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Wander through Edinburgh and you will find Walter Scott, Scotland’s most famous novelist, everywhere: pubs named after characters or places in his books, his walking cane and slippers in The Writers’ Museum. Just outside the Waverley train station, Scott’s statue stands beneath a monument affectionately nicknamed the Rocket.

Built in 1840, eight years after his death at the age of 61, the Scott Monument captures the extreme regard for this international bestselling writer and son of Edinburgh. Scott’s adventurous historical stories, set against a dramatic background of high mountains, dark lakes and deep valleys, brought a vision of Scotland to the world.

As his friend, Jane Austen once remarked, Scott had two careers in literature. He quickly became Europe’s most famous poet in 1805 with immediate success of his first narrative poem, The Lay of the Last Minstrel, the tale of two lovers on opposite sides of a family conflict.

A 1810 book-length poem of King James V’s struggles with the powerful family Douglas, The Lady of the Lake would have obtained his reputation on its own. Selling 25,000 copies in eight months, it broke records for poetry sales and brought its setting, the fantastic Lake Katrine, to the attention of a novel (新颖的) tourism industry.

Scott also wrote songs and collected ballads for future, but after the success of his poetry, he turned to novel writing in his 40s. For nearly 20 years he produced a series of fat novels, which spread his reputation around the globe further still. Although involving in the gothic style popular at the time, Scott favoured historical themes, not only set in Scotland but also England, France, Syria and elsewhere, as far back as the 11th century. However, these days, Scott’s writing has fallen out of fashion thanks in part to the absolute length of the novels.

Waverley, Scott’s exploration of the Jacobite uprising of 1745, lends itself to political as much as literary analysis. The Highland Widow captures the conflicted mood of a young lad who, seeking better fortune, joins in the Black Watch, upsetting his mother. Drugging her son so he misses his appointment, she sends him to military execution (处决). Although written in a sentimental (伤感的) style popular at the time, the story finds much to say about national tensions, military occupation, and cultural conflict in the lives of post-Union Scots.

【小题1】Why will you find Walter Scott everywhere when wandering through Edinburgh?
A.Because the characters or places in his books are set only in Scotland.
B.Because pubs in Edinburgh are fond of being named after Walter Scott.
C.Because Walter Scott’s cane and slippers are displayed in the Writers’ Museum.
D.Because Walter Scott is an international bestselling author and son of Edinburgh.
【小题2】Nowadays, Walter Scott’s novels are no longer so fashionable partly because they are too ________ .
【小题3】Which of the following is about the story of two lovers’ family conflict?
A.Waverley.B.The Lady of the Lake.
C.The Highland Widow.D.The Lay of the Last Minstrel.
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Some colors that people see late at night could cause signs of the condition mental health experts call clinical depression. That was the finding of a study that builds on earlier study findings. They show that individuals who live or work in low levels of light overnight can develop clinical depression.

Doctors use the words “clinical depression” to describe severe form of depression. Signs may include loss of interest or pleasure in most activities, low energy levels and thoughts of death or suicide.

In the new study, American investigators designed an experiment that exposed hamsters to different colors. The animals were separated into 4 groups. One group of hamsters was kept in the dark during their nighttime period. Another group was placed in blue light, a third group slept in white light. While a fourth was put in red light. After four weeks, the researchers noted how much sugary water the hamsters drank. They found that the more depressed animals drank the less amount of water.

Randy Nelson, who heads the Department of Neuroscience at Ohio State University, says animals that slept in blue and white light appeared to be the most depressed. “What we saw is these animals didn’t show any sleep disruptions at all but they did have messed up circadian clock genes and they did show sign of depression whereas if they were in the pale red light, they did not.” He says there’s a lot of blue in white light, which explains why the blue light and white light hamsters appear to be more depressed than the hamsters that see red light or darkness.

Mr. Nelson has suggestions for people who work late at night, or those who like to stay up late. “My recommendation is if you are just living a typical mostly active life during the day, mostly inactive at night, you need to limit exposure to TVs which are quite bluish in the light they give off and computer screens and things like that. You can get filtered glass, you can get filters on your computer screen and filters on your e-Readers to put it more in the reddish light.”

