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Do you remember the name of your kindergarten teacher? I do. Her name was Mrs White. I don’t remember much about what we learned in her class, but my mother once told me that we used to write a lot. And I would bring back what I wrote and she would look at it and see there were so many mistakes. But no red corrections. And always a star. It worried my mother, so one day she went to meet Mrs White and asked her why she never corrected my mistakes or pointed out grammatical errors.

Mrs White said, “The children are just beginning to get excited about using words and forming sentences. I don’t want to dampen (使受挫折) that enthusiasm with red ink. Spelling and grammar can wait. The wonder of words won’t…” She maybe didn’t say it exactly like that. My mother gave me what she could remember. I added in the rest. I grew up learning to use words like that.

And it occurred to me that if Mrs. White had used her red pen more, I probably wouldn’t be telling you about this now. I look back now and think she must have been a rather extraordinary teacher to allow the joy, wonder and excitement of expression to flower like that. Because to bloom is better than not to bloom.

I used to misspell ‘beautiful’ a lot. Pretty is easier to spell but it doesn’t hold as much as you mean sometimes. I kept on using ‘beautiful’. Eventually the letters settled into their right places. And thanks to Mrs White, I had been writing what I meant even if I couldn’t quite spell it out. Life isn’t Pretty. It’s Beautiful.

【小题1】What worried the author’s mother?
A.The author’s learning little.B.The author’s not getting a star.
C.The teacher’s not using red pens.D.The author’s uncorrected mistakes.
【小题2】Why didn’t Mrs White correct the children’s mistakes?
A.She didn’t have a red pen.B.She was too busy to do that.
C.She wanted to protect their excitement.D.She just ignored the children’s mistakes.
【小题3】What is the author’s attitude towards Mrs White?
【小题4】Which of the following can best describe Mrs White as a teacher?
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It is no secret that physical activity is necessary to a person’s well­being.Because children are continuously developing physically and emotionally,they are especially affected by the benefits of activity.Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s initiative “Let’s Move!” reports that nearly one­third of US children are overweight or obese,and that “schools are a key setting for kids to get their 60 minutes of play with moderate activity,given the significant portion(部分) of time they spend there.”

Physical education programs in schools directly benefit students’ physical health.Regular exercise promotes muscles and bone development.In addition to participating in physical activity,students in P. E.learn the fundamentals of a healthful lifestyle,the building blocks upon which they can develop into healthy,knowledgeable adults.

Though the lack of attention on P. E.is often justified as an opportunity to spend more time in the classroom,studies show that physical activity contributes to improved academic performance.Regular activity during the school day is strongly associated with higher concentration levels.A statewide policy in North Carolina requires that children from kindergarten to eighth grade participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day.

Activities in P. E.help children develop healthful social interactions.From a young age,children learn cooperation through group activities and form a positive sense of identity as part of a team.Such group activities are continually important as children grow older.The International Platform on Sport and Development states that sport has been used as a practical tool to engage young people in their communities through volunteering,resulting in higher levels of leadership and community engagement among young people.

The benefits of P. E.to a child’s mental health are both complex and comprehensive.Improved physical health,academics and social interactions all contribute to good mental health.Physical activity sets the stage for a good night’s sleep,provides more energy to participate in hobbies and interact with others.

【小题1】The first paragraph implies that         .
A.children are becoming much lazier nowadays
B.some schools have forbidden physical activity
C.most parents are dissatisfied with school education
D.schools must pay more attention to physical education
【小题2】Physical education is ignored in a way because         .
A.children dislike taking physical activity
B.schools are worried about children’s safety
C.students should have more time for study
D.less sporting equipment is available to school children
【小题3】What is the author’s possible attitude towards the policy in North Carolina?
Fairview Elementary School, Modesto, California, with some 1,000 students from kindergarten through sixth grade (about 80 percent of them Latino), has long suffered from discipline (纪律) problems, poor test scores, and a near total lack of parental involvement. The difficulties aren't surprising given that many of the parents -- immigrants who work on farms or in factories -- speak little or no English.
Since 2002, Fairview Elementary School has been a First Amendment School, one of 97 developed across the country by the First Amendment Center. The idea behind the five-year-old program: To keep America strong, children must be trained to respect many points of view, weigh complex issues, and understand the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution (宪法). As students learn good citizenship, the theory goes, they'll develop the skills and attitude to do well academically.
Fairview students enjoy" freedoms" other kids might envy (they voted to abolish school uniforms, for example). But the children don't just exercise rights. They also accept such responsibilities as speaking up during class discussions, and keeping the school clean and safe (Fairview is rated the cleanest of 33 schools in its district). In one departure from tradition, there’s no hand-raising in class. "Instead," says teacher Deborah Supnet, "we teach them to listen for when the other child stops talking. "Call it an exercise in respect.
Last year, the number of students evaluated advanced in math increased, from 15 to 30 percent. And Fairview graduates in their first middle-school mid-term exam averaged B grades; 96 percent passed all subjects. Particularly encouraging to Principal Rob Williams, the school now has an active parents' group, Parents With a Voice. One of those parents, Laura Malagon, praises the program for convincing her to play a more active role in her children's school fife.
Fresh ideas that are making the grade
The 76. ______
Students of Fairview Elementary School used to have trouble 77, ______
themselves and getting good grades.
Their parents didn't get actively 78. ______ in their children’s school life.
The strategy
Students are trained to 79. ________ different opinions and get a better
80. ________ of the freedoms.
Students learn to be good 81. ______ and improve their 82._______ per-
The signs of
Students 83. ________ on more responsibilities.
A(n) 84. ________ number of students do well in math.
Parents take a more active 85. ________ in their children’s school life.

A typical school day in the UK starts around 8:30 am. This is often even earlier elsewhere in the world, with students sitting down to their first lesson at 7:30 am in the US. According to studies about sleep, the average teenager needs eight to nine hours’ sleep each night, but in fact a lot of teenagers struggle to get this much. A lot of problems happen because our sleep patterns are not fixed and they change as we grow.

So, a later school start time could help to solve this problem, by making sure teenagers can get eight plus hours of sleep and react properly to body’s natural rhythms (规律). There has been a general change over the past 25 years to shorten the school day. This is not at the cost of teaching time but at the cost of natural breaks, which has led to reduced lunch time and lesson breaks.

Actually, later start times could help teens’ grades and health. This is mainly because it makes the management of children easier. Managing hundreds of children “playing” requires effective staffing. And there is always the fear that behavior worsens during breaks. So the theory (理论) goes that having children in class and strictly supervised must be better. But this means that students seldom have enough time to absorb (吸收) what they were doing in maths before suddenly they are forced to study ancient history. And teaching staff also move through from one class to another, with hardly a rest or time to refocus.

Professor Wilson from Yale University has studied sleep patterns for almost ten years. He said that the later start time of the school day could benefit everyone included. Anyway, it could also lead to better achievement in teenagers and less of a struggle for parents in the mornings. For teachers, it could also mean a less stressful day all around and what could be better than that?

【小题1】What can we learn from paragraph 1?
A.Teenagers need less than eight hours’ sleep.B.Sleep patterns are not changing as we grow.
C.Teenagers don’t get enough sleep.D.The first lesson starts at 8:30 am in the US.
【小题2】What is the result of shortening the school day?
A.Poorer management of the students.B.Longer teaching time in each class.
C.More harm to parents.D.Shorter lunch time and lesson breaks.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “supervised” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
【小题4】What’s Professor Wilson’s attitude towards later start time of the school day?
