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Stop Asking Kids What They Want to Be When They Grow

My first beef with the question is that it forces kids to define themselves in terms of work. When you’re asked what you want to be when you grow up, it’s not socially acceptable to say, “A father,” or “A mother,” let alone “A person of integrity.” When we define ourselves by our jobs, our worth depends on what we achieve.

The second problem is the suggestion that there is one calling out there for everyone. Although having a calling can be a source of joy, research shows that searching for one makes students feeling lost and confused. And even if you’re lucky enough to find one, it might not be a well-paid job.

If you manage to overcome those problems, there is a third hurdle: Careers rarely live up to your childhood dreams. In one study, looking for the ideal job left college seniors feeling more anxious, stressed, overwhelmed and depressed throughout the process and less satisfied with the outcome.

One positive aspect of low expectations is that they erase the gap between what we wanted and what we got. Extensive evidence shows that instead of painting a rosy picture of a job, you’re better off going in with a realistic preview of what it’s really like, whether it’s good or bad. Sure, you might be a little less excited to take it, but on average you end up more productive and less likely to give up.

I’m all for encouraging youngsters to aim high and dream big. But take it from someone who studies work for a living: those ambitions should be bigger than work. Asking kids what they want to be leads them to claim a career identity they might never want to earn. Instead, invite them to think about what kind of person they want to be and about all the different things they might want to do.

【小题1】Which answer is more widely accepted when kids are asked about their future jobs?
A.A scientist.B.A mother.C.A father.D.A person of integrity.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “calling” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
【小题3】Why does the author mention one study about college seniors?
A.To show college seniors face huge pressure.
B.To encourage college seniors to give up an ideal job.
C.To present the negative effects of high expectation for a job.
D.To advise college seniors to lower their expectations of jobs.
【小题4】What may the author agree most according to the last paragraph?
A.Parents had better ask kids what they want to be.
B.Parents can talk about all the different things with kids.
C.Parents must encourage kids to be ambitious for their careers.
D.Parents can discuss with kids on what kind of person they want to be.
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With the winter holiday coming up, you may have a trip in mind. But no matter which destination you choose, chances are that you' 11 see people with Lonely Planet guidebooks on your travels.

Lonely Planet is one of the world's largest travel guide brands, publishing more than 500 different guides in eight languages. The popular brand produces television shows, websites and podcasts.

Some people praise Lonely Planet books because they make traveling easy and affordable. They save you time and keep you from missing the best things in a place. And of course, the reviews of hostels (招 待所),hotels and restaurants in the guides, in addition to ticket information about destinations, are useful.

This can be great if you are a nervous traveler, or if you haven't traveled by yourself before. If you a re in a country where you don't speak the language, being able to show a guidebook to a taxi driver can be a great help. You can be sure to get yourself to a hostel that's cheap and clean, with friendly staff and cold beer.

But others criticize Lonely Planet and other travel guide publishers. They say guidebooks take the fun out of traveling, and that part of the charming of travel comes from the fact that anything can happen.

They also think that if you follow a guidebook, you'll end up doing the same things and having the same experiences as everyone else. You might end up seeing the same group of people over and over, because everyone is reading the same book and following the same trail (路线).

Another criticism of travel guides is that they have an overly large impact on local communities. For example, some locals devote their lives to behaving in ways that attract tourists. They pretend a traditional lifestyle, wear traditional clothes and live in traditional houses just to attract tourists' dollars.

【小题1】What advantages can Lonely Planet guidebooks bring?
A.They can help travelers make more local friends.
B.They can provide discounted tickets to travelers.
C.They can save travelers time and money when they travel.
D.They can help travelers find the cheapest hotels in a strange city.
【小题2】Who would find a Lonely Planet guidebook the most useful?
A.Someone who liked to travel with friends.
B.Someone who was nervous to travel to an unfamiliar place.
C.Someone who liked to learn a new language while traveling.
D.Someone who wanted to have a different kind of travel experience.
【小题3】People criticize the guidebooks because______.
A.they are not as useful as most travelers expect
B.local people live in the same way as before
C.travelers using them may have predictable holidays
D.travelers using them will have to meet different groups of people
【小题4】Why does the author write the article?
A.To introduce a new way of traveling.
B.To advertise a product named Lonely Planet.
C.To tell tourists not to disturb the local people.
D.To share different opinions of traveling with guidebooks .

Humans have sailed the oceans’ surfaces for millennia, but their depths remain effectively uncharted. Only about a quarter of the seafloor has been mapped at high resolution. Maps of most regions display only approximate depths and often miss entire underwater mountains or canyons (峡谷).

