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Imagine a plate holding two strawberries, similar in appearance. One came out of a supermarket box, meaning it was probably harvested before it is fully grown, immediately placed in a forced-air cooling unit, loaded onto a refrigerated truck and driven hundreds of miles. By the time it reached the plate two weeks may have passed. The other strawberry was picked from a garden minutes before being eaten.

The first one will probably not taste good as expected. The second is likely to be sweet; the flavor will remain in the mouth. Supermarket strawberries are not entirely without advantages: they are convenient and available even in winter. But the two berries differ from each other in the same way that hearing music in a concert hall differs from listening to an MP3. The home-grown fruit is an eatable case for planting a home garden.

Planting cool-weather greens can seem meaningless as well-stocked supermarket shelves are available all week. But the same could be said of cooking: cheap and good restaurants everywhere, so why bother to make your own meals?

That attitude fails to understand the basic appeal of gardening: it mistakes the product for the purpose. It is true that a garden can produce tomatoes and carrots that taste like themselves rather than the plastic they are usually packaged in. Finding some favorite vegetables in the shops can take some time, effort and expense; growing your own vegetables, rare or routine, ensures a reliable supply.

On the other hand, a garden, especially in the early years, can also produce frustration. Creative gardeners may plant the wrong crops for their soil. Little animals may have the habit of taking single bites of cucumbers, beans and tomatoes. And even expert gardeners can lose a season’s harvest to uncooperative weather.

No matter. The real joy of gardening is the time spent doing it. The deepest pleasure- -as with cooking, writing, bringing up children or almost anything worthwhile- -is in the work itself. A gardener’s memories center not around the food produced, but around long summer afternoons with hands in the dirt of a home garden, surrounded by family. To garden is to patiently and lovingly help life grow, in the ground and above it.

【小题1】What might have caused the strawberries to taste different in paragraph 1?
【小题2】Why does the writer compare the two strawberries?
A.To promote supermarket strawberries.
B.To highlight the value of a home garden.
C.To stress the differences between them.
D.To provide suggestions on fruit shopping.
【小题3】What does “That attitude” in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Regarding planting a garden as worthless.
B.Favoring what is grown in a home garden.
C.Enjoying food made by yourself at home.
D.Understanding what a garden is intended for.
【小题4】What can we learn from paragraphs 4-5?
A.Stores can never take the place of a garden.
B.Garden products are not for sale in the stores.
C.Gardens may fail to produce what you want.
D.Training is required for productive gardens.
【小题5】How do we find the real joy of gardening?
A.Observe patiently how plants grow all summer.
B.Spend time taking care of a garden with family.
C.Make friends with gardeners in the neighborhood.
D.Labor lovingly to clean the dirt out of the garden.
知识点:爱好说明文植物 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Sports play a key role in the physical and mental development of children. Although it’s great to see a child succeed in one sport, it’s important to keep their activities in balance. Participation in multiple sports enables children to acquire a knowledge of many movement skills. In addition to this, here are some other good reasons why kids should be encouraged to play several sorts of sports.

Repetitive movements can overstress growing bodies which later on can lead to injuries. With multi-sports, each sport works the body slightly differently. This will lead to fewer overuse injuries. Also, kids who overspecialize in one sport may end up losing interest and eventually give up. Specializing in a sport raises expectations and may put too much pressure on young kids. Having a variety of experiences will keep children interested and motivated, and even make them enjoy sports without any pressure.

Multi-sports also allow kids to experience different roles. Being a goalkeeper in a football team is very different from being a point guard in basketball. Being exposed to baseball develops better hand-eye coordination (协调). Soccer develops better footwork (步法). Volleyball develops jumping and hand-eye coordination. Martial arts develop strength, mobility, and discipline. Swimming develops full-body coordination and strength. The list goes on and on! Participation in multiple sports broadens a child’s developmental social, and situational experience. It opens up opportunities to become a better competitor and a promising athlete — flexible and energetic.

Many sports superstars like Stephen Curry achieved their standing today by playing multiple sports. Curry played basketball but he also played baseball, football, soccer, and everything else in a sports buffet. What worked for Curry, experts say, could work for most of us.

Besides developing a wide range of sports skills, more importantly, multi-sports provide opportunities for children to discover their liking. With the help of the right coaches, sports become fun, inspiring kids’ interests. So if you can’t decide whether your child should focus on one sport or try some different sports, I hope you can make a better decision now.

