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What They Found Inside an Old Sofa Bought for $20 Was Life-Changing

In 2021, SUNY students Reese Werkhoven, Lara Russ, and Cally Guasti were living together in a small apartment. They decided to furnish their apartment.

The three had gone to a Salvation Army store to buy a sofa, and were forced to settle for an old, rather smelly specimen that none of them really liked, but was the only one that was affordable and would fit in their living room. That day, as they were testing out their new purchase, they noticed that something was making a crinkling noise inside the cushions (垫子). Upon further investigation, they discovered a few bubble-wrapped envelopes inside the sofa.

When they opened the envelopes, they were in shock. A large amount of cash was inside. As they continued to pick apart the piece of furniture, they discovered more and more money. Guasti said, “Just when we thought we pulled out the last envelope, we’d find another $1,000 a few minutes later.”

After some time, the three roommates had unearthed a good $40,000 in cash. The fantasies of what they could do with all this money started flowing immediately.

However, they were quickly brought back to reality when they saw that there was a woman’s name on one of the envelopes. That was when the moral dilemma started — what to do? Keep the money for themselves, or try to find the owner?

The three consulted their parents for advice, and the next day, Werkhoven got a call from his mom. She had tracked down the mystery woman and found a phone number.


Werkhoven called the number his mom had given him, and an elderly woman picked up.


For 30 years, the money had remained safe inside the sofa.

知识点:善行义举(个人)生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!


I was aimlessly pressing buttons on the remote, trying to find something on TV that would occupy my mind for a while. A thunderstorm rolled in just before dusk. The heavy rain and blowing wind intensified my loneliness.

Three years after my child Marie went to college, you’d think I would have adjusted to being alone. Though I coped fairly well during the day, I had a tough time getting through the nights. My friends and family urged me to get out more, but I didn’t seem to socialize well as a lonely mother.

Boredom had taken me to the edge of sleep when the soft rap came at my door. For a moment I thought it was the TV, but when I glanced at the screen, there were cowboys riding across the desert. I turned and looked at the door. Then the rapping came again, soft, hesitant.

I jumped up and hurried to the door to let whoever was on the other side come in out of the rain. When I pulled the door open, I was surprised to see a small, attractive woman. In her arms she carried an equally wet small black puppy. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could utter a word, I pulled the door open wider. “Come in out of the rain.”

Giving me a grateful nod, she stepped inside, apologizing at the same time for dripping water on my carpet. I was about to comment on her puppy, when she handed him to me. “I almost hit your puppy before I braked hard. He ran into your yard, so I thought he must be yours.”

I took the puppy from her and told her that it wasn’t mine. Anyway, I invited her for some hot coffee. Strangely, while she was drinking the coffee, the puppy was curled up in my lap fast asleep. “He sure likes you,” she said, grinning at the warm sight and left it with me. I named it Rick, and kept it at my side.


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The first few days saw me buying the necessities for Rick.


Apart from our routine walk in the open, I began to socialize as well.



An expedition with friends

Joseph was my best friend. He was the only son of Adam Tan, a well-known former athlete and a member of the first Malaysia team to reach the South Pole in an expedition. Hence, many expected Joseph to be as sporting as his father. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Since he was young, he has been physically weak. He suffered from asthma (哮喘) and preferred to stay indoors. He preferred to read books and was nicknamed “Professor”unkindly in class. He did not seem to mind these remarks until one day. That particular day marked the first death anniversary of his father who died tragically on the last mile of his expedition in the Mautu wilderness in Africa.

So on this anniversary of his father’s death,he was stung by Bala and Azhar, his classmates. They had called him “weakling”,remarking that he was a disgrace to his father. He lost his cool and fought with the bullies. Of course, he lost. From that day onwards, Joseph devoted himself to building up his body and turned his efforts enthusiastically to sports. No one, he vowed, would bully or compare him unfavorably to his father.

Joseph joined the scout’s troop (童子军) in my school and became its leader. We were all excited when we learned that the school had planned an expedition in Kalimantan, Indonesia. It was also meant to be in memory of Joseph’s father, who was its former adviser.

The expedition really tested the spirit and skills of my fellow scouts. Determined, we crossed a mountain, a river and a forest. The last stage was the jungle and we were within sight of our target. We had only four more kilometers to cover before we would successfully complete our expedition in the required time.

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However, just before the last kilometer, Joseph’s asthma recurred (复发).


The welcome team stopped their cheering when they saw us carrying Joseph.


Brrrring! The bell finally rang as I rushed out of the classroom. I couldn’t wait to play the song for Mia. My schoolmate Mia and I had been working for weeks on a song for Saturday’s band competition. “How to make it perfect?” I thought as I ran down the stairs.

“Hey, buddy!” David came up. “Ready for playing basketball after school? I have been practicing my shot.” He turned around quickly and shot an imaginary ball into the air. My mind spun (快速旋转) quickly too. Oh, I forgot! I forgot I had promised David a ball game!

I didn’t want to disappoint him, but I was eager to try out the new ending of the song with Mia. Maybe if I had an excuse to skip… “Hey, David,” I said, “I don’t feel so good.” I pretended to give a small cough. “Another time?” Worried about my health, David comforted me. “Sure, no problem, have a good rest, OK?”

Seeing David off, I let out a sigh of relief. Telling a lie was easier than I imagined. Now I could practice the song and David’s feelings would not be hurt. The white lie worked!

I rushed forward as Mia had been waiting for me in the music room. “Mia, I’ve got a new idea!” “Perfect!” She held her guitar with a big smile.

“That sounded great… Bob.” David stood at the door with his eyebrows raised. Oh no. It’s David. Why is he here? “Thanks,” I said, trying to think quickly. “You see…I came home and suddenly was fine. I should have met you at the court, but Mia stopped me on my way to…”

At that moment, Mia and David seemed to understand something.

David turned around and left, leaving Mia and me standing there.
Mia was right, and I determined to make things right.
