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In this digital age, information is increasingly digitized through the wide use of technology. Newspapers, magazines and even textbooks are becoming or expected to be digital soon. However, despite the sharp increase of such technology in daily life, print media is far from becoming unnecessary. I don’t think that reading in print is a dying mode.

Firstly, print offers a super reading experience. The feeling of holding a book in our hands, feeling its weight and turning over its pages, helps us to be immersed in and engaged fully with the material. The act of turning over pages also helps to direct ourselves in the concepts and structure of the text. In contrast, reading through a number of pages on a device is unsatisfying, and we can lose track of how much we have read. In addition, the artificial glow of digital screens tires one’s eyes out, and can even affect one’s sleep.

Moreover, physical copies express greater aesthetic (审美的) beauty than digital ones. The designs that beautify book covers and spines make the ideas complete and add beauty to our homes as well. The wrinkles that have accumulated over time leave us with an emotional attachment to the books themselves. Furthermore, the presentation of content in print also allows for greater appreciation of imagery (意象). In contrast to the restrictions of digital screens, the tangible (可触摸的) nature of print allows for clear imagery that is clear and impactful in its presence.

Advocates of digital print support the convenience of the medium. Indeed, e-readers   provide a convenient solution to storage and transportation. However, this carries its own weaknesses as well. For one, the use of digital media requires the investment in a smart device. For another, taking notes on the printed text is easier.

In conclusion, despite the conveniences afforded by digital media, physical print still remains a popular mode of reading today. The “less is more” nature of print media remains its strongest selling point today.

【小题1】Which of the following is true according to paragraph 2?
A.Too much digital reading will not influence our health.
B.Turning over pages helps to completely understand the texts.
C.Reading in print offers readers full engagement with materials.
D.Readers can exactly know how much they have read by digital reading.
【小题2】Where does the greater aesthetic beauty of physical copies lie?
A.A clear imagery.B.Abundant ideas.
C.Emotional dependence.D.Convenience of transportation.
【小题3】What’s the main purpose of the text?
A.To popularize two types of reading modes.
B.To persuade people to enjoy digital reading.
C.To inform people of a new trend in reading.
D.To argue why reading in print will not disappear.
【小题4】The author states the opinion by _________.
A.using examplesB.making a comparison
C.asking and answering questionsD.analyzing causes and effects
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Every year, most people set goals for themselves to read a certain number of books. 【小题1】. They can make your mind think deeper, teach you more about your field, sharpen your skills, and generally just help you grow to the next level. Whatever your field or interests might be, it’s very important to develop a habit to read beyond your horizons. 【小题2】.

Determine your reading goal

In order to create a reading habit and culture, it’s important to start off by setting a goal. 【小题3】. When you find concrete reasons and a purpose attached to your goal, you’ll be more motivated to keep pushing and achieve it.


Once you’re done setting your reading goal, you’ll need a list to back it up. Write out a list of the amazing books you want to read. A reading list will help you stay organized. Take it a step further by creating a log attached to that list, including the start and finish dates, key notes or lessons. A list and log with notes about your thoughts will encourage you to look through them months later, just in case you need some inspiration at some point.

Set reading time

【小题5】. Put away distractions such as the TV and other things that may affect your reading time. Ready for at least 30-40 minutes a day is a great start and would help you develop a concrete reading habit as you’ll always look forward to having your ‘me time’ that supports your reading goals.

In order to truly achieve your reading goals, you’ll need to be hungry to grow beyond your comfort zone.

A.Make a list of books
B.Invest in tools that encourage reading
C.Be determined to make it an enjoyable process
D.There are numerous benefits of reading good books
E.This goal should be clear and backed up with a purpose
F.Set aside specific time every day to read your assigned book
G.Here are tips to help you cultivate a better and consistent reading habit

Marie Lantelme! The name struck me from somewhere in the back of my mind. Miss Lantelme, as I called her in my youth, worked as a librarian at the East Meadow Public Library when I was a pre-teen girl.

