语法填空-单句语填 适中0.65 引用2 组卷137
The man ________ I spoke on the phone last night is very good at writing. (用适当的词填空)
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Possibly the most helpful and joy-bringing app I’ve added to my phone lately is Merlin, a free bird identification program 【小题1】 (create) by the Cornell University Lab of Ornithology.

There are many features the app offers, and my favorite is the birdsong listening feature, 【小题2】 you can turn on your phone’s microphone and hear recorded diverse birdsongs.

Hearing birdsong is a 【小题3】 (remind) that we’re not alone in the great outdoors — or in life. Taking a walk outdoors, I never cease to be 【小题4】 (pleasant) surprised to encounter far more birds than I thought. I also enjoy hearing different calls show up as 【小题5】 same species, evidence that the birds are communicating with each other.

The sense of calm, well-being and pleasure that I feel when I’m hearing birdsong 【小题6】 (support) by research. One study looked at 26,000 individuals in 26 European countries and found remarkably 【小题7】 (high) life-satisfaction among those who lived near diverse bird habitats. A fascinating finding was that 【小题8】 (see) 10 percent more bird species generated similar satisfaction to comparable increase in income.

So, when you take a walk outdoors or go for a hike, 【小题9】 (listen) for the birds that share your space. Perhaps you can be inspired by this Chinese proverb(谚语): “Keep a green tree in your heart, 【小题10】 perhaps a singing bird will come.”
