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If you’ve been reading my reports from Australia, you’d be wondering why I haven’t mentioned the people I’m travelling with. 【小题1】 I’m quite used to doing things on my own and I quite often go and visit places by myself.

【小题2】 On the one hand, I can just please myself and do exactly what I want to do without worrying about anyone else. I can spend as much time as I want appreciating (欣赏) exhibitions, or I can just miss out the bits I’m not interested in. It’s great! But other times, I think it would be nice to have a partner with me. Like watching fireworks over Darling Harbor, I wanted to turn to someone and say “ Wow, did you see that! ”

People often talk to you more than they would if you were with someone else. On the plane, I chatted with Lucy who was going on holiday. I quickly made friends with Rhiannon in Singapore airport. I love chatting to new people, but quite often I get the feeling that people talk to you only because they feel bad for you having no company (陪伴). 【小题3】

The strangest thing has been other people’s reactions. When I walk into a restaurant and ask for a table for one, the waiter looks surprised. And the surprise only increases when I tell them I’m here on business. Yes, that’s right. I’m not on holiday. It’s not only middle-aged men in suits who go on business trips, a young woman in her flowery dress can too. 【小题4】 And I must try hard not to do so myself.

Doing things on your own can be scary, but it’s also so rewarding (有益的). 【小题5】 Hey, if I can fly to the other side of the world all by myself, then I can do anything!

A.That’s because there isn’t anyone.
B.Travelling alone has its ups and downs.
C.There’re oceans of advantages about travelling alone.
D.But just because I’m alone it doesn’t mean I’m lonely!
E.People tend to distrust you when they see you on your own.
F.Travelling by myself has made me so much more confident.
G.It reminds me how much we judge people by their appearance.
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The Importance of Failure

When the world-famous author J.K. Rowling gave a speech at a Harvard University graduation ceremony, some may have a little surprised by the topic she chose: “The Benefits of Failure”.

Rowling’s first novel was rejected by 12 publishers before it was finally published, yet paradoxically, it was this experience that helped her to succeed: “Failure taught me things about myself that I could have learnt no other way. I discovered that I had a strong will, and more discipline than I had expected.”

The late Apple CEO Steve Jobs experienced failure early in his career, when he was fired form the company he had co-founded. He felt despair and rejection. However, it was, in his view, “the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods in my life.”

Even Bill Gates has experienced failure. His first company was called Traf-O-Data, but unfortunately, its product didn’t work. It was a total disaster. But what Gates learnt from this experience helped lay the groundwork for the global success that is now Microsoft. He didn’t make the same mistake twice.

Talented fashion designer Vera Wang has built a global fashion empire, yet life wasn’t always so straightforward. A dedicated ice skater as a young woman, Wang was bitterly disappointed when she did not make the 1968 US Olympic team. She gave up sport and joined Vogue as an assistant editor, but was crushed. After 15 years at the magazine, she was passed over for promotion to editor-in-chief. However, this setback prompted her to set up her own bridal fashion label. The rest is history.

Ang Lee, a worldwide-famous director, wasn’t successful either as a student or as an actor. Twice failing the college entrance examination at home, Lee turned to study drama in the US, but his poor English prevented his form becoming an actor. After being accepted for a directing major, Lee spent six years looking for opportunities to direct a film, but was only asked to look after filming equipment. He then spent most of his time writing plays which were rejected by more than 3- companies within two weeks. During six years with no income, he had to depend on his wife. In the end, whit his wife’s encouragement and his determination, all his efforts finally paid off.

All these individuals share something in common: At tough moments in their lives, they showed grit. But what is “grit” exactly? Put simply, it’s a passion for something and the determination to work hard and to stick with it. It’s very easy to give up when we his setbacks, but people who have grit keep going.

So. how can we become “grittier”? This is where the importance of failure comes in” If we can learn how to manage failure, we’ll learn how to succeed. By working through a series of failures, we’re better prepared for the bigger challenges we’ll face int the adult world: We’ll have the resilience we need to keep going. We’ll have true grit.

【小题1】What did J.K. Rowling learn from her failures?
【小题2】Please paraphrase the underlined sentence.
【小题3】According to the passage, please decide which part of the following statement is false, then underline it and explain why.
The people in the text have in common in that they all had great talent in what they had done.
【小题4】What can we learn from failure? / How can we learn from failure?

Last year, I found myself in a situation: at a friend’s drinks, speaking to a total stranger. Not long into our conversation, my brain started searching for escape routes. I’m comfortable admitting that, before COVID-19, I didn’t think “meeting new people” was on my list of preferred pastimes. Maintaining relationships takes time, so why open myself up to someone new if there’s no obvious connection?

Then the pandemic hit. Like many people, I was restricted to a year of limited socializing with a very small circle of friends. I’ve met a handful of new colleagues over Zoom in the last 12 months—but I can’t remember one meaningful in-person connection with someone new.

To my surprise, I now have a strong desire for meeting new people. I’d love to connect with a friend-of-a-friend at the pub or a new colleague over a slightly-too-warm white wine after work. I miss having unexpected things in common with people, but also hearing new perspectives on issues outside my own experiences.

The sense of connection with a new person can be thrilling. A 2018 study explored what happened to the brains of young adults when they met new people, and found that even 10 minutes of social interaction with a new person boosts cognitive performance. Other studies have linked new social interaction to better social and emotional wellbeing and improved life satisfaction.

I may not have had a “lockdown glow up” in the aesthetic (美感) sense, but I have learned about myself. Before the pandemic, I hadn’t realized that new people were a vital part of my social ecosystem. As the end of lockdown approaches. I’m prepared to find the courage to show strangers a less guarded version of myself.

【小题1】What can we learn about the author before the pandemic?
A.He loved being alone.
B.He was outgoing and sociable.
C.He enjoyed making new friends.
D.He had no desire to meet new people.
【小题2】The 2018 study is mentioned to
A.link new social interaction to better life
B.show the benefits of meeting new people
C.imply the anxiety caused by meeting new people
D.explain how the pandemic affects human brains
【小题3】Which of the following may the author agree with?
A.It pays to open yourself up to old friends.
B.It’s vital to guard yourself against strangers.
C.Meeting new people may bring excitement to life.
D.Zoom help people build close connections with strangers.
【小题4】What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.The author didn’t think well of the lockdown.
B.Lockdown enhanced the author’s aesthetic ability.
C.The author’s aesthetic ability needed to be improved.
D.The pandemic helped the author better understand himself.