【小题1】What will happen to kids if they do one sport repeatedly?
A.They can stay more focused.
B.They can spare more time to study.
C.They can be skilled at the sport early.
D.They can be more likely to get injured.
【小题2】What’s implied about multi-sports in Paragraph 3?
A.They inspire kids’ sporting spirit.
B.They help kids develop their special talents.
C.They have much higher requirements for kids.
D.They help promote kids’ all-round development.
【小题3】What does the author want to express in the last paragraph?
A.Multi-sports help kids find their favorite sports.
B.Sports skills make kids more popular at school.
C.Parents should lower their expectations for kids.
D.Children should turn their interests into professions.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.How sports benefit kids.
B.What sports children should try.
C.Why kids should try multi-sports.
D.Why multi-sports are popular today.

A number of studies have looked at how family life can affect productivity (生产效率) and satisfaction in the workplace, but there has been surprisingly little research on the influence of leisure activities.

So Ciara Kelly at Sheffield University and co-workers surveyed 129 hobbyists to look at how the time spent on their hobbies shaped their work life. To begin with, the team measured the seriousness of each participant’s hobby, asking them to rate their agreement with statements like ”I regularly train for this activity“, and also assessed how similar the demands of their job and hobby were. Then, each month for seven months, participants recorded how many hours they had devoted to their activity, and completed a scale measuring their belief in their ability to effectively do their job, or their “self-efficacy” (自我效能). They also completed a scale measuring their resilience (适应力) at work.

The researchers found that when participants spent longer than normal doing their leisure activity, their belief in their ability to perform their job increased. But this was only the case when they had a serious hobby that was dissimilar to their job, or when their hobby was similar to their work but they only did it occasionally. When their hobby was both serious and similar to their job, then spending more time on it actually had a detrimental effect, decreasing their self-efficacy.

Why might that be? To maintain a serious hobby, people need to invest significant psychological resources—so if the activity has the same kinds of demands as their work, they may be left tired and unable to perform as well at their job. But if their hobby is quite different from their career, it may not interfere (干预) in the same way but instead help them develop other knowledge and skills that can boost their confidence at work.

Still, the results suggest that companies may want to encourage employees to develop interests outside of work, as long as those activities differ from their day-to-day tasks.

【小题1】What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The methods of assessment.
B.The completion of scales.
C.The causes of self-efficacy.
D.The process of Kelly’s survey.
【小题2】What does the underlined word ”detrimental“ in Paragraph 4 mean?
【小题3】Kelly’s study found that people’s productivity can increase if ________________.
A.their hobbies differ much from their work routine
B.their hobbies have the same demands as their work
C.they assume that they can gain skills from their jobs
D.they believe that they can perform better in their work
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Boss: Allow your staff to relax more
B.Employee: Devote more time to work
C.Boss: Offer your staff more leisure activities
D.Employee: Develop hobbies dissimilar to jobs

At six years old, Jerry Morrison is already shooting for the stars. “I want to live on another planet,” Jerry told his uncle, Joey Jefferson, at StoryCorps in November.

Jefferson, 29, also fell in love with space at an early age. It started with a spaceship toy his mother gave him when he was a kid. Today he’s a mission operations engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab.

Jefferson, who lives in California, and Jerry, who lives in Florida, meet up a few times a year, and their conversations are always about their shared love for space.

“What kind of planet would you live on?” Jerry asked his uncle at StoryCorps.

“Of course everybody’s going to say Mars, right? Are you going to say Mars?” Jefferson replied.

No, Jerry wants to live much farther from Mars: on an exoplanet (a planet beyond of the solar system) called Kepler452b. NASA announced its discovery of the Earth-like planet in 2015.

“There’re a lot of stars and a lot of exoplanets that we have to find, and so we need people like you to keep doing what you’re doing,” Jefferson told Jerry. Jefferson wants his nephew to not only hold on to his curiosity but also share what he learns with others. And Jerry has already gotten the chance to do that. As a kindergartner last year, he taught a lesson to the fifth graders in his school about the planets of the solar system.

“It was a big opportunity for me,” Jerry said. “I felt so proud.”

Jerry said he learns about space from his uncle. “I learned from you a lot, like more than I could imagine,” Jerry said.

“You’re learning so much by yourself, too, that you’re teaching me as well,” Jefferson said. “And that’s really cool. The more you learn, the more you realize the little things in life we take for granted are the very things that make life possible. So when I look up at the stars, I think about that.”

【小题1】What do Jerry Morrison and Joey Jefferson enjoy talking about when they meet?
A.How to build a close relationship.B.How to develop a similar lifestyle.
C.Their friends and families.D.Their common interest.
【小题2】What do we learn about Jerry Morrison?
A.He is very stubborn.B.He is very ambitious.
C.He will work at NASA.D.He is influenced by his mother.
【小题3】What made Jerry feel very proud?
A.Sharing his knowledge.B.Having strong curiosity.
C.Knowing a lot about space.D.Having a lesson about space.
【小题4】Which word can best describe Jefferson according to the last paragraph?
