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This is the incredible moment: a crafty penguin escaped a group of hungry killer whales by LEAPING into a Zodiac boat (橡皮艇) full of tourists—to joyful applause.

The witty creature was caught on camera repeatedly jumping out of the water in a dramatic chase that circled the tour boat before it managed to flung itself aboard and stood proudly surrounded by the beaming holidaymakers.

Travel blogger Matt Karsten and his wife Anna were taking a tour through icebergs in the Gerlache Strait, Antarctica, when a large group of orcas (虎鲸) swam up to their Zodiac boat.

The apex predators (顶级掠食者) spotted a Gentoo penguin swimming nearby and, sensing a quick snack, gave chase after the lonely bird, darting between the tourist boats as their would-be-victim tried to give them the slip.

Heart-stopping footage shows the penguin repeatedly jumping out of the icy water with the killer whales in close pursuit as the hunt does loops around the boats.

Suddenly the penguin makes a bid to get into one of the boats but lands just short and instead bounces off the side of the vessel and back into the sea.

Mere seconds later, the penguin successfully makes it over the rim of the boat and is helped aboard by the tourists—to cheers from the crowd.

Matt, 40, said: “It was crazy to see in person. It was like watching a National Geographic episode on location. I imagine the penguin was very relieved to get away.”

“The orcas did follow the Zodiac boat for a while. They did give up in the end leaving the penguin safe with his new friends.”

“After cruising for a little bit, the penguin said goodbye to the boat and hopped back into the icy water.”

【小题1】Which of the following can best describe this penguin?
A.Cute and kind.B.Lovely and friendly.
C.Clever and brave.D.Aggressive and fierce.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “would-be-victim” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.The orcas.B.The boat.C.The tourists.D.The penguin.
【小题3】What can we infer from Matt’s words?
A.Killer whales are a group of fierce animals.
B.Human beings should live in harmony with animals.
C.Penguins are always playing chasing games with humans.
D.Matt was impressed with the penguin’s incredible survival.
【小题4】Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.A Penguin and Killer Whales.
B.A National Geographic Episode.
C.Penguin Jumps into Boat to Escape Killer Whales.
D.A Game between Penguin and Tourists on a Boat.
知识点:动物记叙文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

On a farm in England, Gavin and Alice Munro are taking sustainability to the next level: they harvest trees which they grow into chairs.

The couple have a furniture(家具)farm in Derbyshire where they are growing 250 chairs, 100 lamps and 550 tables. It is their answer to what they see as the inefficient(无效率的)process of cutting down mature trees to create furniture.

"Instead of force-growing a tree for 50 years and then cutting it down and making it into smaller and smaller bits…the idea is to grow the tree into the shape that you want directly. It’s like a kind of 3D printing, "said Gavin.

Part of the inspiration for the idea came when Gavin was a young boy. He spotted an overgrown bonsai tree(盆栽) which looked like chair.

The 44-year-old began experimenting in 2006. In 2012, Gavin and Alice set up the company Full Grown. Within several years, the couple developed the most effective way to shape a tree without limiting its growth. They guided shoots(嫩枝)already heading in the right direction, rather than force them the wrong way against their natural growth.

The average chair takes six to nine years to grow-and another year to dry out. The labor and time involved in producing the organic pieces means they do not come cheap. Chairs sell for £10,000 each, lamps for £900 to £2,300 and tables for £2,500 to £12,500.

【小题1】How could the couple grow trees into a shape they needed?
A.They used 3D printing.
B.They limited their growth.
C.They forced trees into different shapes.
D.They guided their shoots in the right direction.
【小题2】When did Gavin get the idea of growing furniture?
A.When he was a child.B.When they got married.
C.When they bought the farm.D.When they began experimenting in 2006.
【小题3】Which can best describe the furniture?
A.Big and eco-friendly.B.Natural but expensive.
C.Hand-made and creative.D.Traditional but organic.
【小题4】Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A.A Couple Grow FurnitureB.Expensive Grown Chairs
C.It’s A Good Try Of SustainabilityD.Grown Trees Gain Popularity

An endangered deer with vampire-like sharp teeth was spotted for the first time in nearly 60 years, in a remote forest in northeastern Afghanistan. The creature is known as the Kashmir musk deer, and it is native to the Himalayas of northern India, Pakistan’s Kashmir region and northern Afghanistan.

