书面表达-读后续写 困难0.15 引用2 组卷177

Larry had butterflies in his stomach. Today was the day for him to meet his girlfriend Kate’s parents. He was planning to leave them a good impression, so he was in his finest suit. On the way, he secretly recited a few jokes he picked up online the previous night. His weird behavior caught Kate’s attention.

“What are you doing, honey?” she asked. Blushing, Larry told her what he was doing. She, on the other hand, actually found his eagerness to please her family quite cute. “Well, let’s hear your jokes.” she said teasingly.

They were so immersed in their chatter and laughter that before they knew it, they had arrived at the house of Kate’s parents, who gave them a warm welcome. As an orphan, that night, Larry felt the love and warmth he had always longed for since childhood.

The next day, they drove downtown to pick their engagement ring. Everything was working out just perfectly. However, on their way home, a truck driven by a drunk driver smashed into their car, sending it flying off the roadside down a steep hill before it got stuck between several trees.

Larry struggled out of his seat to save the then unconscious Kate. As he made every effort to wake her up, the car began to slip down again. With only seconds to act, he hastily removed her seat belt and pushed her out of the car before it fell downhill again with him trapped inside.

A rescue team finally arrived and drove them to a nearby hospital. Under the doctors’ treatment, Kate woke up the next day. She was only slightly injured, but Larry remained unconscious due to severe damage done to his brain caused by the heavy impact.

Para 1: The doctors were afraid Larry might never wake up again.
Para 2: Larry told Kate to leave him and find someone else.
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Dear Mom, Clear My Calendar
September is around the comer, and some of us are already complaining about summer's end. But parents have a special reason to do so. The end of summer means the start of school. And these days, planning a young child’s schedule is a big challenge. The challenge is no longer finding activities to fill a child's day; it is saying no to the hundreds of options available. Our mailbox is filled with brochures urging us to sign our kids up for classes from cooking to martial arts.

Educators are themselves discouraged by the number of special classes that many children attend. In the name of “enrichment”, three-year-olds not only go to preschool in the morning but study French or gymnastics after lunch. One teacher tells of a four-year-old asking for help in the toilet before hurrying off to tennis. Another teacher says that children sometimes hold on to her at pick up time. What happened to unstructured time?

I pressed my fist into Dad’s old baseball glove as I stared out of the window of my stepfather’s van. Not a day went by that I didn’t think about Dad and how much I missed him.

The van stopped at the edge of the baseball field. “Hey, buddy, have fun at practice. And don’t forget about your sister’s recital (表演) tonight,” said my stepfather as I climbed out.

Zoe is not my sister, and you can’t tell me what to do, I grumbled (嘟囔) to myself.

A bunch of guys from the team waved from the dugout. I jogged over half-heartedly. “Why do you look so unhappy?” David asked. “I have to go to my stepsister’s dance recital,” I sighed. “It could be worse,” David replied. I shot him an I-highly-doubt-that expression. “What if you had to perform in it?” Kevin said as he leaped and twirled (旋转) like a rodeo bull. I tried not to smile.

The truth was that I had a lot of mixed-up feelings since Mom remarried a few months ago. I had always loved baseball, but even that felt different lately. I could barely concentrate.

After practice, David and I sat together waiting for our ride. “I wish things didn’t have to change,” I said, “you know, for my mom and me.” “I have a stepmother and stepbrother too,” David said as if it were no big deal. “Seriously?” I hadn’t realized that, so I asked. David shrugged, “They’re just Mom and Dennis now. Give it a chance.” I let out a breath, still unsure about the recital tonight. Still unsure about everything!

Back home, I found Zoe in her costume, but something was wrong. Her arms were folded tight across her chest, and her eyes were glossed with tears. “What’s wrong, Zoe?” I asked. “Opening night jitters (战战兢兢),” my stepfather said. “She doesn’t want to be in the recital,” Mom said.

Huh. This should have been the best thing that could have happened — the possibility of not having to go to the performance. But somehow it wasn’t. Zoe had practiced so hard. And she’d reminded me at least a thousand times where she would be onstage.

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2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Thinking of Kevin’s funny dance, I had an idea.


After Zoe disappeared into dancers backstage, we found our seats.


It was six o'clock when Breanna heard her mother’s phone receive a text message as it’s at on the kitchen bench. “Mum, I bet it’s Dad!” Breanna said and jumped up from the sofa, books spilling out in front of her. She had been deciding which story her dad would read in one of his funny voices for the night. Breanna’s mum rubbed her temples (太阳穴) and sighed softly. “Honey, would you mind seeing if that’s Daddy? I’ve got a bad headache but I want to start cooking a lovely meal for us to enjoy tonight.”

“Sure, mum,” Breanna skipped into the kitchen to check the phone. Her dad had been away for two whole nights working on a malfunction (故障) at his company’s warehouse that was at risk of theft. Breanna felt sure he’d been able to act like a superhero and save the day — but did it have to take so long? She picked up the phone and read the message, “Just leaving now — can’t wait to see you both.” Breanna confirmed excitedly, “It’s from Daddy! He’s on his way home!”

Her mother managed a weak smile as her daughter clapped her hands with joy. It had been four months since she’d lost her job and with only one income to support the family. Her husband had taken on as many shifts and extra duties as he could to make ends meet. Times were tough and he was working long hours, but it made the time Breanna spent with her daddy even more special. “Oh, that’s wonderful news. Now let’s see what I can find to eat,” her mother rose painfully from the sofa and added.

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“Great! Mum’s got a bad headache but I’m going to help her cook dinner. See you soon!” Breanna sent her dad a quick reply.


Another message from her father drew Breanna’s attention.

