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The dog Pooch Chi Chi managed to open the door and let a fire crew in after his owner collapsed on the kitchen floor.

Responders were searching for another entrance when they heard a “click” as the dog managed to unlock the door to let them in, They found the man, named only as Mr Green, collapsed on the floor in the kitchen as the fire took hold on the hob. Firefighters then swiftly put out the fire and carried out first aid until paramedics(急救医士)arrived.

Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service said “a potential disaster” was averted with help from the dog. They said they were called to the scene after a smoke detector was activated and a Careline alarm was sounded.

Mr Green initially answered the call but operator at Careline lost communication. Within six minutes, the crew was on scene and investigating. They could hear the alarm but were unable to establish contact with the man inside. With curtains drawn, the crew could not see in-side but could hear a dog barking. They tried the front door, but it wouldn’t open. As the crew looked for another entrance, they heard a “click” and the front door opened. The crew went inside to find a man collapsed on the floor in the kitchen when a fire was beginning to take hold on the cooker. They contacted the ambulance service, put out the fire and allowed fresh air in. Firefighters then carried out first aid and stabilized the man until paramedics arrived. It wasn’t until later in the incident that they discovered that Chi Chi had managed to open the front door and let the crew inside.

Ian Bolton, Crew Manager for Home and Partnerships at Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service added: “Having monitored detection in people’s homes means the fire service are only minutes away from providing lifesaving assistance. This is a real success story and highlights the importance of Careline and the fire service. Careline’s system, combined with the speed of our crews getting to the incident, saved Mr Green’s life. The cherry on the cake. however, was Chi Chi letting the crews in before they had to force entry to the property. ”

【小题1】What does the underlined word “averted” in Paragraph 3 mean?
【小题2】Why did the operator lose communication?
A.The man fell down and couldn’t move.
B.The system broke down accidentally.
C.The operator lost his senses.
D.The crew couldn’t see inside.
【小题3】According to Ian Bolton, what is the most important factor in the rescue?
A.The swift reaction of Mr. Green.
B.The wide use of the smoke detector.
C.The dog unlocking the entrance to the door.
D.The joint work of   Careline and the fire service.
【小题4】Which word can best describe Chi Chi?
知识点:动物记叙文生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Humans are not the animal world’s only fashion followers. Tits (山雀) can be one of them, too. A study by Sonja Wild and Lucy Aplin shows that, given the chance, they make their nests (巢穴) with this season’s must-have color.

Dr. Wild and Dr. Aplin followed up on a study which noted that the blue tits preferred to put the same plants into their nests. This also suggested fashion-following—and it led Dr. Wild and Dr. Aplin to imagine that birds were studying the nests of others and copying them.

The birds they followed carried instruments on them. That allowed researchers to follow a large number of tits by their arrival at food dispensers (自动取物装置) throughout the woods.

One day in March 2021, Dr. Wild and Dr. Aplin used five dispensers with wool rather than food. Each contained two colors—either orange and pink or blue and purple—but all were rigged to give only one of these. This remained so until at least one local nest was seen to include wool from a dispenser. At that moment, the other color was discovered, too. As a comparison, Dr. Wild and Dr. Aplin set up four wool dispensers in a separate area, each providing two colors from the beginning.

Of 68 tits’ nests, 26 included wool from a dispenser. Of these, 18 were built after both colors had been gotten from all dispensers. Even so, 10 of that 18 included only the color of wool first chosen by a nest makers. By contrast (相比之下), all 8 nests with wool have mixed colors, which showed a clear difference in the record.

Tits, then, do seem to be “in fashion” when it comes to nest-building materials. Tits like those of the leaders of human fashions and it is worth more deep research.

【小题1】Why are the same plants put into nests by the tits?
A.They want to beautify their nests.
B.They find no other plants.
C.They are used to doing this.
D.They want to keep warm.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “rigged” in paragraph 4 mean?
【小题3】What method is mainly used in the experiment?
A.Testing colors.B.Observing activities.
C.Comparing results.D.Checking numbers.
【小题4】What is the author’s attitude to the research?

Emotions (情感) are an essential part of how we experience our world. We humans can express emotions by telling others how we feel — but what about animals? Since animals cannot tell us how they feel, how can we know whether they experience emotions? Researchers have only started to find out truth about this in the past few decades.

