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Famous Israeli gastronome (美食家) Michal Ansky is a professional taster and a Master Chef judge. So when she was invited to the world’s first public blind taste test setting lab-grown chicken into competition against a conventionally raised product, she was confident that she would be able to tell the difference.

Surrounded by cameras at a restaurant bar, she tasted from two dishes, labeled A and B. A team of lawyers looked on, tasked with making sure that the tasting truly was blind. Even the chef who sautéed (嫩煎) the meat in sunflower oil—no salt, no seasonings—didn’t know which was which. Both were flavorless, Ansky noted, but she would bet her reputation that sample A was the real thing. It had a richer, more “chickeny” taste.

The tasting was hosted by a meat-tech startup SuperMeat at its in-house restaurant, The Chicken. Ever since 2013, when the first lab-grown hamburger was presented to the public with a $330,000 price tag, alternative-meat companies have been inching closer to a product that is just as tasty and nearly as affordable as the real thing, but without the climate impacts. One new study found high-income countries could cut agricultural emissions (排放物) by almost two-thirds by moving away from animal-based foods.

But one question remains: Would consumers be able to tell the difference? SuperMeat decided to put its product to the test without the deep frying and sauces that are usually used to mask a lack of flavor. Sample B had less flavor, so Ansky reasoned that it had to be the one grown in a lab. She was so convinced of her decision that when SuperMeat founder Ido Savir announced that it was in fact A that was lab-grown, she corrected him. “No,” she said. “A is the real chicken.”

A day later, I spoke to Ansky about the tasting. “It’s one of the only times in my life that I’m really happy that I was wrong,” she admitted.

【小题1】What do we know about the taste test?
A.It was hosted by a chicken-themed restaurant.
B.Food samples were made with different flavors.
C.Michal Ansky was invited to the test for her reputation.
D.Lawyers were involved to ensure the authority of the activity.
【小题2】The purpose of hosting the taste test is to prove that ________.
A.lab-grown chicken tastes as good as raised chicken
B.meat eaters turn a blind eye to the taste of chicken
C.even a world-famous gastronome can make mistakes
D.chicken should be cooked well to appeal to customers
【小题3】What is the biggest advantage of lab-grown chicken?
A.More chickeny taste.
B.More affordable price.
C.Less artificial flavor.
D.Less carbon footprint.
【小题4】Why did Ansky say that she was happy that she was wrong?
A.She wanted to ease her embarrassment.
B.She saw a milestone in the food industry.
C.She changed people’s opinion of her job.
D.She believed in the power of making mistakes.
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Findings coming from a new report by the Pew Research Center of Washington D. C. show that Americans are worried about new technology. They are concerned that machines, including robots, will take over work now done by humans.

About 75 percent of Americans questioned by Pew said automation (自动化) will increase income inequality between the rich and the middle class and the poor. And 64 percent of people expect automation to be so common in America that people will face difficulty finding things to do with their lives.

Some of the concerns about technology come from a distrust about whether machines will always make the right decision. Many Americans believe humans have better judgment in dealing with complex matters. One example is selecting a person for a job. Three quarters of Americans said they would not want to apply for a job that uses a computer program to choose the most qualified person.

Most Americans want the government to limit automation. For example, 87 percent support a requirement that all driverless vehicles have a human in the driver’s seat, who can take control when needed. And 85 percent want to limit machines to mostly doing jobs that are dangerous or unhealthy for humans. And only 25 percent expect more jobs to come from automation. Pew said.

Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder of Facebook, spoke last May to graduating seniors from Harvard University in Massachusetts. His talk centered on the uncertain future facing young people. “Our generation will have to deal with tens of millions of jobs replaced by automation like self-driving cars and trucks,” Zuckerberg told the graduates.

Zuckerberg said young people will have to find projects that will bring both jobs and direct benefits to the people of the world. He said in his speech that 300, 000 people worked to put a man on the moon, and millions of people built the Hoover Dam as well as other great projects over the last 100 years.

【小题1】What do Americans think of technology?
【小题2】Why do Americans want a human in driverless vehicles?
A.To reduce the cost.B.To ensure safety.
C.To test the new technology.D.To entertain the passengers.
【小题3】What did Zuckerberg encourage the students to do?
A.Fight against robots.
B.Consider large projects.
C.Explore new job chances.
D.Refuse self-driving vehicles.
【小题4】Which of the following can be the title of the text?
A.New Technology Creates More Jobs
B.Americans Worry Robots Will Take Jobs
C.New Technology Makes New Unfairness
D.Robots Make Work Easy to Do for Workers

Pindar Van Arman is a painter, but he’s also a software designer. He has built some machines and worked on a DARPA challenge team in California to build a self-driving car. His latest project? A robot painter, BitPaintr.

