their children.

ReplyASAP is free to download(下载),but offers a series of plans, depending on how many people you are planning to get in touch with. It works only on Android now. But that's only a short-term shortcoming(缺点), as Nick wants to make ReplyASAP be found on the Apple Store as soon as possible.

【小题1】What drove Nick Herbert crazy?
A.Creating a messaging app.B.Ignoring his parents' messages.
C.His son not replying to him in time.D.Not getting in touch with his friends.
【小题2】For whom did Nick Herbert create ReplyASAP?
C.Teachers.D.Phone users.
【小题3】Why will ReplyASAP become teenagers’ biggest nightmare?
A.It works only on Android at present.
B.It's impossible to ignore their parents.
C.It allows teenagers to be watched by their parents.
D.It has a bad influence on their study.
【小题4】What can we know from the text?
A.Children will study better with ReplyASAP.
B.People have to pay to download ReplyASAP.
C.Nick spent ten months completing ReplyASAP.
D.ReplyASAP can't work on the Apple Store now.
