听力选择题-短文 较易0.85 引用1 组卷68
【小题1】Why does the speaker deliver the speech?
A.To attract more students to join the English club.
B.To inform freshmen to choose their favorite club.
C.To introduce freshmen to all the clubs in the school.
【小题2】Who are most likely to join the club?
A.Those who are fascinated by physical activities.
B.Those who want to improve their oral English.
C.Those who long to make friends with foreigners.
【小题3】Which are annual activities?
A.English Corner discussions.
B.Singing competitions.
C.English performances.
【小题4】How can you join the English club?
A.Registering online.
B.Contacting Alice Lee.
C.Writing application letters.
知识点:学校活动组织与机构 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!