BitPaintr is Van Arman’s fifth robot in 10 years. Earlier versions included devices that produced simpler paintings with algorithms (算法). But the idea for BitPaintr is simple: A user just uploads a picture, and it can paint totally on its own and develop its own style.

Although his friends joke that he has invented a really expensive, slow, bad painter, Van Arman says teaching a machine how to be creative has helped him get to the bottom of what creativity is — and appreciate it.

“When you’re trying to teach a machine to do something that’s easy for humans, it really makes you sit back and see what humans are doing,” he says.

So what is creativity, then, if a robot with a paintbrush can be — or appear to be — just as creative as a human with a paintbrush?

Mark Riedl, a professor at the Georgia Tech School of Interactive Computing, says it depends on how you define creativity. “There is creativity and Creativity,” Riedl says. “Being ‘creative’ usually has something to do with the little things that we do hundreds of times in our daily lives. They could be creative, but usually aren’t. To be ‘Creative’ is to have an imagination that will have a huge impact on a social level — the Picassos and the Mozarts of the world; the people who have produced something that’s taken on this additional level of meaning.”

Riedl admits what robots create is far from human-level quality art, but he sees robots entering the creative process as a positive thing.

“We want the computers to keep up with us,” he says. “And thanks to researchers like Van Arman, it seems like they will, although they will not replace us, but to help us to be more creative.”

【小题1】Which is a new quality of BitPaintr?
【小题2】What is Van Arman’s friends’ attitude to BitPaintr?
【小题3】What does Mark Riedl suggest about computers?
A.They will defeat the greatest artists soon.
B.They can produce “Creative” things by themselves.
C.They will learn more from the Picassos and the Mozarts.
D.They can help us to do daily things in more “creative” ways.
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Can BitPaintr-like Robots Replace Artists in the Future?
B.Why Do People Have Sharply Different Views on AI Robots?
C.What Is the Difference Between the Two Kinds of Creativity?
D.Can BitPaintr Be Considered a “Creative” Painting Software?

Too much sitting is bad for you!

Most of us are guilty of excess sitting. We sit at school, at our computers and in front of the TV, moving only to change from one seat to another. Some studies suggest that people who sit all day reduce their life expectancy by around two years compared to those who are more active.【小题1】 It is clear that constant sitting at home, at school and in the workplace is harmful to health.

A school in Minnesota decided to experiment with a new ‘standing classroom’ design. They removed the standard desks and replaced them with high tables. These new tables are at chest level and have a swinging footrest. 【小题2】The students appear to be more attentive, more alert and able to concentrate better. At the beginning of the experiment, there were no chairs, but the school has now added some high chairs because not all of the students wanted to stand all day.

【小题3】 Results show that their time is now divided fairly equally between when they stand, when they walk around the classroom and when they sit, with each of the three activities accounting for about one third of their time.

Other schools are now calculating the costs and benefits of using standing desks. Many are keen to improve their students’ results, and they carefully consider all their performance and attendance data before making a final decision. Parents also need to be consulted as they may have doubts about the effect of these changes on their children. Some schools even organise after-school events where parents, students and teachers can experience a lesson in the newstyle standing classroom.【小题4】 A classroom with traditional desks and chairs costs less than half that of a ‘standing classroom’.

Dr Khan is unsure how much teenagers can change. He believes that, at that age, they have firmly established habits and they don’t want to do things differently. 【小题5】He adds that a mix of standing desks and traditional seating ensures that all students can work in the way that suits them.

A.They might be reluctant to stand for lessons and they should be allowed to choose whether to stand or sit.
B.Today’s teenagers are particularly at risk because of the hours they spend using digital technology.
C.Today, schools face a huge challenge to reduce the amount of time students spend sitting.
D.As well as the expected health advantages, teachers have noticed other improvements.
E.Medical researchers have found evidence that sitting for long periods increases the risk of obesity and diabetes.
F.Students are happy with their new environment and especially enjoy the background music, which has been added to improve their learning.
G.It is essential that everyone understands the value of these changes as they are expensive to introduce.
