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If you live in one of the 40 million American households with a gas stove, it could be leaking even when it’s turned off.

According to a new study from Stanford scientists, many stoves are constantly giving out gases that can warm the planet and pose serious health risks when breathed in. The research found methane missions from gas stoves across the United States are roughly equal to the carbon dioxide released by half a million gas-powered cars in a year.

To estimate the impact of these emissions, researchers measured three key gases from stoves in 53 homes across seven California counties. The team chose two gases — methane and carbon dioxide — because of their contribution to climate change, and selected nitrogen oxides because of their known risk to human health. The scientists set up plastic dividing walls between the kitchens and other rooms and used instruments that measure wavelengths of light to determine the concentration of certain gases.

The team estimated that stoves release between 0.8 and 1.3 percent of the natural gas they consume as unburned methane. To their surprise, they found that more than three-quarters of the methane emissions happened when both old and new gas stoves were turned off. “Over a 20-year time scale, the global warming potential of methane leaks is 86 times greater than carbon dioxide,” Stanford reports.

The most significant health risks happen when the stove is lit, the authors note, because the process creates nitrogen dioxide as a byproduct. Increasing airflow by using a range hood can help reduce the personal health risk of natural gas-burning appliances, but most individuals report rarely using their ventilation system.

In a small kitchen, it only took a few minutes of unventilated stove use to generate emissions levels above national health standards. According to a meta-analysis from 2013, children living in homes with gas stoves were 42 percent more likely to experience symptoms associated with asthma, and 24 percent more likely to be diagnosed with lifetime asthma.

In addition to health risks, natural gas burning stoves also endanger the planet by releasing methane. The results of the study have furled efforts by scientists and activists to encourage Americans to switch to all-electric stoves and appliances.

【小题1】Which gas leaking from stoves warms the earth most?
A.Methane.B.Carbon dioxide.C.Nitrogen oxide.D.Nitrogen dioxide.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “they” in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.The measuring instruments.B.The American families.
C.The team members.D.The gas stoves.
【小题3】When does a gas stove present the greatest health risks?
A.When it is old.B.When it is new.
C.When it is turned on.D.When it is turned off.
【小题4】What would the researchers urge people to do?
A.Equip kitchens.B.Switch to clean fuels.
C.Use sustainable energy.D.Purchase electric stoves.
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The Ig Nobel awards are usually known as the "Igs" and are given out every year at around the same time as the real Nobel awards. The "Igs" are given for achievements that "make people laugh, and then make them think". The name "Ig Nobel" is a language joke. "Nobel" sounds like "noble" -- meaning "very honored". And Ig Nobel sounds like "ignoble" meaning the opposite of noble --- that is, "not honored,."

According to Marc Abrahars, who co-founded the award in 1991, "Most prizes, such as Nobel Prize, reward the goodness of the people who receive them. These prizes are meant to honor the extremes of humanity-those whose achievements should be seen as very good."

"The Ig Nobel Prize isn’t like that. The Ig honors the great confusion in which most of us exist much of the time. Life is confusing. Good and bad get all mixed up. If you win an Ig, it shows that you have done something. What that thing is may be hard to explain. But the fact is, you did it, and have been recognized for doing it."

The Nobel science prizes encourage us to think that all over the world great discoveries are being made that will do good to the whole world. But real science is not like that. The main job of science is to find out what is not true. This leads people into areas of research that seem completely senseless. Why did a team of Japanese scientists spend months trying to teach birds to enjoy the paintings of Picasso? Why did a Norwegian biologist start a project to encourage insects to drink beer? It is hard to say. But it won them all an Ig.

Sometimes science tells us things that we don’t want or need to know. We don’t want to know that falling in love and going mad are exactly the same as far as the brain is concerned. And we don’t really need to know that worrying about money can cause tooth disease. Only the Ig award brought these great achievements to our attention.