On one occasion, in search of a book to read, I walked slowly over to the desk taken up by a librarian-Miss Lantelme. Serious, polite, and speaking with the voice of a professional(专业的) librarian, she asked what kind of book I liked to read. I thought about it for a few seconds and replied, “Mysteries(悬疑小说).” When I first learned to read, my grandfather gave me a book called The Smugglers of Sandy Bay. It was written by Ruth Holberg and still takes a place in my book collection. I sometimes hold it in my hand to reconnect with its mystical power.

Miss Lantelme told me to follow her, and she led me into the mystery part and pointed me in the direction of books written by Agatha Christie. Miss Lantelme handed me a book called The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. I will not tell the ending to anyone who has never read that book, but I loved the surprise that I never saw coming. Every week I dug deep into the works of that uncommon writer whose stories still attract me now.

On one occasion, Miss Lantelme handed me a book written by John le Carre. The title of the book is The Spy Who Came in from the Cold. For years, I waited for each new book by the recognized master of spy thrillers. Of course, I wished Miss Lantelme to hand the new mystery of John le Carre to me.

All these memories flashed through my mind while I sweated my way through my work—out of breath, giving thanks to the librarians of the world, like Miss Lantelme, who gave me a lifetime of joy, not only the stories.

【小题1】What made the author interested in mysteries?
A.The book her grandfather gave to her.B.The unknown feeling of a pre-teen girl.
C.The professional service of Lantelme.D.The opinion her grandfather gave to her.
【小题2】What can we infer about the author from paragraph 3?
A.She was interested in Agatha’s worksB.She took exercise around the library.
C.She bought a book from Lantelme.D.She went to Lantelme’s home.
【小题3】Which is the best title for the text?
A.An Impressive BookB.Lifelong Joy from My Grandfather
C.A Happy Memory for the BooksD.Three Books the Author Wanted to Read

2002 it was, and I, a young girl who set out with the idea of getting my own library card, was permitted by my mother, Nichelle Nichols, to walk the mile from Prince George to the library in nearby Port Perry.

Down the street from Port Perry High was the library—a dark-brown brick building, imposing to a child of only seven years old.

To the left of the sidewalk was a series of steps that I climbed to push through a heavy door into a very large room filled with books. To an older lady I said, “I’d like a library card, please.”

She replied, “The children’s section is downstairs.”

“But I want adult books, because I can read.”

“Well, you are a child. You can’t get a card up here.”

“I’m six and I can read and write.”

“Go along child,” she said in a pleasant but authoritative voice.

I found the side door and walked in, seeing short and low shelves full of children’s books. Upon opening one, I read, “See Spot run. Run Spot. Run.” I opened another book. It read, “Once upon a time there was.” Sighing quietly, I walked out and back up to the main desk. By now, it was getting dark and I had to hurry.

“You’re back.” said the librarian.

“Yes. I will make you a deal. You hand me any book you like. If I can read a paragraph in it, you’ll give me a library card.” Shrugging (耸肩) happily, she handed me a thick book, I opened it and began to read. When I finished, the lady took the book back without a word.

I waited for a while and finally the lady stood up, handing me two cards. On one was printed the days and times the library was open to adults, and on the other were the precious words, Bonita Sue Nichols. I thanked her and quickly left the library.

【小题1】What was the librarian’s response to the author’s request at first?
A.She made fun of it.B.She turned it down.
C.She took it seriously.D.She considered it reasonable.
【小题2】What did the author think of the books downstairs?
【小题3】Why did the librarian give the author a card?
A.She took pity on the author.
B.She was eager to get off work.
C.She found the author a good reader.
D.She was moved by the author’s courage.
【小题4】What does the story intend to tell us?
A.Courage is a solution.B.Age is a restriction.
C.Optimism leads to success.D.Ability opens a door.
