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Mateo, a seven-year-old boy, was very interested after seeing the wooden box on the sidewalk. The sign on the front said “Little Free Library”. Luisa, Mateo’s older sister, told him that people build boxes and put books inside so other people can take books they want and add ones they’ve already read.

The idea excited Mateo and he decided to make his own so kids could trade books. But Luisa was worried that kids may not notice it. Mateo wanted to have a try anyway, and he asked Luisa to help him. Luisa agreed and went to Papa for tools, while Mateo ran inside to collect books.

With Papa’s help, they built a wooden box. They put a door on it and attached the box to a post. Then they dug a hole in their front yard and stuck the post into the hole. Mateo arranged the books inside the box and closed the door. “Now I just have to wait,” he said.

Mateo ran outside three times that day to check. But each time, his books were the only ones inside. For the next few days, Mateo kept checking the box, but his books were still there.

“No kids noticed it and no one wants to trade books,” Mateo said in low spirits, kicking at the pebbles in the path.

“I know you really wanted your idea to work, Mateo,” Luisa comforted him. “I’m sorry it didn’t.”

The next two days, Mateo didn’t check the box. Luisa went to his room to encourage him to take a look in case someone decided to trade, but Mateo refused and buried himself in the sheets. Reading his frustration, Luisa let out a sigh and walked out of the room.

Paragraph 1

The next morning, Luisa asked Mateo to check the box again.

Paragraph 2

Finally, his chance came when Mateo saw his next-door neighbor Julianne walking up to the box with two books.

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Several years ago I had given some cash to a girl I met by chance because she needed some work done to her car. About a month later she sent me a card thanking me for helping out and repaid me, which I had never expected from her. The $ 200 she gave me was nice to have, but honestly was not needed.

About a week after I had been given this cash, I ate out. Then I noticed a homeless man sitting at a table next to me. He was taking shelter from the terrible weather we were having at the time, but was warned by the waitress that he couldn’t be there if he didn’t order anything. He asked how much a cup of coffee was, counted the few dollars he had in his pocket, and unwillingly ordered coffee so that he could stay inside.

Hearing all of this, I thought of the $ 200 cash and felt this could be someone I could help. I went up to sit beside him and told him that if he felt comfortable accepting my offer, I would buy him whatever food on the menu he wanted. He refused because he didn’t want to trouble me and put me out of money.

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I strongly suggested he accept my offer.
When I stood up to leave, he thanked me for the meal and the conversation.

“Anybody have a bandage (绷带)?” a voice echoed down the dorm hallway. That was a common scene frequently happening in our first week at college when we were all experiencing “forgot-this-or-that.” I had forgot to bring snacks for late-night hunger. Some poor girl in the dorm had apparently forgotten bandages. We all felt a little displaced.

Several months before, I sat at my high school graduation party admiring my gifts and battling waves of post-high school emotions. The usual and beloved inspirational books were lying in disorder around my feet, silently announcing the wealth of wisdom they wished to share. A small pile of personal checks lay nearby. Laundry items, desk supplies, sewing things - all well-intentioned and well-received. They would demonstrate their givers’ thoughtfulness over and over during my college career.

But one gift struck me as strange. I frowned when I opened it. A first aid kit? Inside it were a small packet of pills, pain-killers, creams, ointments (药膏), an insect sprayer (喷雾), a tape, pads of gauze (纱布)and bandages. Who would give that as a gift? “You’ll need that once you’re at school,” Mom pointed out. “You won’t have to chase down the campus nurse for every cough. ”I shrugged at this thought.

Not long after, in August, I packed my life into a borrowed truck and slipped the first-aid kit in with my luggage. I barely thought about it once I reached campus, busy unpacking, book-buying, scheduling and meeting new friends.

One day, I was peacefully sitting in my room, absorbed in preparing my studies. The quiet atmosphere was suddenly broken by a sharp scream, “Anybody have a bandage? Emily got her arm burnt!” The voice echoed through the dormitory hall, instantly throwing residents into a state of confusion and alarm.

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Paragraph 1:

I remembered my little first-aid kit.

Paragraph 2:

Years later, I received a party invitation from a young friend who was graduating from high school.


Miranda couldn’t believe she was still alive as she sat at her kitchen table, lighting the candles on her 100th birthday cake. She led a satisfying life, experiencing the world’s changes through wars, technology, music and love. Although she was grateful for her good health and long life, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of sadness as she realized that all her friends and loved ones had passed away.

When Miranda was young, she chose to prioritize (优先考虑) her career as a nurse over starting a family. She knew that her decision might be questioned by others, but she didn’t regret. Instead, she experienced a mix of emotions — a combination of achievement and occasional moments of loneliness. Despite this, Miranda found satisfaction in her independent life and rewarding career.

On her birthday, Miranda took a moment to recall the joyful memories of past birthdays, filled with laughter and excitement. With the gentle candlelight on her face, she closed her eyes and made a silent wish. Her wish was for a future where more people would be inspired to join the important field of healthcare, spreading kindness and offering healing to those who require it. Additionally, she hoped for a world where scientists and politicians would deeply recognize the urgent need to address climate change and take effective actions to protect the planet for generations to come.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Miranda wondered who could be at her door and went to answer it. A strange man, in his 60s or early 70s, stood on her doorstep. He called her as Nurse Estevez and smiled warmly. Confused, Miranda asked if she knew him, but she couldn’t recognize his face. The man introduced himself as Adrian, but Miranda still couldn't remember him. She asked him for a hint (提示) to help jog her memory.

1.续写词数应为 150左右;

Adrian told Miranda about how she was his nurse when he was a young boy.


Miranda felt a long-lost happiness and connection thanks to Adrian’s presence.