【小题1】What does the underlined word "that" in the 3rd paragraph refer to?
A.The prize meaning noble and honored.
B.The owners who are rare and talented.
C.The achievement seen as very good.
D.The biggest confusion in our life.
【小题2】What’s the author’s attitude to Ig Nobel awards?
A.He thinks it’s a foolish award.
B.He believes it’s a funny joke.
C.He disapproves of its purpose.
D.He approves of its ideas.
【小题3】Why are there researches that seem completely senseless?
A.People need to make great discoveries.
B.People are encouraged by the great honor
C.People love both birds and Picasso’s works.
D.People want to know about the truth in life.
【小题4】The main difference between the Ig Nobel awards and the Nobel prize lies in ________.
A.how science should be made use of
B.how science should be thought of
C.how science should be developed
D.how science should be studied

Owww! A little girl wails after falling and bumping her knee. Her father rushes over and inspects the leg. “I’ll kiss it and make it better,” he says. The kiss works. The girl sniffles, wipes her eyes, then jumps up and gets back to playing. Her pain is forgotten.

Scenes like this one happen on playgrounds and in homes around the world every day. When a child gets a bump or bruise in Germany, says Ulrike Bingel, “someone will blow the pain away.”

A caring adult can seemingly stop a child’s pain with a puff of air, a kiss or even just a few kind words. Of course, none of these things can repair injured skin. So what’s happening? Doctors call it the placebo effect. It describes what happens when something that should have no effect triggers a real, positive change in someone’s body.

Placebos are a very important part of medical research. To prove that a new medicine works, researchers must show that people taking it improve more than people getting a placebo. This placebo is usually a pill that looks the same as the treatment but contains no medicine. At times a person may feel better after taking a placebo pill, even though the pill did not act on any disease or symptoms.

This placebo response isn’t an illusion. It comes from the brain. A placebo effect can only influence body processes that the brain can modify, such as pain or digestion.

Kathryn Hall, a medical researcher in Boston says, “Placebos don’t do anything for bacteria, but they can change how strongly someone experiences pain or other symptoms.” Other researchers are also trying to figure out why the placebo effect works. Ted Kaptchuk’s group has discovered that placebo treatments work better when a doctor spends more quality time with a patient.

【小题1】Which of the following can be described as placebo effect?
A.Taking more responsibilities if promoted.
B.Not feeling pains in knees after an operation.
C.Becoming more active after drinking coffee.
D.Falling fast asleep after taking vitamins labelled as sleeping pills.
【小题2】What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To persuade patients to try the placebo pills.B.To introduce the placebo effect.
C.To encourage studies on placebo pills.D.To promote values of real pills.
【小题3】Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Power of PlacebosB.Value of Placebo Pills
C.History of Placebo ResearchD.Placebo Effects on Patients

Cats have a reputation as a cold and distant domesticated(家养的)animal. But they do feel affection towards their humans: they simply express it differently and it’s not just cat people saying it! Now there’s science to prove it, too.

Oregon State University researchers concluded that cats really do actually love their humans after conducting a new study on kittens, modeled after previous research on dogs and babies.

The study, published in Current Biology, examined how kitten subjects reacted after spending two minutes with their caregivers, being left alone, then reuniting for another two minutes. After the experiment, they sorted each kitten by their stress level called “attachment style. ”

64% of the kittens showed a “secure attachment style ” to their caregivers, meaning the cat seemed upset when they left the room but “displayed a reduced stress response” upon their return. On the other hand. about 30% of the kittens were found to have an “insecure attachment style”, which means their stress levels did not decrease upon their person’s return to the room. That said, this data is consistent with the study on human children—so the smaller percentage with insecure attachment styles is not specific to cats, contrary to popular belief.

Also of note: the percentage of cats with “secure” attachment styles is actually higher than dogs“, only 58% of dogs showed the ”secure“ attachment, while 42% were categorized as insecure.

【小题1】What is the conclusion of the study?
A.Cats love babies much more than adults.
B.Cats are more friendly to humans than dogs.
C.Cats show a cold attitude towards humans.
D.Cats love their caregivers in their own way.
【小题2】How did researchers classify the cats after the experiment?
A.By their sound.B.By their reaction.C.By their movement.D.By their expression.
【小题3】What can be inferred from paragraph 4?
A.More kittens belong to the insecure attachment style.
B.The study result is different from that of the human kids.
C.More kittens feel less stressed after their caregivers’ return.
D.Most believe the secure attachment style only exists in kittens.
【小题4】The last paragraph is developed based on_______________.
A.comparisonB.narration (story-telling)C.repetitionD.cause and effect