Only the male deer have sharp teeth, and they use them during mating season to compete for females. A team of researchers searched Afghanistan’s Nuristan province during 2008 and 2009, and recorded five sightings of the animal. This was the first time the species had been spotted since 1948. During the survey, the researchers spotted a single male Kashmir musk deer near the same area three separate times. The researchers also recorded one female and her baby, and saw a second single female that they think may have been the same deer, without her baby. These musk deer are classified as an endangered species on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List. Musk-deer meat is a local delicacy, but the species is mostly hunted for its scent glands(香腺) that are more valuable by weight than gold---some believe the glands have pharmaceutical (药学的) properties, and they sell for nearly $20,455 per pound ($45,000 per kilogram) on the black market, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Three decades of war have ravaged Nuristan province, and the continued violence and political instability make the black-market trade of scent glands uncontrollable. Furthermore, the species is quickly losing suitable habitat. All of the musk deer were spotted on sheltered rocky outcrops around 9,843 feet (3,000 meters) high. In the summer, they regularly trek (跋涉) along steep slopes that make them almost impossible to approach and keep them relatively safe from hunters. However, heavy snowfall in the winter drives the species farther down, to more human-accessible slopes, and hunters come from all over the country to track the deer for their valuable scent glands.

Due to violence and unrest, nongovernmental organizations like the Wildlife Conservation Society have not been able to operate in the Nuristan province since 2010. The WCS maintains contact with locals they have trained to survey and search for the musk deer. Once the situation in Nuristan improves, the WCS intends to return to the area to continue research and to formulate a conservation plan.

【小题1】Why does male deer use sharp teeth in mating season?
A.To fight for their land.B.To beat for females.C.To hunt for food.D.To frighten their enemies.
【小题2】What can we learn from the passage?
A.All of the Kashmir musk deer in the mountainous area have sharp teeth.
B.People hunt for the deer mainly because their meat is delicious.
C.It is relatively easier for hunters to hunt the rare species in winter.
D.The Kashmir musk deer are fierce animals because of their sharp teeth.
【小题3】Which factor does not contribute to the uncontrollable trade in the black market?
A.Government control.B.Continued violence.C.Political instability.D.Years of war.
【小题4】Which of the following statements about the Wildlife Conservation Society is true?
A.It has been doing research on the musk deer in this area since 2010.
B.It has sent a small group of people to search for the musk deer.
C.It is one of the organizations sponsored by governments worldwide.
D.It is making efforts to help and protect this rare species in the area .

A study has found that warmer waters off North America's West Coast caused many kinds of sea life to move farther north than ever before.

The study was a project of scientists from the University of California, Davis. The scientists examined waters off the coast of Northern California in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The researchers say they recognized a local of 67 species( 物种)between 2014 and 2016, during what was described as a "marine heat wave". Marine heatwaves were explained in the study as "period of extreme sea surface temperatures lasting for days to months". The 2014-2016 heatwave is thought to be the largest ever recorded. The warn water later moved south toward California.

The warmer water were partly a product of El Niño conditions during the same period, researcher noted. El Niño develops when winds off the coast of South America weaken. This enabled warm water in the western Pacific to move eastward. El Niño often causes ocean temperatures in the area to rise between 2 to 4 degrees Celsius, the study found.

The researchers reported that 37 of the 67 species they studied had never before been observed so far north as California. These creatures are native to an area hundreds of kilometers to the south, mainly around Baja California in Mexico. A few were even found north of California, off the state of Oregon. The northward travel of so many different sea creatures was considered "unprecedented"(史无前例的)by the researchers. Among the species found in the study were a meat-eating sea slug that hunts other sea slugs, a sea snail "butterfly" and purple-lined jellyfish. Another unexpected visitor was the pelagic red crab, which researchers said had only been found in areas off the coast of Mexico.

Scientists involved in the study believe the findings can provide valuable information for knowing future sea life reactions to warming oceans.

【小题1】What is a marine heat wave according to the passage?
A.An ocean with rough surface.
B.A wave with low temperatures.
C.A period of warmer ocean surface water.
D.A species living in extreme weather.
【小题2】What contributes to El Niño conditions?
A.Warmer waters.B.Weakened winds off South America.
C.Colder sea surface.D.Species moving northward.
【小题3】Why does the author mention the men-eat in sea lug in paragraph 4?
A.To point out that ocean environment becomes worse.
B.To suggest that sea creatures need separate living space.
C.To prove that many kinds of sea life can adapt to warmer waters.
D.To evidence that ocean temperature along California are higher than before.
【小题4】What can be inferred from the passage?
A.The heatwaves disturb the life of many sea creatures.
B.The increased temperature benefits many sea creatures.
C.Sea life reactions can be valuable to predict future heatwaves.
D.The heatwaves cause many unexpected visitors to move southward.