The most easily noticeable reaction of an animal to an event is how it changes its behaviour. Humans often change facial expressions and gestures depending on whether we experience a pleasant event or not. If you look at your friends’ faces, you can often very quickly tell if they are happy, fearful, or angry. Animals show these characteristic facial expressions as well! So-called grimace scales (表情量表) for horses, pigs, sheep, rats, and cats have already been developed. For example, changes in ear position, the amount of visible eye white, and tension in the chewing muscles can indicate different levels of pain or fear in animals.

Another example of animal behaviour that is linked to emotions involves vocalisations (发声), such as grunts, bleats, and moos, which can indicate stress in many species. We know this is true for humans too: imagine you are singing a song in front of many people; your voice might get shaky if you are nervous or experiencing stage fright. Researchers have found that the vocalisations of pigs, goats, and cows also change and get less harmonious when these animals are under stress. For example, when they are separated from the group, they produce the sound that indicates negative emotions

The evidence of emotions in animals might encourage us to rethink the environments in which we keep the animals that are under our care — on farms, in zoos, or in our houses. If we can better understand how animals interact and react to their environments, we can ultimately improve these environments, and thus improve human-animal relationships. It must be our ethical goal to decrease the negative emotions these animals experience, as well as to increase their experience of positive emotions.

【小题1】What is the text mainly about?
A.The behavioural habits of animals.
B.The emotional lives of animals.
C.A study of human-animal relationships.
D.Ways to improve emotional intelligence of animals.
【小题2】What is the purpose of developing grimace scales?
A.To make out how animals truly feel.
B.To determine whether animals are hungry.
C.To develop animals’ ability to show emotions.
D.To measure different levels of happiness in animals
【小题3】What can we know about animals’ vocalisations?
A.Vocalisations are a clear sign of animals’ loneliness.
B.Vocalisations are unique and natural in animals.
C.Humans can get benefits from the vocalisations.
D.Animals’ stress can be shown through the vocalisations.
【小题4】Why is it important to understand how animals experience emotions?
A.It makes the ties between humans and animals better.
B.It helps animals adapt to new environments quickly.
C.It decreases the positive emotions that animals experience.
D.It improves the interaction between animals and their environments.

When I started school, my hands kept shaking. I went to a doctor and was told that I had a nervous system disorder that can cause a person’s hands to shake. I had no idea what I was going to do. One day, I saw a woodcock outside my apartment window, and I had never seen anything like it. So I read about the bird online and took an ornithology class. The professor asked me if I was doing research. I had no idea that undergraduates could even do anything like that. That professor became my undergraduate advisor, and I started working in her lab. She was also my PhD advisor. I stayed in her lab for 11 years.

Now I have a paper coming out soon that looks at the global diversity of parrots. One figure in it is, I think, the best thing I’ve ever done. It shows the family tree of parrots, over a picture of Gondwana breaking up. Gondwana is the supercontinent that South America, Africa, Australia and New Zealand all used to be part of. As that broke up into the continents that we know better now, some families of parrots parted.

My biggest failure in science thus far is my inability to explain how the Carolina parakeet went extinct. I’ve been working on this for seven years. I’ve read lots of historical books and travel diaries. And I never figured it out.

That’s the thing about science. Most of the time, you start out with a really clear idea of what you think is going to happen. And it almost never happens that way. I’ve got a lot out of this research. I’ve learned a lot about the species. But there are just some things that we’ll never know. Finally, I have to accept that maybe I’ll figure it out one day, maybe I won’t. But that’s OK.

【小题1】What made the author take up ornithology research?
A.The doctor’s words.B.The difficulty of finding a job.
C.The beauty of a woodcock.D.The help of a professor.
【小题2】What’s the author’s paper mentioned in Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The parrots’ diversity all over the world.B.The big family tree of parrots.
C.The influence of weather on parrots.D.The breakup of a continent.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The bird.B.The extinction.C.The failure.D.The travel diary.
【小题4】What does the author think of this research?
A.It is costly.B.It is discouraging.C.It is worth doing.D.It is easy to carry out.