So researchers have introduced some deep-diving experts: Elephant Seals. Scientists have been placing trackers on them around Antarctica for years, gathering data on ocean temperature. For a new study, the researchers compared these dives’ location and depth data with some of the less detailed seafloor maps. They spotted places where the seals dove deeper than should have been possible according to the maps meaning the existing depth estimates were inaccurate.

In eastern Antarctica’s Vincennes Bay, the diving seals helped the scientists find a large, hidden underwater canyon of more than a mile in depth. An Australian research ship called the RSV Nuyina later measured the canyon’s exact depth using sonar (纳),and the researchers have proposed naming their find the Mirounga-Nuyina Canyon — honoring both the ship and the involved Elephant Seals, genus Mirounga.

But seals can’t chart the entire ocean floor. The trackers used in the study could pinpoint a seal’s geographical location only within about 1.5 miles, which allows for useful but not exactly high-resolution data. Plus, because the seals don’t always dive to the bottom of the ocean, they can reveal only where the bottom is deeper than in existing maps- not shallower. Deep-sea research experts suggest improving on these data by using more precise GPS trackers and analyzing the seals’ diving patterns to determine whether they have reached the seafloor or simply stopped going down.

The potential use of the current seal-dive data is to gather information about the deep ocean around Antarctica, specifically regarding the location and depth of sea-floor canyons. This data can be valuable for predicting how Antarctica’s ice will melt. By understanding the presence and characteristics of these canyons, scientists can better assess how warmer water from the deep ocean flows towards the ice along the continent’s coast, This knowledge is crucial for accurately modeling and predicting the future behavior of Antarctica’s ice sheets and their contribution to sea-level rise.

【小题1】How did the researchers find out the depth inaccuracies?
A.By gathering temperature data.
B.With the help of seals’ diving.
C.By improving resolution of maps.
D.With the trackers placed on canyons.
【小题2】Why is the discovery of Mirounga-Nuyina Canyon mentioned?
A.To provide more reference data.B.To introduce a new topic.
C.To give supporting evidence.D.To make a comparison.
【小题3】What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Researchers can assess ocean features.
B.Data can be used to track ice location.
C.Underwater flow can be controlled.
D.Scientists can monitor ice melting.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.Seals assist charting ocean floor.
B.Seals advance GPS trackers’ precision.
C.Scientists draw inspiration from seals.
D.Scientists uncover seals’ diving patterns.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, yes, and drink all of them. Then you're ready for an adventure.

Researchers from the University of Sussex in England say they have found for the first time experimental evidence that sour tastes lead to more risk-taking behaviour in a paper published on 7 June, 2019.

In the study, 168 volunteers from the UK and Vietnam were given a 20ml solution representing one of the five main taste groups: bitter, salty, sour, sweet and umami. The tasters then took part in a computerized test that measures risk-taking: they got paid to blow up a digital balloon. The more air in the balloon, the more money they could get; they could cash out whenever they wanted. But if the balloon popped or exploded? Bye   bye , potential winnings.

When the researchers studied the performance of the volunteers, they found the people who'd tasted sour were much more likely to keep pumping up the balloon compared with people who'd gotten a taste of the other solutions. On average, sour tasters were 39% more likely to push the balloon to its limits than sweet tasters, 20.50% more than bitter, 16.03% more than salty and 40.29% more than umami.

This finding makes a degree of sense—without taking risks, we don't learn anything new. And it is obvious that people with disorders such as anxiety and depression are unwilling to take risks. So, the researchers argue, if you have these disorders, maybe adding more sour foods into your diet could help keep that aversion in check. Then you'd be more likely to take chances, like talking to a stranger, and that will lead to self-improvement.

【小题1】Where does this passage most probably come from?
A.A travel guide.B.A novel.
C.A magazine.D.A poster.
【小题2】What can we learn about the volunteers?
A.They came from the University of Sussex in England.
B.They got one taste drink after they filled up a balloon.
C.Those who blew up a digital balloon got more money.
D.Sour tasters were likely to push the balloon to its limits.
【小题3】This finding may be more helpful to the people who               .
A.are in a negative mood
B.like to drink lemonade
C.joined in the experiment
D.like talking to strangers
【小题4】What is the best title for the passage?
A.Good Tastes Encourage Adventures.
B.Sour Tastes Make You Risk-taking.
C.Lemonade Does Good to Health.
D.Sour Foods Keep You Happy.
