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How Will Machines and AI Change the Future of Work?

Several recent studies have examined how machine automation and artificial intelligence (AI) will change the future of work.

The Rand Corporation recently issued its own report on the future effects of automation and AI on jobs and the workplace. Osonde Osoba was a co-author of the report. 【小题1】

In 16th century England, Queen Elizabeth famously refused an inventor’s request for a patent for a device to make material for clothing. The Queen explained that the device would lead to major job losses, forcing affected workers to become “beggars”.

【小题2】 But he believes the future problems have been overestimated without historical evidence to back up the predictions.

The McKinsey Global Institute has also studied the issue. Its research suggests that up to one-third of work activities across 46 nations could be displaced by 2030. 【小题3】 It says this growth, along with other economic influences, could help offset (弥补) the displacement of millions of workers. “All workers will need to adapt, as their occupations evolve alongside increasingly capable machines,” the report said. This will require ongoing retraining of workers. In addition, employees will be spending more time on activities difficult to automate.

【小题4】 These include jobs depending on human motor skills, positions requiring creative thinking and actions, and jobs dealing with intense social interaction.

Rand Corporation’s Osonde Osoba agrees with McKinsey. He also thinks that it will be very difficult for companies to completely automate most jobs, because they require a worker to perform many different duties and to react to unexpected situations.

A.Osoba says this can be problematic for machines, which do not understand cultural norms in the population.
B.McKinsey identifies three job types that will be very difficult to replace with a machine.
C.He noted that fears over machines taking jobs from humans goes back centuries.
D.The study also predicts rising demand for educators, and “creatives”, a group of workers including artists, performers and entertainers.
E.The study says automation will also raise productivity and economic growth.
F.Osoba agrees there will be major job destruction due to AI and automation, especially for lower skilled workers.
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【小题1】What will you benefit from the program if accepted?
A.You can make $ 3,200 in the academic year at least.
B.You will get $ 6,000 scholarship a year.
C.You can take courses free of charge.
D.You may get more academic scores.
【小题2】What are you required to do to apply for the program?
A.Get some working experience.
B.Take a face-to face interview
C.Phone the Admission Section telling your needs.
D.Complete your application forms and email them.
【小题3】To be admitted to the program, you need to___________.
A.get some government assistance.
B.show your financial need.
C.perform well in your studies.
D.posses computing techniques

Economist Tyler Cowen argues that traditional interview methods are not effective in determining the best candidates for a job, especially in creative roles. Candidates who are well-prepared often pass these interviews, but this only tests their preparation and not their abilities.

To determine the best candidate, Cowen suggests that interviewers concentrate on authenticity (真实性) and spontaneity (自发性) in their interactions with candidates, rather than relying on pre-written questions.

The interviewer should be trustworthy, Cowen argues, as it helps them better evaluate the authenticity of candidates. Eventually, “better allocation (分配) of talent” contributes to economic growth, and more thoughtful interview methods can help identify more talented individuals and elevate (提升) them to greater opportunities. Cowen adds, “There are too many interview questions, and every interviewer is ready. For example, ‘What mistakes did you make in your previous job?’ But many candidates just didn’t prepare well and didn’t provide a good answer. So in most cases, for better candidates, you are actually just preparing for testing. But for more creative jobs, you will lose candidates with other qualities.”

“How to get people into what I call the “Real Mode” largely depends on who they are, as well as who you are. If I am interviewing a candidate, my favorite discussions are just those without scripts. I prefer to have these conversations without asking questions. I hope they are natural. I like spontaneity — how to achieve it depends on the environment, work, how much time you have, and many other factors.”

“An estimate suggests that since the 1960s, 20% to 40% of US economic growth has come from “better talent allocation”. If we had a fresher and more creative interview process, I do think people would be more thoughtful. They will think more deeply about the work they will be engaged in. I think we will find talents that we haven’t seen so far. We will enable more people to have greater opportunities.”

【小题1】How do the interviewers determine the best candidates?
A.By judging if they are well-prepared.B.By asking pre-written questions.
C.By focusing on their real performances.D.By testing their work efficiency.
【小题2】What does Cowen think of thoughtful interview methods?
【小题3】What does the author mean by mentioning “better allocation of talent”?
A.Stressing the importance of authenticity in interviews.
B.Explaining the role of interviews in evaluating candidates.
C.Rethinking interview approaches for better talent allocation.
D.Avoiding the impact of talent allocation to economic growth.
【小题4】Who does the author probably intend to write to?
A.An interviewer.B.An interviewee.C.A graduate student.D.A career trainer.

Becoming a team leader is often someone's first experience of management responsibility. Many team leaders are promoted from within the team because they were good team members. 【小题1】 How can people develop good team leader qualities?


Making all decisions on your own rather than consulting your staff will often be unpopular especially when it involves major changes to the way they work. Before making any changes, consider how these changes may affect people, ensuring the team understand the results of the changes and don't just arbitrarily introduce them.

Be prepared to listen.

When individuals in the team are not happy,they can sometimes express their dissatisfaction. 【小题3】 Take the time to listen rather than become defensive. Learning to listen will help you to handle potentially explosive situations. It enables people to express their frustration and then calm down and speak more reasonably.

Lead by example.

【小题4】 This means being a good role model for your team in terms of what you expect yourself in terms of behavior. This quality will help your team members see how they can follow your example in everything they do.

Be prepared to admit mistakes.

Just being the team leader doesn't mean you will stop making mistakes. When it does happen, be ready to admit them. Playing the ‘blame game’ will only mean that any future mistakes are hidden away possibly. 【小题5】

A.Recognize the value of yourselves.
B.Involve the team in decisions that affect them.
C.Don't view this as a direct challenge to your authority.
D.Only an experienced individual can make such decisions.
E.As a result,far greater problems in the future will probably happen.
F.One way to show your commitment to the role is to show what you can do.
G.They face a challenging time especially as they now have to manage their friends.