【小题1】How did the researchers carry out the study?
A.By examples.B.By explanation.C.By reasoning.D.By comparison.
【小题2】What can we conclude from the findings of the study?
A.Hamsters appear to be more upset.
B.Animals in blue and white light appeared the most depressed.
C.These animals all showed clinical depression.
D.The animals had messed up circadian clock genes.
【小题3】Which can best replace the underlined word in paragraph 4?
【小题4】Where can you probably find the above text?
A.In a science magazine.B.In a fashion brochure.
C.In a research report.D.In a book review.
Picture an everyday scene. You’re in a high street coffee shop. All around you people are drinking coffee. Some people are chatting with friends and others are using their mobile phones. In a corner of the coffee shop an internet café has been set up. At one table a couple of teenagers are laughing at a message in a chat room, while at another table an old man searches the Web for something.
Now imagine this scene through the eyes of a technologist from 100 years ago. This is someone who has thought carefully about how technology and society might develop during the twentieth century.
Surprising may be the realization that some of the people here are working in an easy way. Most surprising perhaps will be the technological tools most people seem to be using. The technologist is aware of the telephone, which was invented about 30 years earlier. But most of these twenty-first century people seem to have wireless pocket-size personalcommunicatorsthey can use to send messages or speak to anyone anywhere in the world.
Some are using a handheld machine that contains thousands of pieces of information that can be accessed instantly, and can do calculations in a fraction of a second that would have taken a team of operators with mechanical calculators hours or even days. And these machines, like the only slightly larger versions in the corner, can be connected to a global brain from which the people can call up almost any information, news, idea, opinion or gossip that exists anywhere on the planet.
Most of the changes in technology, compared to 100 years ago, are due to the continual inventive activity of a large number of people. Most of us don’t do anything other than maybe form a vague idea about how a product or process might be improved. In some people, however, this inventive drive is so strong that they act on it.
【小题1】The author tries to tell us in the first paragraph that__________.
A.people around you all like drinking coffee
B.people chat with each other by mobile phone
C.we are living in a modern society
D.we are making use of the Internet
【小题2】The author uses the word “communicators” to mean __________.
A.telephoneB.mobile phone
C.vision phoneD.computer
【小题3】The author is describing________ in the fourth paragraph.
A.a mechanical calculator
B.a machine held in one hand
C.a pocket-size communicator
D.a laptop computer
【小题4】It can be inferred from the text that_____________.
A.with an computer, you can access almost any information that exists anywhere on the planet
B.in any internet café you can search the Web for how technology and society may develop in 2000 years
C.the continual inventive activity of a large number of people will cause more innovations
D.act on a vague idea and you are sure to be able to make a surprising invention in the future.

The world’s weakest countries are said to be preparing to take on the richest countries with a demand for money—possibly including new taxes(税)on oil or flying—for the irrecoverable losses they are suffering from the climate change.

Extreme weather is already hitting many developing countries hard and is expected to cause further catastrophes. Loss and damage—the issue of how to help poor nations suffering from the most extreme effects of climate breakdown, which countries cannot be protected against—is one of the problems that cause disagreement in climate discussions.

Some of the world’s weakest countries have prepared a paper for discussion this week at the UN general meeting in New York. It shows they are preparing to ask for a “climate-related” global tax as a way of funding payments for loss and damage.

The funds could be raised in several ways: by a global carbon(碳)tax; a tax on airline travel; a tax on the heavily polluting oil used by ships; adding taxes to oil production; or a tax on financial business. The discussion paper notes the pros and cons of each of these, and the choices of raising funds through development banks and from the private sector.

Nations will meet again for fresh talks called COP27 in Egypt in November, where loss and damage is expected to be a major topic of discussion. At COP26, the UN climate meeting held in Glasgow in 2021, there was an agreement on the need to limit global temperature rises to 1.5℃ above pre-industrial levels.

Damage to poor countries is set to increase. A separate submission(呈递)to the UN, by Antigua and Barbuda, warns that increasing sea and air temperatures in the Caribbean could create a superstorm within years that would cause $9 billion(£7.8 billion)in damage to the island nation alone, six times its yearly GDP.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “catastrophes” in paragraph 2 mean?
【小题2】What is the purpose of a “climate-related” global tax?
A.To raise money for loss.B.To develop airline industry.
C.To produce more oil.D.To stop sea pollution.
【小题3】What will be a direct result of increasing temperatures in the Caribbean?
A.The sea level will rise.B.A poor country will disappear.
C.A superstorm will form.D.The climate meeting will be held.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.The UN is paying more attention to some economic problems.
B.The global temperature will rise to 1.5℃ above pre-industrial levels.
C.Developing countries need more funds to protect against poor environment.
D.The poorer nations will ask the richest to cover damage from climate change.
